Digging into Use Case Relationships

Digging into Use Case Relationships
Gonzalo Génova, Juan Llorens, Víctor Quintana
Computer Science Department, Carlos III University of Madrid,
Avda. Universidad 30, 28911 Leganés (Madrid), Spain
{ggenova, llorens}@inf.uc3m.es, victorq@ie.inf.uc3m.es
Abstract. Use case diagrams are one of the key concepts in the Unified
Modeling Language, but their semantics and notation have some gaps that lead
to frequent misunderstandings among practitioners, even about very basic
questions. In this paper we address some issues regarding the relationships in
which use cases may take part. The Include and Extend relationships between
two use cases have presently an inconsistent definition, since they are
represented as stereotyped dependencies, but they are not true dependencies in
the metamodel. Besides, the direction of the dependency arrow in the Extend
relationship can be misleading, unnatural and difficult to understand for the
common practitioner. Finally, we show also some conceptual problems
regarding the included or extending use cases, which in our opinion are not true
use cases.
There are two kinds of relationships in which use cases may take part in a use case
diagram: relationships between two use cases, and relationships between a use case
and an actor1. They are always binary relationships.
There is something strange about relationships between two use cases, which are
directed relationships from a source use case to a target use case. In the first versions
of UML, up to version 1.1, they were modeled as stereotyped generalizations, named
"uses" and "extends", following Jacobson’s original ideas [5]. After adoption by the
OMG (Object Management Group) UML went through two revisions, and the old
stereotyped «uses» and «extends» generalizations were quietly replaced in version 1.3
by the new stereotyped «include» and «extend» dependencies2, which have survived
without change in version 1.4. Both the names and the semantics of the relationships
were deliberately changed by the UML authors, but the whys and the hows were
never widely explained to the general public [13, 15].
In fact, this change has introduced a conflict between the notation and the
metamodel. The new relationships are graphically represented as stereotyped
dependencies but, as we will show, they are not true dependencies in the metamodel,
A previous version of this paper contained a Section on the relationships between use cases
and actors, but it had to be supressed due to space problems.
Whether they are dependencies, or not, is one of the main subjects of this paper.
but direct subclasses of the Relationship metaclass. This is in itself a source of
confusion about the true nature of these relationships. What kind of relationships are
really «include» and «extend»? Should the metamodel or the notation prevail, or
There are other common misunderstandings about use case models that are induced
by a lack of definition and a misleading notation in use case relationships. Even
though some authors suggest that use case relationships should be confirmed as
usage-dependencies [7], we think that dependency in itself is not a clear concept, used
in UML rather as a supertype for everything that is neither generalization nor
association [UML 2-33]. Practitioners very often complain about the perplexing
direction of the «extend» dependency. Besides, we have observed a general tendency
towards misinterpreting use case dependencies as control flow relationships between
processes, leading to a confusion between use case diagrams and activity diagrams.
Our rather drastic proposal is to avoid at all the decomposition of use cases by means
of use case relationships, allowing only self-contained use cases that are directly
connected with actors.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 explains in detail the
conflict between notation and metamodel for use case relationships in the current
version of UML. Section 3 examines the directionality of use case relationships,
exposing some conceptual problems about the nature of these relationships. Finally,
Section 4 proceeds by showing the risks of use case relationships for a correct
understanding of a use case model.
Since this is a conceptual research about the nature of use case relationships and
their official definition, our main source has been The OMG Unified Modeling
Language Specification [9], more briefly referred to as "The Standard". This
document is properly the only one which is truly "official", but there are many
semantic questions that are poorly explained in it, so that we have turned to the works
of the original authors of the UML in search for a clarification: The Unified Modeling
Language Reference Manual [12], which seemed an obvious choice, and The Unified
Modeling Language User Guide [2]3. On the other side, we cite the User Guide not
because we consider it a particularly reliable source, but because it is probably the
main source for many modelers, so that we think it is important to show its virtues
and deficiencies. We quote version 1.4 of the Standard, and we have checked that
there have been no significant changes from version 1.3 regarding these topics.
