Chapter 21 Study Guide

Chapter 20 Study Guide
What did the Jim Crow laws make legal?
Women’s right to vote
2.) What case challenged the Jim Crow Laws?
a.) Montgomery Boycott Case
b.) Brown vs. the Board of Education
c.) Rosa Parks vs. Board of Education
3.) What was the lawyers name who defeated the Jim Crow Laws?
a.) Thurgood Marshall
b.) Jim Crow
c.) Rosa Parks
4.) What type of protest did Rosa Parks exhibit?
a.) She refused to leave a restaurant until she was served
b.) She was part of the Little Rock Nine
c.) She refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus?
5.) Where did the Rosa Parks protest occur?
a.) Montgomery Alabama
b.) Little Rock Arkansas
c.) Topeka
6.) Where was discrimination the strongest?
a.) North
b.) South
c.) Midwest
7.) Which state refused to desegregate as a result of Brown vs. Board of Education?
a.) Alabama
b.) Arkansas
c.) Georgia
8.) What happened to Rosa Parks after she refused to give up her seat?
a.) She was arrested
b.) She was violently removed and told to go home
c.) She was attacked by all of the other white people on the bus
How did Gandhi influence Martin Luther King Jr.?
To love your enemies
To disobey an unjust law
To carry out protests in a non violent manner
10.) What did the African American do in protest to the Rosa Parks incident?
a.) They started riots
b.) They boycotted the busses
c.) They protested violently
Chapter 20 Study Guide con’t.
11.) What does NAACP stand for?
a.) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
b.) National African American Corporation of Peace
c.) National African American Core Peace makers
12.) What happened to the Little Rock nine?
a.) The Arkansas Governor refused to let them in.
b.) The Arkansas Governor allowed them into his school immediately
c.) The National Guard refused to follow the Arkansas Governor’s command and
allowed the nine entrance into the school.
13.) What did President Eisenhower do in response to Governor Faubus’ actions?
a.) He took control of the National Guard
b.) He allowed the states to make their own decisions on segregation
c.) He called off the National Guard to make sure the situation did not escalate
14.) What did Governor Faubus do in response to being forced to allow the nine African
Americans in his school.
a.) He retired in protest
b.) He continued to protest
c.) He closed the school
15.) Name one school that orchestrated a famous sit in.
a.) OSU
b.) OU
c.) North Carolina
16.) What was a freedom rider?
a.) A person who wrote diaries of their civil rights experience
b.) A person who rode vehicles in the civil rights marches
c.) A person who rode buses to make sure the desegregation laws were being followed
17.) What happened a lot of times to Freedom riders?
18.) At what school was James Meredith the first African American to attend?
a.) University of Alabama
b.) Ole Miss
c.) University of Georgia
19.) What happened in response to Meredith’s attendance at this university?
a.) Riots broke out
b.) The south celebrated the integration of one of its universities
c.) It ended the Civil Rights Movement due to there being too much violence
20.) Name a city that had the most history of racial violence?
a.) Oklahoma City
b.) New York City
c.) Birmingham
Chapter 20 Study Guide con’t.
21.) Name a Civil Rights movement that happened in Birmingham, Alabama.
a.) Children’s March
b.) John F. Kennedy Assassination
c.) Medgar Evars assassination
22.) What happened to the marchers at Birmingham?
a.) They were sprayed with fire hoses
b.) They were removed from the march by the National Guard
c.) They were able to demonstrate peacefully
23.) Name one thing the attacks on the Birmingham march did?
a.) It convinced J.F.K. that the Civil Rights movement was not going to be successful
b.) It convinced the Civil Rights Activists the movement was not going to be successful
c.) It convinced J.F.K. that he needed to pass a Civil Rights Act.
24.) What happened just a couple hours after Kennedy forced the University of Alabama
to desegregate?
a.) Medgar Evars, NAACP secretary was assassinated
b.) J.F.K. was assassinated
c.) Martin Luther King was assassinated
25.) Where was the “I Have a Dream” speech delivered?
a.) Washington D.C.
b.) Birmingham, Alabama
c.) Selma, Alabama
26.) Name a tragedy that happened just two weeks after the “I Have a Dream” speech.
a.) Medgar Evars was shot
b.) Martin Luther King was shot
c.) Four Birmingham, Alabama girls were killed
27.) When was J.F.K. assassinated?
a.) 1963
b.) 1968
c.) 1965
28.) Name the starting and ending location of the 50 mile march King orchestrated?
a.) Washington, D.C. to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
b.) Birmingham, Alabama to Selma, Alabama
c.) Selma, Alabama to Montgomery, Alabama
29.) What happened to these marchers?
a.) They were beat and gassed by the police
b.) They were celebrated by the police
c.) There was very little interest in the march
30.) What year was the Voting right Act passed?
a.) 1963
b.) 1968
c.) 1965
Chapter 20 Study Guide con’t.
31.) What is segregation that happens by practice and not by law?
a.) De Facto Segregation
b.) De Jure Segregation
c.) Civil Rights Segregation
32.) Where did a lot of the African Americans live in the ‘60’s?
33.) What did Civil Rights legislation do for African Americans
a.) It reduced the amount of discrimination they had to face
b.) It eliminated the amount of discrimination they had to face
c.) It did not change the amount of discrimination they had to face
34.) Name a controversial civil rights leader that believed in African Americans
separating from the whites?
a.) Thurgood Marshall
b.) Malcolm X
c.) Martin Luther King Jr.
35.) Martin Luther King agreed with Malcolm X?
a.) Very True
b.) Not True
c.) Somewhat true
36.) What year was Malcolm X assassinated?
a.) 1965
b.) 1963
c.) 1968
37.) What was the group called that believed that African Americans should control
their own lives, without help?
a.) X Generation
b.) Black Panthers
c.) Black Spiders
38.) Martin Luther King’s assassination was a turning point in the Civil Rights
a.) Very True
b.) Somewhat True
c.) Not True at all
39.) What did King’s death lead to?
a.) The worst rural rioting in U.S. history
b.) An end to the Civil Rights movement
c.) The worst urban rioting in U.S. history
40.) In how many cities did rioting occur?
a.) Over 100
b.) Under 100
c.) Just in the South