Pressure points: how can we support primary care

Pressure points: how can we support primary care to cope with growing demand?
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Speakers include:
Robert Varnam
Head of General
NHS England
Registration, exhibition and networking
Session one: Opening plenary
Session three: Breakouts
10.00am Welcome and interim findings on GP activity and demand
The morning breakout streams will be repeated. here Delegates can choose to attend one of the following:
• A: Using data and technology to improve ways of working
Beccy Baird, Fellow, Health Policy, The King’s Fund
10.20amSupporting GPs to deal with mounting pressures
• B: Supporting staff to work differently
Dr Maureen Baker, Chair, Royal College of GPs
• C: Working in new ways
10.40amPractice managers under pressure
Dr Maureen
Shirley Cramer CBE, Chief Executive,
Institute of Healthcare Managers
Session two: Breakouts
Delegates can choose to attend one of the following tailored breakout sessions. These will be repeated in the afternoon.
• A: Using data and technology to improve ways of working
• B: Supporting staff to work differently
• C: Working in new ways
Please see page 2 for more details
Dr Ali Parsa
Founder, Babylon
Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Session four: Transforming general practice to improve primary care
11.15am Refreshments, exhibition and networking
Chief Executive,
Institute of
11.00amQuestions and discussion
Royal College of GPs
Shirley Cramer
Please see page 2 for more details
Lunch, exhibition and networking
Keynote address
Robert Varnam, Head of General Practice Development,
NHS England
Panel session- how can GP practices work more innovatively to improve productivity?
Dr Laura Edwards, GP, and Medical Director, Wessex LMCs
Dr Caroline Hillyer, GP, and Primary Care Adviser,
Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
Sheinaz Stansfield, Practice Manager, Oxford Terrace
Medical Group Dr Ali Parsa, Founder, Babylon
Closing comments and close of conference
Pressure points: how can we support primary care to cope with growing demand?
Tuesday 24 November 2015
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Enabling allied health
professionals to lead and
shape new models of care
Tuesday 8 December 2015
Encouraging staff wellbeing in
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Thursday 14 January 2016
Integrating care throughout the
patient’s surgical journey
Tuesday 9 February 2016
Commissioning person-centred
care for vulnerable groups:
what role does pharmacy play?
Wednesday 24 February 2016
Joining up physical and mental
health care
Tuesday 8 March 2016
Delivering integrated care for
older people with frailty
Tuesday 15 March 2016
Breakout A: Using data and technology to improve ways of working
Breakout C: Working in new ways
11.45am/ Welcome and introduction
2.00pm Matthew Honeyman, Research Assistant, Policy, The King’s Fund
11.45am/ Welcome and introduction
Sheinaz Stansfield, Practice Manager, Oxford Terrace
Medical Group
11.50am/ Using data on populations to support primary care 2.05pm
Paul Molyneux, Chief Analyst, MedeAnalytics
11.50am/ Working with others to use social prescribing in
2.05pm primary care
12.10pm/ How taking a patient history online overcomes the GP 2.25pm workload crisis
Dr Michael Dixon, Chair, NHS Alliance
Chris Hanney, Training Partner, GP Access Ltd
12.10pm/ How primary care psychotherapy consultation services
2.25pm can support GPs
12.30pm/ Discussion session
• How can you implement telephone and online consultations in
your practice?
Tim Kent, Primary Care Service Lead,Tavistock and Portman
NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Julian Stern, Consultant Psychiatrist in Psychotherapy, Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust
• What other potential ways can you use data and technology to
make your practice more productive?
Breakout B: Supporting staff to work differently
11.45am/ Welcome and introduction
Preety Das, GP Registrar, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and The King’s Fund
11.50am/ Recruiting for general practice: attracting staff
Dr John Howarth, GP and Director of Service Improvement, Cumbria Partnership Foundation Trust
12.10pm/ How pharmacists can help take the pressure off GPs and 2.25pm improve patient care
Ravi Sharma, Senior Primary Care Pharmacist and Quality Assurance Lead, DMC Healthcare
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12.30pm/ Discussion session
• How can we change the staff makeup of a practice to change the
way we deliver services?
• How can GP practices attract staff and develop varied
professional development options?
12.30pm/ Discussion session
• How can community services use the GP practice as a hub and
help take the pressure off clinical staff?
• Can social prescribing alleviate the pressures from clinical
staff in the GP practice?
• How can other services help support GPs to manage the work
rather than adding to the demand?
• How does a psychotherapeutic consultation approach fit
in the gaps between formal training, Balint type group
experience and support clinicians?