AEC 653

AEC 653
Local Economic Development
Spring 2012
Alison Davis PhD
411 Barnhart Building
Class Time:
Tuesdays 6- 8:30pm
And one online lecture per week – prerecorded (must be watched prior to the following
Tuesday’s class)
Beginning January 12th
Semester Ends March 8th
Office Hours: Tuesday 5 - 6pm
Course Objective:
This course should provide an understanding of the theory, practice and
philosophies of economic development applied to local areas. We will focus on
Kentucky however a fair amount of the literature might explore other regions of
the United States or outside this country. In addition we will focus on rural areas
or very small cities.
Major Project
Case Studies
Take Home Final Exam
Required Texts:
Blakely and Leigh (BL) Planning Local Economic Development: Theory and Practice,
4th edition
Recommended Texts:
Goetz, S, S Deller and T Harris (editors) Targeting Regional Economic Development
Shuman, Michael, The Small-Mart Revolution: How Local Businesses are Beating the
Local Competition
Walzer, Norman (editor), Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development
Other readings will be available to you either copied from me or from online journals
through the University of Kentucky library website.
Course Outline:
January 12th – Overview of Regional Economic Development -- online
January 17th -- Rural Development Policy
 Olfert, M and M Partridge, “Best Practices in Twenty-First Century Rural
Development Policy,” Growth and Change, June 2010 41(2): 147-164
 Partridge, M, M Olfert and K Ali, “Towards a Rural Development Policy”
Lessons from the United States and Canada”, found online
 M Kilkenny, “Urban/Regional Economics and Rural Development,”
Journal of Regional Science. 2010 50(1): 449-470
 BL: Chapter 3
January 19th – Online – Introduction to Community Development with Case Study
January 24th -- Community Development Continued
January 26th – Online Asset Based Community Development with Case Study
Measuring Quality of Life, Amenities, Asset Mapping and Collecting Data
 Besser, T, N Recker and M Parker, “The Impact of New Employers from
the Outside, the Growth of Local Capitalism, and New Amenities on the
Social and Economic Welfare of Small Towns,” Economic Development
Quarterly. 2009, 23(4): 306-316
 Hamilton, K, “Impact of Retirement Populations on Local Jobs and
Wages,” Economic Development Quarterly. 2010, 24(2): 110-125
 Gunderson, R and P Ng, “Analyzing the Effects of Amenities, Quality of
life Attributes and Tourism on Regional Economic Performance using
Regression Quantiles, ” The Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy.
2005, 35(1): 1-21
January 31st -- Local Economic Development Theory
 Defining local economic development
 Theories of local economic development strategies
 Theory of location and space
 Planning process
 BL: Chapters 1-5
February 2nd – Online -- Economic and Community Development with Case Study
February 7th – Analytical Tools and Techniques
Location Quotients, Shift Share, Leakages, Input-Output, Other Techniques
 BL: Chapter 6
February 9th – Online – Economic Development Strategies
February 14th -- Economic Development Strategies Continued
 Business Attraction and Retention
 Industrial Location, Chapter 7 and 8 (BL)
 Business Incentives
 TRED—Targeting Regional Economic Development
 Nystrom, K, “An Industry Disaggregated Analysis of the Determinants of
Regional Entry and Exit,” The Annals of Regional Science. 2007, 41:877896
 Goetz, S, S Deller and T Harris (editors) Targeting Regional Economic
Development. 2009 Routledge Publishers, New York, NY
February 16th – Online -- Cluster Analysis
 Goetz, S, S Deller and T Harris (editors) Targeting Regional Economic
Development. 2009 Routledge Publishers, New York, NY
February 21st – Entrepreneurs and Economic Development
 Henderson, J and S Weiler, “Entrepreneurs and Job Growth: Probing the
Boundaries of Time and Space.” Economic Development Quarterly 2010,
24(1): 23-32
 Edminston, K “The Role of Small and Large Businesses in Economic
Development, ”
 Lichtenstein, G and T Lyons, “Managing the Community’s Pipeline of
Entrepreneurs and Enterprises: A New Way of Thinking About Business
Assests,” Economic Development Quarterly 2006, 20(4): 377-386
 Barth J, G Yago and B Zeidman, “Barriers to Entrepreneurship in Emerging
Domestic Markets” Analysis and Recommendations” 2006
 Walzer, N (editor), Entrepreneurship and Local Economic Development,
2007, Rowman and Littlefield Publishers
February 23rd – Online – Economic Development Finance
 Duncan, Marvin, “Keynote Address: Where are Rural Capital Markets
Headed?” Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas
 Dewar, Margaret “Tax Incentives, Public Loans and Subsidies: What
Differences Do They Make in Nonmetropolitan Economic Development?”
 Wolf, M, “Enterprise Zones: A Decade of Diversity,” Economic
Development Quarterly, 1990, 4(1): 3-14.
 Main Streets of Tomorrow, Growing and Financing Rural Entrepreneurs,
Center for the Study of Rural America, 2003
February 28th – Going Local
 Shuman, Michael, The Small-Mart Revolution
 Irwin, E and J Clark, “Mitigating Impacts of Big Box Retail on Local
Communities,” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 2007, 37(1): 5355.
The Creative Class and Sustainability
 Florida, R, C Mellander, and K Stolarick, “Inside the black box of regional
development – human capital, the creative class and tolerance.” Journal of
Economic Geography 2008, 8: 615-649.
 Hoyman, M and C Faricy, “It Takes a Village: A Test of the Creative
Class, Social Capital and Human Capital Theories,” Urban Affairs Review
2009, 44(3): 311-333.
March 1st – Online – Workforce Development
Human Resource Development and Workforce Development
 Chapter 9 and 10 (BB)
 Partridge, M, D Rickman, and H Li, “Who Wins From Local Economic
Development?: A Supply Decomposition of U.S. County Employment
Growth,” Economic Development Quarterly, 2009, 23(13): 13-27.
March 6th -- Papers Due (10 minute presentation) and Take Home Final Given Out
March 8th – Take Home Final Due