Content Analysis Practicum: News Coverage of America's Wars

Content Analysis Practicum
CMN 529 SA (CRN# 53578)
T Th 3:30pm–4:50pm,
Foreign Languages Building G7
Fall 2010
Professor Scott Althaus
Office: 256 Computer Applications Building
Hours: Tuesdays 1–3pm, and by appt.
Phone: 217.265.7879
Course Objectives
The objectives of this course are threefold:
(1) to teach a generic and multi-purpose method of quantitative content analysis that is commonly
employed by scholars of mass communication and political communication to measure trends and
discourse elements in news coverage;
(2) to give students practical experience in all stages of quantitative content analysis, from protocol design
to validity testing, reliability testing, coding, data entry, and data analysis;
(3) to produce publishable research papers co-authored by participants in the course (the number of these
papers will depend on the number of students taking the course and the scope of the projects we
choose to undertake).
The first half of the semester will be spent on learning the methods of content analysis, while the second half of
the semester will be spent on applying them.
The Practicum Project
In order to focus on the practical aspects of content analysis and to complete a major data collection effort by
the end of the semester, students will either pursue their own content analysis projects (which must be
approved by the instructor) or participate in a group project headed by the instructor.
Those students wishing to pursue independent content analysis projects as part of the course must have their
proposed projects approved by the instructor and must have a well-developed literature review, including
hypotheses and a draft codebook for the content analysis, ready for submission soon after the start of the class.
This means that doing your own project (by yourself or in combination with other collaborators in the class)
that is independent of the main class project(s) requires more outside work than taking part in the instructor’s
group project.
Everyone else will work on a research project designed by the instructor in advance of the semester to address a
research question that is of broad topical interest, both popularly and in scholarly circles, and that has never
been subject to systematic quantitative content analysis. This project is designed to yield a high-profile
academic publication. This semester’s project will produce a validity study that compares several different
computer data-mining strategies for coding the evaluative tone of news stories (that is, positive versus negative
coverage). Done in collaboration with Kalev Leetaru (Coordinator of Information and Research Technologies at
the Cline Center for Democracy at UIUC, and a PhD student in the Graduate School of Library and Information
Sciences), the project will focus on New York Times coverage of the Israeli-Arab conflict from 1946 to 2004, and
will seek to determine whether computer-based sentiment analysis methods can produce tone results
comparable to those produced by human coders. We have unprecedented access to the entire full text of the
New York Times over this period, so the scale of this project will be truly impressive. It will not only yield valuable
tests of the validity of such methods relative to human coding, but will also produce unprecedented insights
into the dynamics of American news coverage about Israel and Palestine over the last 60 years. TARGET
JOURNALS: American Journal of Political Science; Political Analysis; Journal of Communication.
Required Reading
Students are required to obtain the following book, which is available at local bookstores:
Kimberly A. Neuendorf. 2002. The Content Analysis Guidebook. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
(one non-circulating copy is in the reserve stacks of the Education Library, call number 301.01 N393c) A
Web site for this textbook can be found at:
Students are also required to obtain a set of additional readings for class, most of which are available in
electronic form on the course Moodle.
Course Moodle Site
This course has a Moodle site that will be the primary vehicle for receiving course assignments and
distributing course-related materials in electronic form. The Moodle site can be accessed here (course
enrollment required for access):
Your final grade for this course will be determined by your performance on the following assignments:
Reliability analysis assignment (2-3 page paper)
Validity analysis assignment (2-3 page paper)
Weekly participation in class discussions and lab sessions
Weekly content analysis case quotas
Lexicon review paper and presentation
Technical report paper and presentation
(10% of final grade)
(10% of final grade)
(20% of final grade)
(20% of final grade)
(20% of final grade)
(20% of final grade)
Students pursuing independent content analysis projects for course credit will turn in final papers that include
the following sections: literature review, research questions and hypotheses, methods and data, findings, and
conclusions. These papers will be worth 50% of the student’s final grade.
