Power Struggles

Section 6. Detailed lesson Plan
Title: Power Struggles
Grade and Subject: 9th Grade World History
Time Allotted: 50 min.
SOL #:
NCSS Theme:
#5: Individuals, Groups, and
How did the struggle between Popes and Emperors
What is the guiding
question for this lesson?
Must be presented in the
lesson to students
How will student
Just do it, primary source work, Closing
understanding be assessed?
-include assessments.
Key Concepts (no definition necessary):
Lay investiture, Concordat of Worms
SWBAT (as many as required by lesson):
Obj. 1 Students will be able to identify the conflicts between Popes and emperors
Obj. 2 Students will be able to understand how Holy Roman Emperors used their
Obj. 3 Students will be able to understand how Popes increased the power of the
Materials (List and attach primary sources and additional materials-ppt and
question frames /concept maps/ Frames etc.):
Material A- Powerpoint
Material B – Pope Gregory VII’s letter excommunicating Henry IV
Material C- Paper
Just Do It (hook):
Can you give some examples of power struggles? What are their goals?
5 minutes
Obj #
Description of Lesson Procedure
Check for Evidence of
Questioning & Observation
5 min. Complete the Opening
Activity (Just Do It)
Transition: 2 min. Review answers with Students. Question their answers for
response for understanding. Introduce the lesson and objectives
1, 2,
20 min. Go over PowerPoint
Questioning during the
&, 3 presentation to identify overarching
Transition: (1 min) Explain Time Line Activity
2, 3
15 min. Analyzing Primary Sources
Student Responses on the
 Using Pope Gregory VII’s
letter excommunicating Henry
IV have students:
1. How it makes them feel
2. The reasons Gregory
gives for
3. How Gregory expects
Christians to treat Henry
4. Explain the
consequences of
excommunication to
Transition: (2 min) Introduce closing
Closure (How does this come back to the guiding question):
Short Paragraph
Why has the Church succeeded so far in gaining power in the High Middle Ages?
You have 5 minutes
- Identify potential issues with students before class.
- Make sure that all students are paired with other students who have
complementary skills
- Provide notes for students who have issues following the PowerPoint.