In the remaining of this paper, these three references will be cited as "UML" for the UML
Specification, "RM" for the UML Reference Manual, and "UG" for the UML User Guide,
followed by page numbers.
1. A misleading notation for use case relationships
1.1. In UML version 1.1
In UML (up to version 1.1 [10, 11], before adoption by the OMG) there were two
kinds of relationships between use cases: "extends" and "uses". They were both
represented by generalization arrows, respectively labeled with the stereotypes
«extends» or «uses» (see Figure 1).
Place Order
extension points
additional requests
Figure 1. An example of use case relationships as stereotyped generalizations, extracted from
UML Notation v1.1 [11] (p. 79)
The metamodel for use cases (see Figure 2) was not very developed in version 1.1,
so that these two relationships had not any prominent place in it: there didn’t exist any
special metaclasses for them. Therefore, we must conclude that they were true
stereotyped generalizations, available to the UseCase metaclass because it is a
subclass of Classifier, which is a subclass of GeneralizableElement. The third wellformedness rule for use cases imposed that these were the only relationships allowed
between use cases [10] (p. 92).
(From Core)
(From Common Behavior)
specification *
extensionPoint: list of String
Figure 2. Metamodel of use cases, extracted from UML Semantics v1.1 [10] (p. 90)
1.2. In UML version 1.4
Because of the conceptual problems caused by the definition of relationships
between use cases as generalizations, and the fact that developers completely
disregarded the generalization semantics in the way they employed them [13, 14],
UML later abandoned this approach in version 1.3 in favor of a more plausible
definition, based on a notion of dependency which has survived without change in
version 1.4. Nevertheless, this definition has not been made at all clear in the current
version, as we are going to show: use case relationships are shown as dependencies,
but they are not true dependencies.
The former «uses» and «extends» stereotyped generalizations have supposedly
evolved into «include» and «extend» stereotyped dependencies, whereas a new plain
generalization is also allowed. In Figure 3 we can see the equivalent of Figure 1 in the
new notation. Solid lines with hollow arrowheads (generalization) have been
substituted by dashed lines with open arrowheads (dependency).
Place Order
Extension Points
additional requests :
after creation of the order
the salesperson asks
for the catalog
Figure 3. An example of use case relationships as stereotyped dependencies, extracted from
UML Specification v1.4, p. 3-99. Compare with Figure 1. We have respected the original
layouts in both diagrams, even though they are upside down and this could mislead the eye of
the reader. Notice the differences in the descriptions of extensions and in the addition of an
actor to the diagram.
Indeed, this notation states that we are dealing now with some kind of dependency,
as we were dealing before with some kind of inheritance. The User Guide defines
these use case relationships as stereotypes of dependencies [UG 227, 228]. The
Reference Manual also says that "an extend relationship is a kind of dependency"
[RM 490], that an include relationship "is a dependency, not a generalization" [RM
491], and that "an extend relationship or an include relationship is shown by a
dependency arrow" [RM 493]. Everything seems clear. What is the problem, then?
Let’s have a closer look at the definitions in the Standard. Remarkably, the
description of the notation for these two relationships carefully avoids either the word
"dependency" or defining them as dependencies [UML 3-98]:
"An extend relationship between use cases is shown by a dashed arrow with
an open arrow-head from the use case providing the extension to the base
use case. The arrow is labeled with the keyword «extend»."
"An include relationship between use cases is shown by a dashed arrow with
an open arrow-head from the base use case to the included use case. The
arrow is labeled with the keyword «include»."
A similar caution is not observed when describing the other possible relationship
between use cases plainly as a generalization [UML 3-98].
These remarks could be disdained as non-significant subtleties, and a pragmatic
position could be assumed: "they are represented as dependencies, so they are
dependencies", but the point is that the metamodel itself does not define the use case
relationships as dependencies. In fact, the metaclasses Extend and Include are direct
subtypes of the metaclass Relationship (see Figure 4 and compare with Figure 2).
