Chapter 3: Static Fields Index (I)

Chapter 3: Static Fields
Group 4
Joaquín Bernal Méndez
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (I)
Maxwell's Equations for Static Fields
Solution for the Electrostatic Field
Application of Gauss's Law for Calculating
Electrostatic Fields
Electrostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Electric Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (II)
Magnetic Field of Steady Currents
Solution for the Magnetostatic Field
Biot-Savart Law
Application of Ampere's Law for calculating
Magnetostatic Fields
Magnetostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Magnetic Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Static Case
Maxwell's equations:
We will assume stationary charges and steady
of the time
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of the time
Chapter 3: Static Fields
Static Case
We get two separate set of equations:
We have two separate problems (the electric fields is
no longer a source for the magnetic field and
Each pair of equations can be solved by means of the
Helmholtz's Theorem: electrostatic field and
magnetostatic field
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Helmholtz's Theorem:
Electrostatic potential
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Electrostatic Field
Electrostatic field as a function of ρ:
By using:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Example: point charge
located at
exerts a force on which is:
Coulomb's Law
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Difference of Potential
In principle, the electrostatic potential can be
considered an useful mathematical tool for calculating
the electrostatic field
The potential formulation reduces a vector problem
down to a scalar one
It is also possible to calculate potential differences
given the electrostatic field:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Physical Meaning of the
Electrostatic Potential
Consider a region where there exits an electrostatic field
Let q a point charge that we carry from infinity to a point
We will do it very slowly (quasi-static process)
: Force due to the electric field
: Force that we have to exert to move the point charge
We : Work done by the electrostatic field
W : Work that we will have to do
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Physical Meaning of the
Electrostatic Potential
Energy balance:
The electrostatic potential at a point is
equal to the work per unit charge it
takes to carry a point charge from
infinity to that point in a quasi-static
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Potential Energy
It can be defined for conservative forces
The potential energy in the interaction between an
electric field and a point charge is the work done to
carry the point charge from infinity to its current
location in a quasi-static process:
Electrostatic force is a conservative force and
therefore it can be derived from a potential U:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Electrostatic Equations
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Poisson's Equation
Poisson's Equation
In a region where there is no charge (ρ=0) :
Laplace's Equation
V is an harmonic scalar field
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Electrostatic Equations
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Calculating the Electrostatic Field
from ρ
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Calculating the Electrostatic Field
from ρ
A direct calculation of the electric field uses to be
cumbersome (vector integral)
Usually it is easier to calculate V as an intermediate step
Warning: this can not be done for idealized charge
distributions that extend to infinity, since V blows up
Examples: infinite wire of charge, infinite plane of charge...
 The reason of this is that Helmholtz's theorem can not be
applied for sources of infinite extent
For this case the electric field must be directly calculated or
even better...
We can exploit the symmetry of the problem to calculate the
electrostatic field by means of Gauss's Law
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Gauss's Law
Gauss's law in integral form:
Total charge
enclosed within
the surface
It is always true but it is not always useful
For highly symmetric distributions of charge it
allows us to calculate the electric field in a very
easy way, avoiding a direct integration
There are three kinds of symmetry which make it
possible this application of Gauss's law: spherical,
cylindrical and plane
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Calculating Electric Fields by
Ussing Gauss's Law
Example: point charge located at the origin
Spherical symmetry: electric field:
Symmetry arguments:
Gaussian surface = centered sphere with radius r
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Sphere with Uniform Surface
Charge Density
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Spherical symmetry: the same as
point charge
Gaussian surface = centered sphere
of radius r :
Case r<R: there is no charge inside Sr
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Sphere with Uniform Surface
Charge Density
Case r>R: all the charge is enclosed
by the gaussian surface
The electric field is zero inside the charged
sphere, whereas outside the sphere the field
coincides with the field that would create a point
charge Q located at the center of the sphere
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Sphere with Uniform Volume
Charge Density
Spherical symmetry:
Guassian surface = centered sphere
of radius r:
Case r<R:
The electric field is
proportional to r
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Sphere with Uniform Volume
Charge Density
Case r>R: all the charge is enclosed
by the gaussian surface
The electric field outside the sphere coincides with the field that
would create a point charge Q located at the center of the
In this case, since there is no ρS , the electric field is
continuous at the surface of the sphere
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Infinitely Long Straight Wire with
Uniform Line Charge Density
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Symmetry arguments: cylindric symmetry
Gaussian surface = coaxial cylinder of radius r
and height L
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Infinite Plane with a Uniform
Surface Charge
Plane symmetry:
Odd function
Gaussian surface=cylinder with arbitrary cross section S
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Infinite Plane with a Uniform
Surface Charge
This field meets the boundary condition (discontinuous
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (I)
Maxwell's Equations for Static Fields
Solution for the Electrostatic Field
Application of Gauss's Law for Calculating
Electrostatic Fields
Electrostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Electric Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Electrostatic Energy
In general, energy stored by an electric field can be written
In electrostatics we can obtain an alternative expression
in terms of the potential and the charge density:
Over the region where the sources are
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Electrostatic Energy
¿How can it be inferred that the first term vanishes?
