Unit Objectives: Use the vector product and the right hand rule to

AP Physics 2013-2014
09- Angular Momentum / Equilibrium
Unit Objectives:
Use the vector product and the right hand rule to:
 Calculate the torque of a specified force about an arbitrary origin
 Calculate the angular momentum vector for a moving particle
 Calculate the angular momentum vector for a rotating rigid body in simple cases where this vector lies
parallel to the angular velocity vector
Understand angular momentum conservation so you can:
 Recognize the conditions under which the law of conservation is applicable and relate this law to one and
two particle systems such as satellite orbits
 State the relationship between net external torque and angular momentum, and identify situations in which
angular momentum is conserved
 Analyze problems in which the moment of inertia of a body is changed as it rotates freely about a fixed axis
 Analyze a collision between a moving particle and a rigid body that can rotate about a fixed axis or about its
center of mass
Understand the concept of torque so you can:
 Calculate the magnitude and sense of the torque associated with a given force
 Calculate the torque on a rigid body due to gravity
Be able to analyze problems in statics so you can:
 State the conditions for translational and rotational equilibrium of a rigid body
 Apply these conditions in analyzing the equilibrium of a rigid body under the combined influence of a number
of coplanar forces applied at different locations
Unit Outline
M Feb. 24
Day 1
T Feb. 25
Day 2
 Test Corrections
 Torque/Vector Product
 Angular Momentum/System of Particles
W Feb. 26
Day 3
Th Feb. 27
Day 4
M Mar. 3
Day 1
T Mar. 4
Day 2
W Mar. 5
Day 3
Th Mar. 6
Day 4
F Mar. 7
T Mar. 11
Day 1
Angular Momentum/Rotating Rigid Object
Conservation of Angular Momentum
AP Practice Problems #1
LAB: Balancing Act
Quiz: Angular momentum
AP Problem Solving
 LAB: Equilibrium Forces
~No Classes – Faculty Workday~
 AP Problem Solving
HW #30 (due Tue. 3/4):pg. 336-42
P: #36,37,39,42,43,45,49,89,91,93,
Complete Analysis
HW #31(due Mon. 3/14): pg 362-69
Complete Analysis
W Mar. 12
Day 2
Th Mar. 13
Day 3
F Mar. 14
Day 4
M-F Mar. 17-21
T Mar. 25
Day 1
 AP Problem Solving
 Problem Session
 TEST: Angular momentum / Equilibrium
~No Classes - Spring Break~
 Test Corrections
Answers to even #’d problems (from book) are on Haiku…..