The reliability analysis assignment requires you to assess the reliability of variables in a hypothetical two-coder
reliability test (using “fake” data generated from an actual coding scheme—hat tip to Kimberly Neuendorf for
this assignment idea). You will calculate rates of intercoder agreement and a variety of intercoder reliability
statistics for each of the variables in the data set. You will then outline concrete steps to improve the reliability
of the data and recommend whether the hypothetical project should proceed to the data collection stage or
should do another round of reliability testing.
The validity analysis assignment requires you to assess the methodological soundness and appropriateness (in
terms of both validity and reliability) of a major content analysis project that is available to scholars and used in
your area of research. This is not an assignment to analyze the coding used in a particular paper, but rather to
analyze a major content analysis data source that is already in use by multiple scholars in your field. You should
choose a dataset that’s relevant to you and that you might actually use or engage with down the road. Applying
methodological concepts learned in class, you’ll review the research questions and hypotheses that the dataset
was designed to address, and assess the quality of sampling, the operationalization of key content analysis
variables, as well as the reliability of the coding scheme. Possible examples include the Wisconsin Advertising
Project (; the Policy Agendas Project (; the
Kansas Event Data System (; the Comparative Manifesto Project
(, Media Tenor
(, and the Project for Excellence in Journalism’s News Coverage Index
The lexicon review paper and presentation is designed to support the class project, and will be written by groups
of students. The paper and accompanying PowerPoint presentation will have four goals: (1) review and explain
the analytical strategy of a popular sentiment lexicon (to be assigned by the instructor); (2) identify the
theoretical assumptions about communication that inform the lexicon’s use; (3) review the academic literature
that has used the lexicon; and (4) assess the validity of the lexicon’s analytical strategy for sentiment analysis in
political science and communication research. The assigned lexicons will later be tested against our class’s
human coding and compared against the parallel results of other sentiment lexicons.
The technical report paper and presentation presents the results of an empirical test comparing human coding to
an assigned lexicon, where both sets of results are drawn from the same underlying data. This assignment
follows directly from the literature review assignment, and groups will retain the same lexicons for both
assignments. The paper and accompanying PowerPoint presentation will have three goals: (1) assess how
accurately the lexicon reproduces the tone scores made by of human coders; (2) to the degree that the lexicon
misrepresents the tone score of human coders, assess how the lexicon’s analytical strategy may have been
responsible for producing particular errors; (3) make recommendations on how to adjust the lexicon’s analytical
strategy to better match the results of human coding.
Authorship and Data-Sharing Agreement
For those participating in the course’s collaborative data collection project, the following guidelines determine
authorship credits for the specific projects detailed above:
Default order of authorship credit: Kalev Leetaru and the course instructor will be listed as first authors
(order to be determined), followed by each student (in alphabetical order) who participated materially
in the collection of data, the analysis of data, or manuscript preparation for the particular project.
Modifications to this default order of authorship credit can be made with the consent of the majority of
persons claiming authorship in the project’s publication. Reasons for modifying the order of authorship
include, but are not limited to: recognizing additional data collection effort above and beyond those of
other co-authors, recognizing the contribution of special skills or additional time above and beyond
those contributed by other co-authors, and recognizing additional effort given to preparing or revising
the manuscript for publication. It is common for some participants to contribute only to data collection,
while others go on to also put extra work into the manuscript and publication process—these
differences in material contributions normally should be factors influencing the order of authorship.
Authors can also be dropped from sharing credit in the project if the data they supply turns out to be
flawed or otherwise unusable due to problems in the quality of data collection.
In addition, students taking this course and participating in its data collection project(s) also agree that once
each research project (as defined above) yields its intended publication, all data collected for the project can be
used freely by any of the project co-authors, who agree to cite the authors of the original publication as the
source of the data. This means that every project participant is guaranteed authorship credit on the first
publication, but not on any subsequent publications that might result from this data collection effort. This is
meant to encourage students to add further data to the cases or to use the original data for different projects
without having to involve or get individual permission from all of the original co-authors.
Tentative Course Schedule
Overview of Course and Introduction to
Content Analysis Projects
The History, Applications and Analytical Logic
of Content Analysis
In-class: begin discussing sampled news stories
to define tone and the two actors for which tone
will be assessed
Before class: read the second batch of sampled
news content with the draft coding scheme in
What Is Content Analysis Trying to Do?