Divergence Theorem
SR can be infinitely enlarged: sphere enclosing all space
even faster:
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but the integrand goes down
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Electrostatic Energy
In electrostatics, energy stored in the distribution:
It is the work required to assemble the charge distribution ρ
carrying the charges from infinity by means of a quasistatic process
It is also the amount of work that you'd get back out if you
dismantled the system
For surface charge densities:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Energy of a uniformly charged sphere of radius R
Method 1:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Energy of a uniformly charged sphere of radius R
Method 2:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Energy of a uniformly charged sphere of radius R
By taking
we get the energy of a point charge
The point charge is a idealized model that
implies an infinite stored energy
(An infinite work is needed to carry every dq to the same point)
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Energy of a Discrete Charge
It includes the energy
that can be attributed to
the assembling of the
point charges themselves
Potential due to the i-th
charge evaluated on the
i-th charge is infinite
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Energy of a Discrete Charge
An useful expression can be obtained
by dropping the troublesome term:
V* stands for the potential at the location of each charge due to
all the other charges
In this case UE represents the work done to bring together all the
point charges, but it does not include the energy needed for
creating each point charge, which is infinite
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (I)
Maxwell's Equations for Static Fields
Solution for the Electrostatic Field
Application of Gauss's Law for Calculating
Electrostatic Fields
Electrostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Electric Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Multipole Expansion
To calculate the electrostatic field and potential of an
arbitrary charge distribution you have to carry out an
integration that can be complicated :
Multipole expansion: the idea is to analyze the field
created by the charge distribution for large distances
between the source and the field point
The problem can be simplified
A new useful concept arises: electric dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Multipole Expansion
If the field point is far away from
the source point:
We get the potential of a point charge (as
expected). But let's make a more accurate
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Multipole Expansion
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Multipole Expansion
Dipole term
Monopole term: potential of a point charge
Q is the net charge of the distribution:
This is the dominant term for large distances as long as Q≠0
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Dipole Term
Dipole term:
● Dominant term in the potential when Q=0
● It falls off as 1/r2
● It does not have radial symmetry
Dipole moment of the
charge distribution
We define:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
The Electric Dipole
It is the simpler charge distribution that does not show a
monopole term in its potential
It will be very useful for modeling the behavior of a
dielectric in an electric field
Two charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign
separated by a distance d :
Dipole moment of the dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
The Potential of a Dipole
This is not exact: there may be higher multipole contributions
This is exact in the limit case (pure dipole):
Equipotential surfaces:
(dashed line)
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Electric Field of a Dipole
The electric field of the pure dipole can
be obtained from the potential:
It falls off like
Axially symmetric electric field
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Interaction Energy with an
External Electric Field
Interaction energy:
points to
the middle of
the dipole
The energy of interaction reaches a minimun when the
electric field is parallel to the dipole moment
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Force on a Dipole
Force on a dipole:
is independent of
An uniform electric field does not exert a net force
on a dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Force on a Dipole
Uniform external electric field:
The dipole tends to rotate around its center
For a non-uniform electric field there exists a net force:
The dipole tends to rotate and is pushed toward
the region where the electric field is more intense
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Torque on a Dipole
The torque is zero when the electric field is parallel to the
dipole and is maximun when they are perpendicular
The dipole tends to line up with the electric field
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (I)
