3/4 grades - St. Thomas Choir School

Homework for the Interim Break
October 23 – 30, 2009
Please note there are assignments for each grade
in the following subjects:
French, History, Science, Math, Latin, Theology,
English and Mr. Kelly’s Class
FRENCH – Delia Geter
Grade 3/4 Piece: Watch the piece and “Les actions pour la piece” using the DVD with
Exercise: Complete the exercise “Mets les mots en ordre”
Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary: “Les actions #1, section A, B and Les actions #11+ Trousse supplementaire”
For the review use:
- The DVD and subtitles: say the words and do the actions with it.
- The list of vocabulary
If you don’t remember the meaning of word, look in the script of the piece. The context
of the word will give you a clue.
Grade 5/6 - Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary: “Les actions #2-2+ Trousse
For the review use:
- The DVD and subtitles: say the words and do the actions with it.
You are responsible for the French word, knowing the meaning and the action. If you
don’t remember the meaning of word, look in the script of the piece. The context of the
word will give you a clue.
Exercises: Complete the exercises "Mets les mots en ordre" and " Les Phrases bizarres".
Look in the piece to find model of the right sentences.
Memorize the piece and the actions for the piece using the DVD with subtitles in “Les
actions pour la piece” and the script.
Grade 7/8 - Vocabulary: Review the vocabulary: “Les actions de “Veux-tu danser”
sections A and B
For the review use:
- The DVD and subtitles: say the words and do the actions with it.
You are responsible for the French word, knowing the meaning and the action. If you
don’t remember the meaning of word, look in the script of the piece. The context of the
word will give you a clue.
Exercises: Complete the exercises: two "Mets les mots en ordre" and one “Mets les
phrases en ordre".
Piece: Memorize the piece and the actions for the piece using the DVD with subtitles
and the script.
Homework for Fall Break 2009 – Gr. 3/4 - Steve Kelly
We have just completed The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis. Choose
one of the project ideas from below and bring it to school with you when your return
from the break. You will present your project to the class. You may work with a partner
on these.
A Memory Box
A memory box is made from a small to medium size box (a shoe box etc.) and is
decorated and filled with things and pictures that remind you of the story. The memory
box is filled with what you thought was important in the story. You can make things for
it, buy things for it or use things you already have. Decorate the memory box also. You
will talk about your memory box to the class and explain all the things you put into it and
why you chose them. Remember, the box is about what you found interesting and
A Storyboard
A storyboard is a brief retelling of a book using drawings placed on a large board, such as
oat tag/poster board, with captions underneath. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is
a very big story with lots to choose from so if you select this project I want you to draw
and write captions about what you found interesting. If you want to highlight each
chapter and make one drawing and caption for each chapter, that is fine. Maybe one
particular chapter was your favorite and you want to use this project to focus on that one
chapter. That is fine. Maybe one part of a chapter was your favorite and you want to
highlight that piece. For example, I really liked in chapter one when Lucy is visiting Mr.
Tumnus. That part of the chapter is special to me, so my storyboard is about just that part
of the chapter. Either way you do this make sure it is about what was special to you.
T-Shirt Story
Take a large T-shirt, white is the best, and on the front draw a picture from the story and
on the back of the shirt either write about your favorite part of the story on the back or
write a summary of the story. This is wearable art with a story on it. When you present
your shirt, you must describe the drawing you made and why you chose it. Materials used
for this are usually nontoxic paints for the front drawing and magic marker to write on the
back. Remember, this is about what you found interesting and memorable.
Set the Story to Music
There are two ways to do this. If you play a musical instrument you can pick several
pieces to set your favorite parts of the story to and play your pieces to the class. The
second way is to record/download music that you think matches your favorite parts of the
story and then play it and explain it to the class. For example, maybe the big battle scene
is one of your favorite parts and you feel that music which is fast and loud represents it.
You would either practice a piece of music to play for the class or download/record a
piece that sounds like the battle. Another example, when all four children become Kings
and Queens of Narnia you might use music that is very happy sounding. If you choose
this project, bring three or more pieces to play for the class. You will also need to explain
why you chose the pieces and what each represents.
interesting and memorable.
This is about what you found
Bring a Character to Life
Halloween is coming and it is fun to dress up and make believe you are someone or
something else! Do the same for The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Choose a
character you related to the most and make or buy a simple costume to be that character.
Who would you be? Edmund? Mr. Tumnus? The professor? The White Witch? Aslan? A
ghoul? Maugrim? You decide. If you choose this project you must be prepared with a
speech telling us who you are and what your role in the story is. For example, if you were
to be Peter you might talk about what it is like having Edmund as a brother, what your
first battle with Maugrim was like, how it felt to meet Aslan, and becoming High King of
Narnia. Your classmates will write questions for you. You will be given time to write
answers to them during study hall and come back the next day as your character and
answer the questions.
