Six essential nutrients grading

The assignment is to inform everyone in class about all 6 of the essential nutrients by
creating an attractive and informative Keynote presentation and then presenting it. The
presentation must include the following for each nutrient:
Protein, Fat & Carbohydrates
- Name of the essential nutrient
- Job(s)/responsibility of the nutrient within the body
- Is it a macronutrient or micronutrient?
- About how much of our diet should come from each macronutrient (percentage)
- At least 2 examples of foods that are a good source of the nutrient
- Protein: List four consequences of not getting enough protein. List one
consequence of getting too much.
- Fats: List three types of fatty acids. Which ones are the healthiest? Which ones
are the least healthy?
- Carbs: What is the difference between simple and complex carbohydrates?
Vitamins, Minerals & Water
Name of the essential nutrient (vitamin, mineral, water)
Two specific examples of vitamins/minerals
Jobs/responsibilities of each example (and water) (This is not in your handout,
check the blue book pg. 194 or use the internet)
2 examples of foods that are a good source of each nutrient