In-class: discuss assigned readings; finish
discussing the first batch of sampled news stories
to define tone and the two actors for which tone
will be assessed
In-class: discuss the sampled news content to
define tone and the two actors for which tone
will be assessed
Validity I: Generalizability
Before class: read the third batch of sampled
news content with the draft coding scheme in
In-class: refine draft codebook
In-class: Finalize codebook; determine sampling
frames for content analysis project; draw sample
for first reliability test
Validity II: Operationalization
Validity III: Reliability
Validity IV: Databases and Content Proxies
In-class: Discuss results of first reliability test. If
necessary, refine coding scheme, and draw new
sample; otherwise begin coding
In-class: Work on second reliability test
Reliability analysis assignment due
Introduction to Data Mining Approaches
In-class: Interesting examples session
In class: Discuss results of second reliability test.
If necessary, refine coding scheme, and draw
new sample; otherwise begin coding
Sentiment Analysis I
Validity analysis assignment due
Sentiment Analysis II
In-class: Interesting examples session
Network Analysis
In-class: Interesting examples session
Automatic Topic Categorization
In-class: Interesting examples session
Lexicon Review Presentations
In-class: Data cleaning and analysis session
Comparative Lexicon Performance Analysis
In-class: Determine the parallel analyses that will
be presented in the technical reports, as well as
graphical styles for presenting the reports
Special Topic (To Be Determined)
In-class: Interesting examples session
Special Topic (To Be Determined)
Special Topic (To Be Determined)
12/16 Technical Report Presentations, 1:30-4:30
Reading List
The History, Applications and Analytical Logic of Content Analysis
CAG chapters 1, 2, 3, and 9
What Is Content Analysis Trying to Do?
Allport, Gordon W. 2009 [1965]. Letters from Jenny. In The content analysis reader, edited by K.
Krippendorff and M. A. Bock. Los Angeles: Sage.
Janis, Irving. 2009 [1965]. The problem of validating content analysis. In The content analysis reader, edited
by K. Krippendorff and M. A. Bock. Los Angeles: Sage.
Poole, M. Scott, and Joseph P. Folger. 2009 [1981]. Modes of observation and the validation of interaction
analysis schemes. In The content analysis reader, edited by K. Krippendorff and M. A. Bock. Los
Angeles: Sage.
Berinsky, Adam and Donald R. Kinder. 2006. Making sense of issues through media frames: Understanding
the Kosovo Crisis. Journal of Politics 68(3): 640-656.
Validity I: Generalizability
CAG chapter 4 ( “Message Units and Sampling”)
Barnhurst, Kevin. (in preparation). Skim chapters 1 (“Long”), 3 (“What”), and 4 (“Where”) of The Myth of
American Journalism. Unpublished manuscript. Available here
Weare, Christopher, and Wan-Ying Lin. 2000. Content analysis of the World Wide Web. Social Science
Computer Review 18 (3):272-292.
Hinduja, Sameer, and Justin W. Patchin. 2008. Personal information of adolescents on the Internet: A
quantitative content analysis of MySpace. Journal of Adolescence 31 (1):125-146.
For further reading:
Herring, Susan C. 2010. Web content analysis: Expanding the paradigm. In International Handbook of
Internet Research, edited by J. Hunsinger, L. Klastrup and M. Allen. New York: Springer.
Hester, Joe Bob, and Elizabeth Dougall. 2007. The efficiency of constructed week sampling for content
analysis of online news. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 84 (4):811-824.
Riffe, Daniel, Charles F. Aust, and Stephen R. Lacy. 1993. The effectiveness of random, consecutive day and
constructed week samplings in newspaper content analysis. Journalism Quarterly 70:133-139.
Validity II: Operationalization
CAG chapters 5 and 6
Krippendorff, Klaus. 2004. Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology, Second Edition. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Chapter 5, “Unitizing”
Krippendorff, Klaus. 2004. Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology, Second Edition. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Chapter 7, “Recording/Coding”
Potter, W. James, and Deborah Levine-Donnerstein. 1999. Rethinking validity and reliability in content
analysis. Journal of Applied Communication Research 27: 258-284.