Maxwell's Equations for Static Fields
Solution for the Electrostatic Field
Application of Gauss's Law for Calculating
Electrostatic Fields
Electrostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Electric Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (II)
Magnetic Field of Steady Currents
Solution for the Magnetostatic Field
Biot-Savart Law
Application of Ampere's Law for calculating
Magnetostatic Fields
Magnetostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Magnetic Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Steady State Case
Maxwell's equations for stationary charges and steady
Magnetostatics: current density is a solenoidal field
Closed field lines for the current density
The net charge does not change with time:
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condition for
steady currents
Chapter 3: Static Fields
Solution for Magnetostatics
Helmholtz's Theorem:
Magnetic vector potential
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Magnetic Field
Magnetic field as a funtion of
By using:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Line Currents
Current on a wire: practical interest
Our formulas can be particularized by using:
In magnetostatics the magnetic field is often
calculated directly, without using the
potential vector as an intermediate step
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Example: Magnetic Field of a
Straight Segment of Wire
( Cylindrical coord. )
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Example: Magnetic Field of a
Straight Segment of Wire
Infinite straight wire:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Biot-Savart Law
Let two loops carry steady currents:
Loop 2 creates a magnetic field
that exerts a force on loop 1:
But we already now that:
By combining this two expressions:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Force between two parallel wires
The force is attractive if the currents are parallel and
repulsive if the currents are antiparallel
The force is proportional to the currents and inversely
proportional to the distance between the two wires
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (II)
Magnetic Field of Steady Currents
Solution for the Magnetostatic Field
Biot-Savart Law
Application of Ampere's Law for calculating
Magnetostatic Fields
Magnetostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Magnetic Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Ampere's Law
~ ¢ d~r = ¹0 I(°)
Is the net current crossing any surface enclosed by
The sign of the current is given by the right hand rule
The Ampere's law allow us to find the magnetic field due to
a steady current distribution with an axial symmetry:
A careful choice of the amperian loop, , will enable us
to pull the magnetic field outside the integral sign
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Axial Symmetry
Possible axial symmetries
Toroidal field:
Poloidal field:
(cylindrical coordinates)
magnetic field
of an infinite
straight wire
magnetic field
of a circular
is poloidal
is toroidal
is toroidal
is poloidal
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Application of Ampere's Law
Magnetic field of a infinite straight wire:
Axial symmetry:
Cross product
This also can be seen in this way:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Application of Ampere's Law
Amperian loop: circumference centered
at the axis of symmetry (wire):
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Application of Ampere's Law
Magnetic field of the infinite straight wire:
The field lines are
circumferences centered at the
Direction of the field: right
hand rule
The magnitude of the field
decreases as the inverse of the
distance to the wire
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Surface Current on Infinite
Symmetry arguments:
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Amperian loop: circumference of radius r
centered at the z axis
Case r<R:
Case r>R:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Volume Current on Infinite
Amperian loop: circumference of radius r
centered at the z axis
Solution (left as an exercise):
The magnetic field inside is proportional to
the distance to the axis whereas outside
the field coincides with that of an infinite
straight wire carrying a current I
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Toroidal Coil
N closely wound turns of a wire carrying a current I on a
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Toroidal Coil
Amp. loop: circumference of radius r centered at the z axis
Outside the coil:
Inside the coil:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Magnetic Field Lines Due to the
Toroid Indicated by Iron Filings
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Infinite Solenoid
We can consider that we have an uniform
surface current:
where n =turns per unit length
Symmetry argument:
An additional argument can be employed to
simplify the magnetic field ...
