Chemistry 20 -

Chemistry 20
Spruce Grove Composite High
Instructor: Brad Langdale
Winter 2013
Two inch binder.
1 package lined loose-leaf paper.
1 package standard graph paper (1 cm x 1 cm is best, but whatever you can find).
Pencil, eraser, blue or black and red pen.
Scientific calculator.
Hair ties (for lab work).
Nelson Chemistry Alberta 20/30 (Jenkins et al)
Course Outline:
# of classes Textbook Reading
Approx. Dates
Chapter 1-2
Feb 1 - 6
A – Diversity of Matter and Chemical
Chapter 3
Feb 11 – Mar 7
C – Matter as Solutions: Acids and
Bases B –
Chapter 5 and 6
Mar 8 – Apr 19
Midterm Review
Midterm Exam
Apr 22 – Apr 23
Apr 25
B - Forms of Matter: Gases
Chapter 4
Apr 26 – May 9
D - Quantitative Relationships in
Chemical Changes
Chapter 7 and 8
May 13 – Jun 10
Final Exam Review
Practice Final Exam
Jun 11-12
Chapter 1 – 8
Jun 13
Unit A: Bonding Unit Exam: Thursday, March 7th, 2013
Unit C: Solutions Unit Exam: Friday, April 19th, 2013
Midterm: Thursday, April 25th, 2013
Unit B: Gases Unit Exam: Thursday, May 9th, 2013
Unit D: Stoichiometry Unit Exam: Tuesday, June 11th
Student Assessment:
Coursework - ................. 70%
Labs, Assignments, and quizzes
Unit Exams
Final Exam -…………...30%
Course Evaluation Methods:
Laboratories: There will be labs assigned on a regular basis throughout the course, each building
on good lab techniques and focusing on skills students are studying at that time. Due to time
constraints, students are not able to make up labs.
Quizzes: There will be 1-3 quizzes per unit of study. Material on the quizzes will come primarily
from homework, though some questions may be new to students. The quiz is a method of
assessing student performance before the Unit Exam.
Unit Assignments: At the end of each unit, students will complete a Unit Assignment, usually a
page of problems dealing with topics from that unit. These questions are in addition to the normal
nightly homework assigned in class.
Unit Exams: Each unit will end with a Unit Exam, 80 minutes in length, comprising the
summative assessment for that section of the course.
Instructor Expectations:
Students are expected to arrive to class on time with all requested materials including notes,
textbook, writing utensil and calculator. If a student misses a class, it is his or hers responsibility
to obtain notes or handouts missed during that day, from another classmate or myself (see Student
Handbook Section 3.6 – 3.7).
Missed Exams/Quizzes:
Students absent from an exam or quiz without valid written excuse will receive no score for that
assessment. Due to the quick pace of the course, students with an excused absence during an exam
can make up that exam outside of class time on the day following the exam (if possible). Students
who are taking leave during a scheduled exam and know about the absence ahead of time (ex: field
or sports trips, vacations) are expected to make arrangements for a makeup exam before the
Missed Lab Work:
Lab work is essential to all science classes. Students missing labs will be expected to work through
lab material on their own with provided sample results and will still be assessed on this material.
Late Assignments:
Assignments or projects handed in late will be accepted up until the end of that section unit. This is
not an excuse to hand in assignments or projects late.
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty:
Plagiarism, cheating on exams, copying of another students’ (past or present) chapter projects or
assignments and the misrepresentation of facts is considered completely unacceptable. If students
have clearly used plagiarism or copied from other students, a grade of zero will be given for the
quiz or exam. In instances of assignments or lab reports, all students involved will be assigned a
score of zero.
Food, drink (barring water), the wearing of hats and the use of personal music devices are
disallowed in the classroom due to their distracting nature.
Re-write Exams
Science Policy for Re-writing Summative Exams 2013
Student will be allowed ONE opportunity to re-write each unit exam. The re-write for any exam
will take place on the PLT day following the return of the exam or on a date chosen by the teacher
(one date will be chosen).
To re-write any exam, the following conditions must be met
1. All outstanding work from that unit completed (whether it was for marks or not)
2. Completion of a review package to be handed in to teacher 3 school days before the date of the
3. Time spent (as necessary) with teacher getting remediation on missed concepts
Course Website:
A course website has been established at:
Notes, worksheets and extra resources will be posted here on a regular basis.
A Note on Success…
The secret to Chemistry, like most things in life, is daily practice. A recommended 30 minutes to an
hour of working problems and reading, five out of seven nights a week is essential for continued
success in this course and is representative of the workload in future courses.
If the parent/guardian or student has any questions or need for clarifications, please do not hesitate
to contact me at the school at 780-962-0800 (feel free to leave a voicemail) or via email at
Brad Langdale, B.Ed