For further reading:
Dixon, Travis L. and Daniel Linz. 2000. Overrepresentation and underrepresentation of African Americans
and Latinos as lawbreakers on television news. Journal of Communication 50(2): 131-154.
Nadeau, Richard, Elisabeth Gidengil, Neil Nevitte, André Blais. 1998. Do trained and untrained coders
perceive electoral coverage differently? Paper delivered at the annual meeting of the American
Political Science Association, Boston, MA.
Watts, Mark D., David Domke, Dhavan V. Shah, and David P. Fan. 1999. Elite cues and media bias in
presidential campaigns - Explaining public perceptions of a liberal press. Communication Research
Validity III: Reliability
CAG chapter 7 (“Reliability”)
Krippendorff, Klaus. 2004. Content Analysis: An Introduction to Its Methodology, Second Edition. Thousand
Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Chapter 11, “Reliability”
Lombard, Matthew, Jennifer Snyder-Duch, and Cheryl Campanella Bracken. 2002. Content analysis in mass
communication: Assessment and reporting of intercoder reliability. Human Communication
Research 28 (4):587-604.
Krippendorff, Klaus. 2004. Reliability in content analysis: Some common misconceptions and
recommendations. Human Communication Research 30(3): 411-433.
Artstein, Ron, and Massimo Poesio. 2008. Inter-coder agreement for computational linguistics.
Computational Linguistics 34 (4):555-596.
Useful Web resources:
Andrew Hayes’ Kalpha Macro for SPSS and SAS:
Deen Feelon’s ReCal System for Calculating Intercoder Reliability:
Matthew Lombard’s Intercoder Reliability Page:
PRAM Intercoder Reliability Software Documentation (Software will be distributed from the course
For further reading:
Bakeman, Roger and John M. Gottman. 1997. Observing Interaction: An Introduction to Sequential Analysis,
2nd ed. New York: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 4, “Assessing observer agreement.”
Freelon, Deen G. 2010. ReCal: Intercoder reliability calculation as a Web service. International Journal of
Internet Science 5 (1):20-33.
Hayes, Andrew F., and Klaus Krippendorff. 2007. Answering the call for a standard reliability measure for
coding data. Communication Methods and Measures 1:77-89.
Rothman, Steven B. 2007. Understanding data quality through reliability: A comparison of data reliability
assessment in three international relations datasets. International Studies Review 9 (3):437-456.
Validity IV: Databases and Content Proxies
CAG resource 2 (“Using Nexis”)
Snider, James H., and Kenneth Janda. 1998. “Newspapers in bytes and bits: Limitations of electronic
databases for content analysis.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political
Science Association, September 3-6, at Boston, MA.
Stryker, Jo Ellen, Ricardo J. Wray, Robert C. Hornik, and Itzik Yanovitsky. 2006. “Validation of database
search terms for content analysis: The case of cancer news coverage.” Journalism & Mass
Communication Quarterly 83(2): 413-430.
News Indices
Woolley, John T. 2000. Using media-based data in studies of politics. American Journal of Political Science
Althaus, Scott, Jill Edy, and Patricia Phalen. 2001. Using substitutes for full-text news stories in content
analysis: Which text is best? American Journal of Political Science 45(3): 707-723.
News Abstracts
Althaus, Scott, Jill Edy, and Patricia Phalen. 2002. Using the Vanderbilt Television Abstracts to track
broadcast news content: Possibilities and pitfalls. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 46(3):
Edy, Jill, Scott Althaus, and Patricia Phalen. 2005. Using news abstracts to represent news agendas.
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 82(2): 434-46.
Page, Benjamin, Robert Shapiro, and Glenn Dempsey. 1987. What moves public opinion? American Political
Science Review 81 (1):23-43.
Introduction to Data Mining Approaches
Cardie, Claire, and John Wilkerson. 2008. Text annotation for political science research. Journal of
Information Technology & Politics 5 (1):1 - 6.