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Infinite Solenoid
From Maxwell's equations we have:
We apply this equation on a cylinder of height d
and radius r (see figure):
and we are left with:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Infinite Solenoid
Let's apply Ampere's Law by using a
rectangle (see figure) as amperian loop
Since the magnetic field only has z
component the horizontal segments do not
contribute to the integral:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Infinite Solenoid
Amperes law gives us the difference between
the inner field and the outer field
This difference is independent of ri and re
Therefore the magnetic field must be
uniform in both regions (inside and outside)
But we know that he magnetic field goes to
zero for large distances
Therefore we get to the following solution:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (II)
Magnetic Field of Steady Currents
Solution for the Magnetostatic Field
Biot-Savart Law
Application of Ampere's Law for calculating
Magnetostatic Fields
Magnetostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Magnetic Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Magnetostatic Energy
In general, the energy stored in the magnetic field is:
In magnetostatics we can obtain an alternative
expression which is a function of the vector potential and
the current density:
Therefore :
Over the region where the sources are
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Energy of n loops of current
For line currents:
We define:
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Magnetic flux through the
loop i
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Example: Energy Stored in a
Toroidal Coil
Toroidal coil of N turns and rectangular cross section:
Method 1:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Example: Energy Stored in a
Toroidal Coil
Toroidal coil of N turns and rectangular cross section:
Method 2:
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Index (II)
Magnetic Field of Steady Currents
Solution for the Magnetostatic Field
Biot-Savart Law
Application of Ampere's Law for calculating
Magnetostatic Fields
Magnetostatic Energy
Multipole Expansion
The Magnetic Dipole
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Multipole Expansion
Vector potential for the loop:
For large distances we have found that:
The dipole term is the first non-zero term of the expansion
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Magnetic Dipole Moment
The dipole term can be written as (not proven here):
Magnetic dipole moment of the loop:
Any surface bounded by the loop
For a plane loop (common case):
Magnitude: area of the plane surface bounded by the
Direction: It is a vector perpendicular to the plane loop
in the direction given by the right hand rule
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Magnetic Field Due to a Magnetic
Magnetic field of a magnetic dipole:
Identical in structure to the electric field of an electric dipole
This expression is highly accurate as long as the field point
is far away from the current loop.
This expression is exact for a pure dipole:
Infinitesimally small current loop whose current tends to
infinity in such a way that m=IS is constant
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Torques and Forces on Magnetic
An external magnetic field can exert a force and a
torque on a magnetic dipole
There exists a strong analogy with the formulas of torque
and force of an external electric field on an electric dipole
Interaction Energy:
Force on the magnetic dipole:
Torque on the magnetic dipole:
From this formulas we conclude that the magnetic dipole
will tend to:
Rotate to align parallel to the external magnetic field
Be pushed toward the region where the magnetic field is
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Summary Chapter 3 (I)
For stationary charges and steady currents the Maxwell's
equation's get uncoupled and the electric and magnetic
problems can be studied separately
Helmholtz's theorem provides a solution for the electrostatic
The electrostatic field is obtained from the gradient of a scalar
field: electrostatic potential
The electrostatic potential has a physical meaning
Usually, the integral representation of the electrostatic
potential can be evaluated in a simpler manner than that of
the electric field
Gauss's law allow us to calculate the electric field due to
highly symmetric charge distributions, avoiding the integration
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Chapter 3: Static Fields
Summary Chapter 3 (II)
We have found a specific formula for the electrostatic energy
associated to an electrostatic field
Coincides with the work required to carry all the charges which
are creating the electrostatic field from infinity to its present
The multipole expansion gives us an approximation of the
electric field “far way” form the charge distribution
When the net charge of the distribution is zero the field is
dominated by the dipole term. The electric dipole is the
simpler example of such a distribution of charges.
We will see that the electric dipole model is useful to explain
the response of insulators to external electric fields.
 An external electric field will in general exert a force
and a torque on a dipole
Campos Electromagnéticos
Curso 2007/2008
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto.Física Aplicada III
Chapter 3: Static Fields
Summary Chapter 3 (III)
The Maxwell's equations for stationary currents can be solved
thanks to the Helmholtz's theorem: magnetostatic
The magnetostatic field is obtained as an integral involving the
volume current density
This integral expression can be easily particularized to account
for line currents, which have a high practical interest
Ampere's Law, when applied to highly symmetric distributions
of currents, enables us to calculate the magnetostatic field in a
very straightforward way (avoiding integration)
There is an specific formula for calculating the energy
associated to the magnetostatic field of a distribution of
Campos Electromagnéticos
Curso 2007/2008
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto.Física Aplicada III
Chapter 3: Static Fields
Summary Chapter 3 (IV)
Multipole expansion gives us an approximation of the magnetic
field “far away” from a loop of current
The dominant term of this expansion is the dipole term
The magnetic field associated to the dipole term can be written
as a function of the magnetic dipole moment of the loop, which
depends on the area of the loop and on the current carried by the
A “small” loop can be considered a magnetic dipole: the
magnetic field due to it coincides with that associated to the
dipole term of the multipole expansion
An external magnetic field will, in general, exert a force and
a torque on a magnetic dipole.
Campos Electromagnéticos
Curso 2007/2008
Ingeniería Industrial
Dpto.Física Aplicada III
Chapter 3: Static Fields