Math 105-94 – Fundamentals of Mathematics


Math 105-94 – Fundamentals of Mathematics

July 8, 2003 – August 14, 2003

TR 6:15 – 9:30

Lindner 103

Instructor: Mr. Chris Staat





Hinkle 131

745 – 3250 (X – 3250)

T and R 4:00 – 6:00



Goal: The purpose of this course is to review the basics of algebra. Integers, rational numbers, and order of operations will all be reviewed. Functions in their contexts as well as their algebraic and graphical representations will be considered. We will look at linear and quadratic equations and the algebra of each. The use of the

TI – 83 graphing calculator will also be introduced.

Text: Elementary Algebra: A Prerequisite for Functions

By: Abney, Mowers, Calland, and Crowley

Materials: TI-83 graphing calculator

Homework: It is suggested that you do all of the odd problems at the end of each unit. These are intended to help you practice and master the skills of each unit. These will not be collected for a grade. There will also be no less than 4 and no more than 6 homework projects. These will be collected and assigned a grade towards your overall grade for the course. The average of these projects counts for 15% of your grade.

Tests: There will be three (3) tests not counting the final exam. Each of these tests will cover two (2) units from the text. See the course schedule for test dates. Each test counts as 20% of your grade.

On test days, we will have open review until 7:30. At 7:30 the test will begin.

Final Exam: There will be a cumulative final exam on Thursday, August 15. The final exam accounts for 25% of your grade.

Grades: A = 92 – 100

B = 82 – 91

C = 72 – 81

D = 60 – 71

F = below 60