Leetaru, Kalev. In preparation. Content Analysis: A Data Mining and Intelligence Approach. Unpublished
book manuscript. Chapters 4 (“Vocabulary Analysis”), 5 (“Correlation and Cooccurance”), 6
(“Gazeteers, Lexicons, and Entity Extraction”), 7 (“Topic Extraction”), and 8 (“Automatic
Categorization and Clustering”).
Hogenraad, Robert, Dean P. McKenzie, and Normand Péladeau. 2003. Force and influence in content
analysis: The production of new social knowledge. Quality & Quantity 37 (3):221-238.
Useful Web sites:
CAG resource 3, “Computer Content Analysis Software” and software links available in the Content Analysis
Guidebook Online web page at this location
Stuart Soroka’s Annotated Bibliography of the Data Mining Literature:
Amsterdam Content Analysis Toolkit (AmCAT) Software:
Lexicoder Automated Content Analysis Software:
Software Environment for the Advancement of Scholarly Research (SEASR) Software:
For further reading:
Alexa, Melina, and Cornelia Zuell. 2000. Text analysis software: Commonalities, differences and limitations:
The results of a review. Quality & Quantity 34 (3):299-321.
Pang, Bo, and Lillian Lee. 2008. Opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Foundations and Trends in
Information Retrieval 2 (1-2):1-135.
Sentiment Analysis I
van Atteveldt, Wouter, Jan Kleinnijenhuis, Nel Ruigrok, and Stefan Schlobach. 2008. Good news or bad
news? Conducting sentiment analysis on Dutch text to distinguish between positive and negative
relations. Journal of Information Technology & Politics 5 (1):73 - 94.
Soroka, Stuart N., Marc André Bodet, and Lori Young. 2009. Campaign news and vote intentions in Canada,
1993-2008. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association.
Toronto, Canada, Sept 3-6 2009.
Gentzkow, Matthew, and Jesse M. Shapiro. 2010. What drives media slant? Evidence from U.S. daily
newspapers. Econometrica 78 (1):35-71.
10/19 Sentiment Analysis II
Dodds, Peter, and Christopher Danforth. 2010. Measuring the happiness of large-scale written expression:
Songs, blogs, and presidents. Journal of Happiness Studies 11 (4):441-456.
Mislove, Alan, Sune Lehmann, Yong-Yeol Ahn, Jukka-Pekka Onnela, and J. Niels Rosenquist. 2010. Pulse of
the nation: U.S. mood throughout the day inferred from Twitter. Available URL:
Whissell, Cynthia M. 1996. Traditional and emotional stylometric analysis of the songs of Beatles Paul
McCartney and John Lennon. Computers and the Humanities 30:257-265.
Sigelman, Lee, and Cynthia Whissell. 2002. 'The Great Communicator' and 'The Great Talker' on the radio:
Projecting presidential personas. Presidential Studies Quarterly 32 (1):137-45.
10/26 Network Analysis
Corman, Steven R., Timothy Kuhn, Robert D. McPhee, and Keven J. Dooley. 2002. Studying complex
discursive systems. Human Communication Research 28 (2):157-206.
O'Connor, Amy, and Michelle Shumate. In press. Differences among NGOs in the business-NGO
cooperative network. Business & Society.
Batagelj, Vladimir, and Andrej Mrvar. 2003. Density based approaches to network analysis: Analysis of
Reuters terror news network. Available URL:
Automatic Topic Classification
Evans, Michael, Wayne McIntosh, Jimmy Lin, and Cynthia Cates. 2007. Recounting the courts? Applying
automated content analysis to enhance empirical legal research. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 4
Hillard, Dustin, Stephen Purpura, and John Wilkerson. 2008. Computer-assisted topic classification for
mixed-methods social science research. Journal of Information Technology & Politics 4 (4):31 - 46.
Quinn, Kevin M., Burt L. Monroe, Michael Colaresi, Michael H. Crespin, and Dragomir R. Radev. 2010. How
to analyze political attention with minimal assumptions and costs. American Journal of Political
Science 54 (1):209-228.
Hopkins, Daniel J., and Gary King. 2010. A method of automated nonparametric content analysis for social
science. American Journal of Political Science 54 (1):229-247.