./ / 0
(From Core)
(From Common Behavior)
!" # "$ .
(From Core)
#&% '('" location: LocationReference
./ / 0
condition: BooleanExpression
+ ," (From Core)
Figure 4. Metamodel of use cases, extracted from UML Specification v1.4, p. 2-135.
The Relationship metaclass did not yet exist in v1.1, it was introduced later as a
supertype of all kinds of relationships (Flow, Generalization, Association,
Dependency, etc.). The Dependency metaclass has its own subtypes; Include and
Extend are not subtypes of Dependency, but direct subtypes of Relationship (see
Figure 5).
! "
#$%& ' ($
) ,- .
(0/)%1) 2
4%56 Figure 5. The Relationship metaclass and its subtypes, extracted from UML Specification v1.4,
pp. 2-14, 2-15, 2-135.
Aside from the graphical presentation of the metamodel, the Standard does not say
that Include and Extend are dependencies, neither in the Abstract Syntax section
[UML 2-136, 2-137], nor in the Detailed Semantics section [UML 2-143, 2-144], and
the list of kinds of Dependency does not include them [UML 2-33, 3-91]. A
stereotype is used in UML to extend the language with new modeling elements,
which are derived from existing ones [UML 2-78] [8]. Predefined stereotypes are
equivalent to subclasses in the metamodel [16] that inherit, among others, the notation
of the parent class. For example, a «use» dependency in a model is possible because
Usage is a subclass of Dependency in the metamodel, and it is represented with the
same notation, a dashed arrow with open arrowhead, adding the stereotype’s
keyword. In the case of Include and Extend, they are direct subtypes of Relationship,
but they use the notation of Dependency instead, creating a conflict.
From this scrutiny we can conclude that:
According to the Standard, Include and Extend are intentionally not
dependencies, but relationships on their own (direct subtypes of
The Standard is contradicted by the User Guide and the Reference Manual,
where Include and Extend are defined as stereotyped dependencies.
The Standard proposes a misleading notation, since it represents Include and
Extend graphically as stereotyped dependencies; this is in itself a source of
This conflict could be easily solved by changing the metamodel and making
Include and Extend subtypes of Dependency. But, before taking this step, the true
nature and convenience of these relationships must be enlightened. Besides, if Include
and Extend are finally not dependencies, then the direction of the arrow should be
established with a criterion that is not that of a dependency.
2. A misleading direction of dependency in the Extend relationship
Include and Extend are said to be directed relationships [UML 2-136, 2-137],
which is conveniently represented by an arrowhead on the corresponding end of the
relationship. "The include relationship points at the use case to be included; the
extend relationship points at the use case to be extended" [RM 66]. In other words,
UML tells us to draw the arrow from the base to the inclusion (or addition, in terms of
the metamodel, see Figure 4), and from the extension to the base (see Figure 7). Thus,
in the «extend» relationship, the base of the relationship is not the base of the arrow.
Figure 7. Include and Extend relationship arrows confronted with the underlying metamodel
Perhaps not surprisingly, most people think intuitively that the «extend» arrow
should go the same way round as the «include» arrow [17], that is, both arrows should
point from the base case towards the inclusion or the extension. This is probably due
to a poor understanding of the difference between these relationships by practitioners,
a problem which has been denounced long ago, and about which even the experts
disagree [4]. This difficulty is not completely solved by assuming that Include means
reuse while Extend means insertion, or alternative, or exception, since these concepts
are not that clearly independent: if B is reused by A, then in some way B is being
inserted into A; if C is inserted into A, or is an alternative to A, or an exception, then
in some way C is being reused by A (or, at least, "used"). We understand practitioners
when they find difficulties in deciding whether they should use Include or Extend in
their models.
