Bryan Cave - Who Represents America's Biggest Companies 2012

Who Represents America's Biggest
Companies 2012
Bryan Cave is among the most-mentioned law firms in Corporate Counsel magazine’s “Who
Represents America’s Biggest Companies 2012 Report.” The firm was noted in four areas
with the “most mentions” in torts litigation.
The magazine searched public records to find which law firms Fortune 100 companies
employed in 2011 to handle work in the areas of contracts litigation, labor litigation, torts
litigation, intellectual property litigation and patent prosecution.
Overall, the firm was listed as counsel for nine Fortune 100 companies in the following areas:
Contracts Litigation
Wells Fargo & Company
Intellectual Property
Apple Inc.
Bank of America Corporation
Express Scripts Holding Co.
Express Scripts Holding Co.
Torts Litigation
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The Boeing Company
Ford Motor Company
Johnson & Johnson
J.P. Morgan Chase & Co
Merck & Co. Inc.
Wells Fargo & Company
Corporate Counsel, a monthly magazine for the in-house attorney, covers business issues,
legal affairs and reports on the latest developments in the corporate world. The magazine is a
publication of ALM.
Click here to view the article. The charts begin on page 85.
Commercial Litigation
Intellectual Property
Product Liability
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