AP Dual Credit Options for 2014

AP Dual Credit Options for 2014-2015
Millard West High School
University of Nebraska
At Omaha
Students must have a cumulative GPA of a 3.0 or greater in order to qualify for dual enrollment credit. Students must
also sign up for dual enrollment credit concurrently with enrollment in the corresponding Millard West course. Students will not be allowed to retroactively pay for dual enrollment credit. Enrollment requirements are set by UNO and
may be changed by them prior to any registration period.
A.P. English Literature (Ms. Sandoz or Mr. Mercer)
 UNO English 1010: Introduction to Genre Studies
- prose (3 credit hours)
 UNO English 1020: Introduction to Genre Studies
- poetry, drama, film (3 credit hours)
A.P. Government & Politics: US (Mrs. Watson)
 UNO Political Science 1100 (3 credit hours)
A.P. United States History (Mr. Heys or Mr. Bull)
 UNO History 1110: American History to 1865
(3 credit hours)
 UNO History 1120: American History since 1865
(3 credit hours)
A.P. Calculus AB (Mr. Hall only)
 UNO Math 1950: Calculus I (5 credit hours)
A.P. Calculus BC (Mr. Hall only)
 UNO Math 1950: Calculus I (5 credit hours)
 UNO Math 1960: Calculus II (5 credit hours)
A.P. Statistics (Mr. Kelderman or Mrs. Delehant)
 UNO Statistics CIST 2500: Introduction to
Applied Statistics (3 credits)
World Languages
A.P. French (Ms. Johnson)
 UNO French 2120: Intermediate French 2
(3 credit hours)
A.P. German (Ms. Langer)
 UNO German 2120: Intermediate German 2
(3 credit hours)
A.P. Spanish (Ms. Ehrke)
 UNO Spanish 2120: Intermediate Spanish 2
(3 credit hours)
A.P. Biology (Mr. Carlson or Dr. Hylok)
 UNO Biology 1450: Biology I (5 credits)
 UNO Biology 1750: Biology II (5 credits)
A.P. Physics (Mr. Berzina)
 UNO Physics 1110: General Physics (4 credits)
A.P. Environmental Science (Ms.Ord)
 UNO Biology 1330: Biology (3 credits)
Social Studies
A.P. Comparative Government (Ms. Bragg)
 UNO Political Science 2500: Introduction to
Comparative Politics (3 credits)
A.P. European History (Mr. Fields or Mr. Royers)
 UNO History 1510: Western Civilization
1453-1789 (3 credit hours)
 UNO History 1520: Western Civilization since
1789 (3 credit hours)
A.P. Psychology (Mrs. Bragg)
UNO Psychology 1010: Introductory Psychology
(3 credit hours)
A.P. Music Theory (Mr. Keith)
 UNO Music 1420: Music Core Curriculum II
(3 credit hours)
Other Dual Enrollment Options
Athletic Training and Sports Injuries Internship
(Mr. Carlson)
 UNO PE 3040: Prevention and Care of Athletic
Academies: Education, Finance and
Each academy offers dual enrollment opportunities
through UNO and Metro. Students must be enrolled in
the academy to take advantage of these opportunities.
See district website on Academies for more information.