The difference between Include and Extend is understood by some authors as
conditional versus unconditional insertion: a use case is inserted into another use
case, in analogy with subroutine call semantics [1, 7]. In this way, the inserted use
case is easily seen as an independent reusable, encapsulated module, while the base
use case in which the insertion is made is seen as dependent on the insertion. With
this notion in mind, practitioners are perplexed when they are told that they must draw
the «extend» arrow in reverse direction: they do not see a true dependency in it. As a
rule of thumb, one can think that the arrow goes from the "grammatical subject" to the
"grammatical object" of the corresponding verb "include" or "extend". For example,
in Figure 3 the Request Catalog use case extends the Place Order use case, which in
turn includes the Order Product use case. But this "grammatical rule" that helps in
drawing the arrows does not seem adequate to understand the true underlying
dependencies between use cases.
In fact, the same authors mentioned above [1, 7] think that there is not any
fundamental difference between the Include and Extend relationships: they would be
semantically equivalent. Extend would be considered "if (condition) then ...", whereas
Include would be considered "if (TRUE) then ..." [7]; this would be consistent with
the original idea of an extension being a guarded block of functionality that could be
inserted into a main use case upon fulfillment of a certain condition [13], although
Jacobson viewed the extensions as interrupts rather than branches [5]. If they were
truly equivalent, both relationships could be collapsed into a single relationship
analogous to what the OPEN/OML approach calls the "invokes" relationship [3], and
of course they should be drawn in the same direction.
In order to establish the rightness of this approach, the true dependencies
underlying Include and Extend must be exposed, which will lead to a better
understanding of these relationships, their similarities, and their differences.
Include. According to the Reference Manual, "the base use case can see the
inclusion and can depend on the effects of performing the inclusion, but
neither the base nor the inclusion may access each other’s attributes" [RM
297]. This indicates a dependency from the base to the inclusion, as the
arrow accordingly states4.
Extend. On the other side, "an extension use case in an extend relationship
may access or modify attributes defined by the base use case. The base use
case, however, cannot see the extensions and may not access their attributes
or operations. The base use case defines a modular framework into which
extensions can be added, but the base does not have visibility of the
extensions" [RM 273]. That is, the base use case defines the extension points
in which it would accept extensions, but it knows nothing more about these
extensions. This indicates a dependency from the extension to the base, as
the UML authors advocate.
In consequence with these definitions, the dependencies seem to be rightly
expressed in UML: the base use case sees the inclusion and is seen by the extension.
We can compare Include to a go-to instruction (Place Order performs a go-to Order
Product), whereas Extend is to be compared rather with a come-from instruction
(Request Catalog performs a come-from Place Order). Even if we accepted that the
dependencies are right, the whole scheme is rather unnatural and difficult to
understand for the common practitioner.
Nevertheless, in the Extend dependency the base use case must define the
extension points, which makes it not completely independent of the extending use
cases. In addition, other authors [13, 14] think that making the variant or exceptional
behavior depend on the normal behavior is not a logical dependency, but an artifact of
the order followed in the analysis procedure (first write the normal cases, then write
the extensions on separate sheets and state where in the normal cases they should be
Unfortunately, some lines below in the same page, we read: "The inclusion use case may
access attributes or operations of the base use case", which contradicts the previous statement
and would induce a dependency from the inclusion to the base. We think this is a weird error
in the text, since it prevents the desired encapsulation and reuse semantics, as stated right
after: "The inclusion represents encapsulated behavior that potentially can be reused in
multiple base use cases".
inserted): this is like saying that all branches of a multi-branch statement depend
logically on one distinguished branch. In this view the «extend» arrow points in the
wrong direction (from the extensions to the base) but the right direction would not be
the reverse one (from the base to the extensions). Instead, a radically different scheme
must be followed: from a superordinate selection node to the base and all the
extensions equally. Unfortunately, this scheme is adequate for modeling alternatives,
but it is less adequate for insertions, and it is not adequate for exceptions.
