This thesis is dedicated to the memory of my father, Leonard

This thesis is dedicated to the memory of my father, Leonard Bruguier. I
miss him every day, but I am glad to know he saw this process through to
its completion, offering the support to make it possible, as well as plenty of
friendly encouragement.
My thanks to…
…Louisa, through good times and bad, your kindness and extensive
support have been ever-present in this important time of my life, for which I
am eternally grateful.
…Fran, “Bro”, your stubbornness has inspired me to hold tight to my
position no matter how complicated it gets, and your friendship has been a
welcome release when I get fed up with philosophy babble.
…Mom, for dealing with me being worlds away, but only writing
sporadically and then mainly to complain about the thesis. Thank you so
much for tying up many important loose ends while I was away.
…Emma, over the years you’ve helped me find my voice—and get to the
point. I still need a little work on the latter, but thankfully you’ve pointed
me in the right direction.
…Petra and Tim, for putting me up (and putting up with me) when I needed
a break from the thesis work.
…Jose Luís García and David Mena, for being on my committee, and for
your friendship and guidance over the years.
…finally, to Maru, for making so many things possible.