Minutes - The Evergreen State College

CLUC Minutes
Attendees: Mark Kormondy, Paul Smith, Gabrielle Hamilton, Anthony Tindill
Guest: Andrew Beattie, Chris Ertman
Recorder: Emily Sladek
Introductions and Approval of Minutes
Done and minutes approved as is.
Update: The Aquaponics project was approved for the Organic Farm, and Paul thinks
Jessica Shilke is currently working on it.
Disc Golf Course (Chris Ertman, CRC)
South Puget Sound Disc Golf Association (SPSDGA) proposed a temporary nine hole
disc golf course at Evergreen for a trail period of three quarters. They are okay with it
being less than nine holes if that is what the college decides. SPSDGA would provide the
college with the hole equipment. If the temporary course is successful then the
organization would like it to become permanent. If it is made permanent, the holes would
be cemented in place and would no longer be removable.
The committee reviews the map of the proposed locations. The course doesn’t cross
sidewalks, and the flight paths would be away from pedestrian traffic. If ground got
worn, could easily move bucket to rotate wear. SPSDGA is open to other proposed
course layout ideas. Discs would be rented through the CRC equipment checkout and
provide more activities for students.
Mark Kormondy is concerned that this would require additional weed eating by his staff.
The crew already weed whacks around the light poles. Chris asks if the CRC staff can
weed whack? Paul can bring up this idea to the staff union. They will need to contact
Colin Orr, Business Services Director, about risk management and a third party
agreement for indemnification. Also there is the potential to increase public presence on
campus which could impact on Police Services.
Robyn Herring is absent and Paul asks the presenter her question of will the course be
ADA accessible. ACTION ITEM: CRC needs to talk to Meredith Inocencio.
If the application is approved, the locations will need to be vetted by Mark Kormondy
and Collin Orr. The committee votes to approve the project through June of 2012. If they
would like the course to become permanent, they need to present a new proposal to the
CLUC. Paul will write a recommendation to the FAD Vice President to approve the
temporary course.
Kayak Rack at Geoduck House (Andrew Beattie, CRC)
The CRC started kayak rentals through the summer of 2011. Students without
transportation had to carry the kayaks to and from the Geoduck Beach. This proposal is
meant to address this issue by installing a secured rack near the entrance to Snyder Creek.
The keys would checked out from CRC, and CRC staff would watch check on the boats
and security of the racks, daily. Some kayaks would still be available to rent from CRC.
The dimensions of the rack are likely to be from 15’-20’ x 25’-30.’ The kayaks would be
vertically stowed on the rack, so it wouldn’t require lifting or having the boat above head.
The kayaks weigh 30-60lbs. The racks would only be used for Evergreen boats.
Mark likes that the location is visible which is likely to reduce vandalism. The tides also
wouldn’t impact the location.
Would a hose be available? No, the boats will be needed to be loaded up, cleaned, and
returned to the rack once a week. A long-term plan would to eventually have water
A concerned is raised about safety especially with inebriated users.
Andrew Beattie says the current gate signage is confusing for determining the hours that
the beach is accessible. Susan Opprecht, Geoduck House Caretaker, is brought into the
meeting. She offers information on the frequency of Police Services beach patrols, and
the likelihood of cars being locked in after hours. She says the gate is opened from 85pm. Paul said those are the hours for parking. People could walk and access beach on
foot after or before that time. The gates are located where they are to allow people to turn
around if they come down the hill and the gates are locked. People can not park on the
soft ground outside the gates.
Signs would be posted to notify kayakers that the Geoduck House and caretaker are not
responsible for the boat rentals and give the CRC’s contact information.
ACTION ITEM: CRC staff needs to work with Robyn Herring, Environmental Health
and Safety Coordinator to ensure the rack and boats meet the safety requirements. The
CRC also needs to meet with Police Services.
Facilities Services will notify the neighbors and let them know that a rack will be
installed if the recommendation is approved.
CRC staff hope to have the rack installed by mid-November and will notify Police
Services when it is installed.
Paul advises that the CRC may want to direct people walking to the Geoduck House to
follow the road.
Paul will write a recommendation to the FAD Vice President.
Reinstall Evergreen Challenge Course (Chris Ertman, CRC)
There are remnants of an old challenge course that was in operation during the 1970s
through the 1990s. It was popular and used by faculty, staff and students. Funding for
upkeep was provided through a partnership with WA State and 4-H. The CRC would like
to renovate the course. The course could be used as part of academics and during the
summer for outside campus groups.
Chris Ertman has previous experience with Challenge Courses. The renovation would
happen in a few phases. The first phase is to clear the course of trash and overgrowth.
Chris wonders what labor can be used to clean. Robyn Herring via Paul asks will the
clearing be done with hand or power tools. If it is the CRC staff, they will need protection
equipment and training. The college does not clean the encampments, rather it is
contracted out through Thurston County.
The second phase would be reinstalling challenge elements. Inspectors said some of the
bolts are still functional, but the high course cables need to be removed because of
damage to trees. The overall cost is $10,000-15,000. Chris proposes Facilities Services
staff to reconstruct the lower course obstacles. The high course will probably require
contractors from off campus to do the work.
ACTION ITEM: CRC staff need to talk to Meredith Inocencio about ADA access.
Chris says he would like to widen the pathway to be ADA accessible and accessible to
emergency vehicles. Mark Kormondy says there is a drainage ditch at each entrance to
the course, so making that ADA accessible would require a culvert or bridge over the
Ken Tabbutt is absent, and Paul asks the presenter his question of will there be training
the trainer opportunities for faculty or staff to learn how to facilitate the course. In the
past there was a shortage of qualified staff who were available to facilitate. Chris
responded with yes; he is planning on being the course manager and would be able to
train and certify other trainers.
Mark said that there needs to be an annual inspection which costs money; he asks if there
are any plans or guidelines for ongoing maintenance; who will be responsible for upkeep
of the ground covering, elements, trail, and trash removal. Chris says they have a five
year plan to have the course paid back. One idea is to have a trained inspector on the
CRC staff.
Robyn Herring via Paul asks if the ACCT standards will be met. Chris says that they will.
CRC staff also need to be aware that the chips are deep enough to provide protection and
contained so dispersion is decreased.
Mark says that area has not been closely monitored for several years, so the trees around
the area need to be reviewed for any rated hazardous.
Chris says they are also considering making the elements removable to protect them from
the weather.
Paul suggests discussing signage after the project underway.
Paul asks Andrew and Chris to think about the on-going maintenance required for the
course. Paul needs a proposal that to Facilities Services about expected additional
workload and cost.
Anthony Tindill is interested in seeing if his students can work on a natural ADA
approved trail hardening surface and maybe also having his students work on bridge over
the drainage. Anthony is also curious if any trees need to be removed from that area, if
they could be used for elements on the course.
The CLUC approves phase one of the project to clean the area possibly using Facilities
Services Grounds crew, CRC staff and contracted labor. Following the clean up, the CRC
will need to present a maintenance plan before installation will be approved.
ACTION ITEM: CRC staff need to coordinate with Robyn Herring and Mark
Kormondy on the cleanup effort and determine the different work that can be done by
students and staff.
Preliminary Discussion of 2013-2023 Capital Plan
Interdisciplinary Lab Building: The CLUC needs to recommend a location, so
modifications can be made to the master plan.
Other Items
Cob Oven in Housing: The structure needs to be review by the CLUC.
Anthony Tindill may have student proposals presented at the next CLUC meeting.
Applications need to be emailed to the CLUC DL by November 14-15, 2011
The next CLUC Meeting will be Thursday, November 28 from 3-5pm in the
Facilities Conference Room