Student Forum on Clinical Competencies Introductions…

• Dr. DiBartola – needs no introduction!
Student Forum on Clinical
– Associate Dean for Administration and
• Dr. Clare Allen
– Former equine veterinarian
– Worked at Cornell University’s CVM
– Newly hired at OSU to work on DVM
education and curriculum review
Dr. Clare Allen, MA VetMB
Dr. Stephen DiBartola, DVM, ACVIM
Why are we here?
• To tell you about Clinical Competencies
Outcomes Assessments…
What are Outcomes Assessments?
• As part of accreditation through the
AVMA’s Council on Education, all
veterinary colleges are required to adhere
to 11 Standards
• Standard 11 is “Outcomes Assessment”
What are Outcomes Assessment?
• “Outcomes assessment measures that
address the college mission must be
developed and implemented. Outcomes
assessment results must be used to
improve the college programs.”
From “Accreditation Policies and Procedures of the
What are Clinical Competencies?
“The school/college must develop
relevant measures and provide evidence
that students/graduates have had
adequate access to primary care cases
and hands-on experiences with live
animals during the clinical year and must
address clinical competencies in the
following areas:”
From “Accreditation Policies and Procedures of the
AVMA Council on Education (COE)”
AVMA Council on Education (COE)” at
AVMA COE’s Areas of Clinical Competency
1. Comprehensive patient diagnosis (problem solving skills),
appropriate use of clinical laboratory testing, and record
2. Comprehensive treatment planning including patient referral when
3. Anesthesia and pain management, patient welfare
4. Basic surgery skills, experience, and case management
5. Basic medicine skills, experience, and case management
6. Emergency and intensive care case management
7. Health promotion, disease prevention/biosecurity, zoonosis, and
food safety
8. Client communications and ethical conduct
9. Strong appreciation for the role of research in furthering the practice
of veterinary medicine
• Consumer Protection
– The public needs to know that their veterinarian is
clinically competent right out of school
• Student education
– You need to know what is expected of you, and how
to achieve it
• Program improvement
– We need to know the weaknesses and strengths of
our program and continue to improve it
From “Accreditation Policies and Procedures of the AVMA Council on Education
What does this mean for the OSU CVM?
How do we do this?
• As part of accreditation in 2007, OSU
CVM had to show that we would
implement and track a system of clinical
competencies outcomes for DVM students
in the near future
• Come up with a list of core clinical
competencies that are measurable
• Make sure that there are adequate
opportunities for you to practice these
• Track and document that you all have at
least one experience of successfully
completing each of these skills before you
What does this mean for YOU?
What does this mean for YOU?
• Starting in the Autumn Quarter 2008, you
will be issued with a booklet listing OSU’s
Core Clinical Competencies
• As you progress through your VME III
courses, and on into clinical rotations, you
will be expected to have clinicians (faculty,
instructors, residents and interns) and
technicians “sign off” on these skills as you
perform them
What does this mean for YOU?
What does this mean for YOU?
• Student Responsibilities:
– Get skills checked off
– Maintain records – some kind of digital backup to be determined… watch this space
– Honesty – responsibility to your profession,
future clients and to yourself
What we need NOW…
• BOTTOM LINE: This is good news for you!
– Makes it clearer what you need to achieve in
– Makes us more accountable to provide those
opportunities and improve the program
• Student feedback
– We value your thoughts and comments about
this process during implementation and
• Understanding
– This is a work in progress
– We will continue to refine it as we go along,
and we need your understanding and
feedback to make it work and to make it better