Make a Board Game
Create your own board game about The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Maybe you
could make the game like Chutes and Ladders, Monopoly, or Life. Get a large piece of
oat tag, divide it into sections and design your game board. Write questions about The
Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for players to answer. Also have game pieces to lay the
game with. Make your questions about the parts of the story you found most interesting
and memorable.
I hope you have fun with this! Enjoy your break and I look forward to seeing all of you
and your projects!
GRADE 3 – MATH Pages 61,63,66,69 (skip problem #5 on page 69) 70 (skip problem #4 on page 70) 76.
History – Mary Beth Benbenek
Grade 4 - Read Mesopotamia: The Land of Firsts
Grade 5 - Designing and making Spartan shields
Grade 6 -Assignment on William the Conqueror
Grade 7 - Read Book III of The Once and Future King
Grade 8 - Read Mayflower
English – Emily Smith
Grade 5 - Read as much of your book group book as you can.
Grade 6 - Read to page 58 (end of “December”) in Catherine, Called Birdy. Complete
the worksheet for your lit circle role.
Grade 7 - Read as much of your individual book as you can. If you can finish it, great!
Grade 8 - Read to the end of chapter 21 in Huckleberry Finn. Summarize each chapter
using the River Worksheet. Complete the expert worksheet for your chapter.
Science - Dr. Matthew Gilbert
Grade 5 - Read article at this site:
Grade 6 - Study for quiz when you get back!
See attached for Grade 6
Grade 7 - Look up the chemicals which are the principle constituents of the fats and oils
we will use for saponification (if there are multiple fatty acids, just list the top two).
These include Crisco, olive oil, canola oil, and cocoa butter. Draw these structures as I
showed you for triglycerides, showing oxygen atoms, but not hydrogen atoms.
See attached for Grade 7
Grade 8 - Read article from Science entitled “Enzyme Lets You Enjoy the Bubbly.”
Look up words you don’t know and write definitions in the margins. Be prepared to
discuss the article after the break. Question: how does the drug acetazolamide work?
(This document was sent home with each boy – will sent to the 8th grade as separate PDF
Grade 6
St. Thomas Choir School
6th Grade Life Science
Quiz prep 10/19/09
Chapters 2-5
Definition of life: cellular basis, chemical needs, need for energy,
response to stimuli, growth and development, reproduction, autotroph,
heterotroph, homeostasis
Cell biology
Organelles, cell membrane, nucleus, ER, Golgi, mitochondria,
chloroplasts, ribosomes, DNA, RNA, mRNA, protein, lipids,
carbohydrates, glycogen, glucose, starch, monomer, polymer, amino
acids, nucleotides, replication, transcription, translation, codon,
chromosomes, centromere, genome, chromatin, enzymes, diffusion,
osmosis, respiration, photosynthesis
Mendel, cross, purebred, hybrid, dominant, recessive, homozygous,
heterozygous, gene, allele, trait, phenotype, genotype, Punnett square,
probability, P generation, F1, F2 generations; genes, mutations
Grade 7
Bunny's Clovis Soap
© Bunny P. caprilepids@excite.com
48 oz.can vegetable shortening, plus 1/2 cup additional shortening (1360
g)= 1460 ml = 3.09 pints = 6.16 cups
8 fl.oz. olive oil (240 ml)
8 fl.oz. canola oil (240 ml)
4 Tablespoons Palmer's(tm) cocoa butter
1 Tablespoon honey
2 additional Tablespoons olive oil (set this aside to mix with spices)
1 cup Red Devil(tm) lye
6 fl.oz. evaporated milk (180 ml)
20 fl.oz. water (distilled or rain) (590 ml)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 teaspoon ground cloves
*fat/lye temps 120/110
Mix lye into room temp water, set aside to cool.
Mix the 2 Tablespoons
olive oil with the dry spices, set aside to add at trace (before adding milk!).
Melt cocoa butter first, then add other fats and honey, slowly heating to 50
degrees C.
Slowly stir lye water into melted oils. It should trace in less
than ten minutes. At trace, quickly and thoroughly stir in spice/oil mixture
until well mixed, then quickly stir in evaporated milk, mixing thoroughly
and constantly until you bring mixture to a medium trace (like pudding,
but still pourable). Immediately pour into prepared mold/s. This soap is a
nice light caramel color with lovely reddish brown flecks in it and smells
warm and yummy. (*NOTE: while soap is curing for 3 or 4 weeks, hide it
from your dog!)
I named this soap after the nickname that my best friend Mels gave me,
"Clovis". The fact that this soap has ground cloves in it made that name fit
like one of those "round pegs"! This soap traces FAST and is not a good
blender soap candidate.