Strangely, the current version of the metamodel does not provide an InclusionPoint
metaclass for the Include relationship, to represent the place where the inclusion takes
place, equivalent to the ExtensionPoint for the Extend relationship (see Figure 4),
even though this is a natural concept and it is even mentioned in the Reference
Manual [RM 297, 491]. There is another more fundamental difference between the
inclusion and the extension that prevents a true equivalence among them. In the
«include» relationship, the included use case is inserted at one location in the base use
case and represents encapsulated behavior [UML 2-143]; it follows a subroutine call
semantics [6]. Conversely, in an «extend» relationship, upon fulfillment of a single
condition, the different fragments of behavior defined in the extension are inserted
simultaneously and coordinatedly at different locations in the base use case [UML 2144]; therefore, it follows interleaving semantics [6], and consequently the extension
does not define any encapsulated behavior. The problems of interleaving semantics
have already been exposed [6]: interleaving violates encapsulation and other
fundamental principles of object-orientation, a fault that should be more than enough
to discard interleaving and promote subroutine call semantics (that is, encapsulation)
also for extend relationships. In the kingdom of encapsulation, interleaving semantics
is not easy to understand.
3. The risks of use case relationships
A use case execution is commonly considered a use case instance [5, 6, 13, 14],
that is, "the performance of a sequence of actions specified in a use case" [UML 2138]. In earlier works on use cases [5], inclusions and extensions were called
"abstract" use cases, because they were not instantiable (that is, they were not full and
independent external software services), in contrast with "concrete" use cases, which
were directly connected with actors and represented a complete service offered to an
actor. That is, when an actor requires a service from a concrete use case that has an
abstract use case included in it or extending it, there is only one running instance, that
of the concrete use case. The concrete use case completes its description with that of
the included or extending abstract use case; this "usage dependency" exists only at the
classifier level, there isn’t any relationship between use case instances. The term
"abstract use case" is reminiscent of the time in which use case relationships were
stereotyped generalizations, and it has been abandoned in the current version of
UML5. Therefore, in order to avoid this term, which is particularly misleading, we are
That is, the term "abstract use case" does not mean any more an included or extending use
case. Of course, since use cases are classifiers, there may exist "abstract" use cases in the
going to use the terms "primary use case" and "secondary use case". Primary use
cases are directly connected to actors, whereas secondary use cases are inclusions and
In this section we are going to challenge the notion of "use case relationship". The
noble intention behind inclusions and extensions is removing redundancy from the
documentation: "Organizing your use cases by extracting common behavior (through
include relationships) and distinguishing variants (through extend relationships) is an
important part of creating a simple, balanced, and understandable set of use cases for
your system" [UG 228]. However, this intention fails due to several reasons.
First of all, secondary use cases are not true use cases. Let’s have a look at some
definitions. A use case is "a description of a set of sequences of actions, including
variants, that a system performs to yield an observable result of value to an actor"
[UG 222], "the specification of sequences of actions, including variant sequences and
error sequences, that a system, subsystem, or class can perform by interacting with
outside actors" [RM 488]. "Each use case specifies a service the entity provides to its
users; that is, a specific way of using the entity. The service, which is initiated by a
user, is a complete sequence" [UML 2-141]. "A pragmatic rule of use when defining
use cases is that each use case should yield some kind of observable result of value to
(at least) one of its actors. This ensures that the use cases are complete specifications
and not just fragments" [UML 2-145].
Let’s see why these definitions are not satisfied by "secondary use cases":
Included use case. Its purpose is to factor out and reuse common behavior
among use cases. As a description of encapsulated behavior [UML 2-143], it
could be designed to be a complete sequence that yields an observable result
to the actor. However, it is more probable that it is an incomplete sequence
that yields only a partial result, more easily reused by several primary use
cases: "A use case can simply incorporate the behavior of other use cases as
fragments of its own behavior. This is called an include relationship" [RM
66]. It is not that easy that a fragment of behavior can be at the same time a
complete behavior. Typically, an included use case is not directly connected
to an actor, but only indirectly through a primary use case6. An included use
case does not interact with the actor, it does not specify a full service (a
complete sequence of interactions), and it does not yield an observable
result, therefore it is not a true use case.
