(N) Change my mood a lot (N) Worry about things (N) Seldom feel

(O) Have difficulty
abstract ideas
(O) Am quick
(O) Am full
to understandof ideas
(O) Spend time
reflecting on things
(O) Have a rich vocabulary
(O) Use difficult words
(O) Do not have a
good imagination
(C) Pay attention to details
(C) Make a mess
of things
(E) Keep in (E) Have little
the background to say
(C) Am always prepared
(C) Shirk my duties
(C) Leave my
belongings around
(E) Am the
(E) Don't talk a lot (E) Start life of the party
(E) Feel comfortable
around people
(E) Am quiet
(E) Talk to
lot of different
people at parties
(E) Don't mind(E) Don't like to
draw attention
being the center
to myself
of attention
(C) Follow a schedule
(C) Like order
(O) Have a vivid
(O) Am not interested
(O) Have in abstract ideas
excellent ideas
(C) Often forget
to put things back in
their proper place
(C) Am exacting
in my work(C) Get chores
done right away
(N) Am easily disturbed
(N) Seldom feel blue
(N) Get upset easily
(N) Change my mood a lot
(N) Have frequent
mood swings
(N) Get irritated easily
(A) Feel little
concern for others
(A) Am not really
interested in others
(A) Have a soft heart
(A) Am interested in people
(A) Make
(A) Am not interestedpeople feel
in other people's
at ease
(A) Insult people
(A) Sympathize with
(A) Feel others'
others' feelings
(A) Take time
out for others
(N) Worry about things
(N) Am relaxed
most of the time
(N) Often feel blue
(N) Get stressed
out easily