Chinese Opera Makeup: Select which Chinese Opera Makeup You

Chinese Opera Makeup:
Select which Chinese Opera Makeup You wish to do. Compare it to your
face. Everything below the eye level will stay the same. But, above the eyes
will need to be adjusted to match your forehead size.
You will have to work to fit the various lines and shapes to fit.
You should plan to do the makeup in 3 layers (minimum). You will have a
sketch for each layer.
Layer #1: Foundation layer (usually two colors):
In the example the two colors are white and green.
For your sketch, do not make the colors so opaque that
you can’t see your face below them. You will need to be
able to see your facial features as guides for painting
your lines and shapes. Try to be symmetrical.
For the actual makeup you make the colors opaque.
When you have completed this layer of color/makeup
you will powder with your Translucent powder to set
the colors so when you paint the next layers of color
the foundation colors they will not mix together.
Layer #2: Other colors:
In the example the other colors are Red and Yellow.
These tend to be tricky, swirls, points, etc. You will need
to have a lot of control over your brush. You also need
to try and be as symmetrical as possible.
You also need to leave room for the Black layer with its
lines, shapes, swirls, etc.
This layer may also be powdered, but not necessarily.
It depends on the likelihood you may smear it.
Layer #3: Black Layer:
The Black Layer is the last layer because the darkest layer
should be last. You must be very careful with the Black
because if you make a mistake, it is almost impossible
to fix! You need to use control to maintain sharp edges
and create as much symmetry as possible.
When the makeup is complete you will powder (carefully!)
one last time with translucent powder.
If the powder gets “cakey” you can use a wet paper towel
to remove the “cakey” patches.
When you lay your sketches one on top of the other you will see how the makeup progresses :
Good Luck!!