Extending use case. Its purpose is to distinguish variant behavior from the
primary use case. Originally, the extend relationship was intended to
represent insertions as well as alternatives and exceptions, but it has been
general sense applied to any classifier, but these abstract use cases must not be confounded
with included or extending use cases. A true abstract use case would be indirectly
instantiable via its subclasses, but this is not the pretended meaning for inclusions or
However, the Reference Manual contains an example [RM 27] of an included use case "make
charges" that is simultaneously connected to an actor "credit card service", that is, a use case
that is both primary and secondary, being therefore instantiable and non-instantiable at the
same time. We doubt that this example is realistic. We think rather that this actor should be
connected to a different primary use case, which would include the "make charges"
secondary use case.
shown that insertion semantics is inadequate to model exceptions and
alternatives [13, 14]. In addition to the arguments given for the included use
case, which are valid here too, an extending use case may contain different
fragments of behavior to be inserted into different locations (interleaving
semantics), what makes it even harder to consider the extending use case as
an independent external service.
Summing up, secondary use cases are not true use cases simply because they do
not specify a service that a system gives to an actor. If, having observed
"commonalities between use cases" [UML 2-143] or variant behaviors, we want to
organize and simplify the set of use cases, a different concept must be defined in the
metamodel, such as "common functionality" or "variant functionality"; otherwise, the
definition of "use case" as "a coherent unit of functionality" [UML 3-96] must be
changed to admit services or functions that are incomplete or that are not directly
related to the actors.
Finally, the representation of secondary use cases in a model, or "common
functionalities", has other, maybe worse, risks. In our opinion, the use of dependencylike use case relationships and, consequently, use cases that are not complete and selfcontained, convey a dangerous twist towards the expression of sequential processing,
or flow of control, in a use case diagram. We think that the goal of use cases is to
express self-contained functionality, without expressing any sequence between those
functionalities. Otherwise, these functionalities become processes that invoke one
another. We have observed this phenomenon in many practitioners: they fail to
understand a use case diagram because they see rather an activity diagram, or a
process decomposition diagram.
In our experience in using and teaching UML we have learned that, against what it
would seem at first sight, it is not that easy to represent a system’s functionality by
means of use case diagrams. There are some very basic questions about the meaning
of the symbols in the diagram that do not have an easy answer, such as what is the
meaning of a use case that is not directly connected to an actor, what is the meaning
of the arrows between use cases, why is the arrow for the Extend relationship "in the
reverse" direction, and so on.
After the last revisions of UML (currently 1.4), use case relationships have been
put in an inconsistent state: they have the notation of stereotyped dependencies, but
the semantics defined in the metamodel is not that of a dependency. It seems that a
simple change in the metamodel would amend this contradiction, but before taking
this step the true nature and convenience of use case relationships must be examined.
The direction of the dependency in the Extend relationship is misleading. Even if it
were shown to be correct, it is nevertheless unnatural and difficult to understand for
the common practitioner. Some authors propose a fundamental equivalence between
Extend and Include, understood as conditional versus unconditional insertion. But this
cannot be true in the present state of the language, since Extend’s direction is opposite
to Include’s, and more fundamentaly because of the interleaving semantics of the
Extend relationship. An InclusionPoint metaclass should be added to the metamodel
to complete the equivalence, too.
Moreover, we have challenged the utility of these relationships. We have shown
that included or extending use cases are not true use cases, because they are not
complete and coherent units of functionality that yield an observable result to the
actor. Besides, there is a danger to take the intended dependencies for control-flow
relationships, leading to the confusion between use case diagrams and activity
The authors would like to give thanks to Anthony Simons and especially to Pierre
Metz for the interesting personal communications that have served as food for thought
in conceiving and writing this paper. The anonymous reviewers have also provided
valuable ideas and suggestions.
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