What's Up With - Foreign Language House

What Up with The Weather in Spanish?
Spanish Weather Unit with Images, Fun Activities & Games for
by Diane Farrug & Catherine Fortin
Images by A Sketchy Guy at
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What Up with The Weather in Spanish?
El Contenido - Table of Contents
1. Unit Description and Target Vocabulary
2. Language Outcome Goals, ACTFL Standards Met, and ACTFL Communicative Modes
3. Spanish Language Tasks and Activity Descriptions and Explanations
4. Materials Check List
5. Lesson Plan Summaries - 4
6. Spanish Weather Picture Flash Cards
7. Weather Image Tic Tac Toe Board
8. Spanish Phrase Tic Tac Toe Board
9. Extra Weather Images Game Board
10. Conversational Activities - 4
11. Matching Weather Phrases Handout
12. Internet Weather Webquest (grades 6-12)
13. Weather Forecast Project with a Spanish Forecast Script for Modeling (grades 3-12. Modify it
for lower grades.)
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What’s Up With the Weather?
Novice Low to Medium Spanish Proficiency Unit Abstract - What’s Up With the Weather in Spanish? presents basic types of weather, while reviewing
days of the week, months, dates, preferences and other fundamentals. Students will learn in the contexts of
simple Spanish weather forecasts and they will ultimately create a guided weather forecast.
We all talk about the weather— in all languages! Everyday conversation usually involves describing
the weather because the weather often determines what we do and how we do it that day. Spanish
students will learn to talk about the weather in basic conversation after the activities, conversational
activities, and games in this Spanish Weather Collection for Novices
Present the weather phrases with the images and your dramatic gestures to students repetitively. You can
project the weather images grid and the weather phrases & images columns for visual support. Lead the full class in
recognizing the weather images and phrases, identifying them, and finally in talking about them in Spanish.
Student Needs Analysis - Determine the Spanish skills and content that your students need first. Most novices need
everything- review and the introduction of new weather phrases and content. Make sure you’re not repeating too
much previous content and skills by giving a general Pre Assessment. If you have the time, try to include listening,
speaking, reading, and writing (if writing is age appropriate.)
hace calor
Conversational Questions - Oral Practice
hace frío
1. ¿Qué tiempo hace?
hace sol
2. Describe el tiempo.
está nublado
está lloviendo
hace viento
está nevando
está parcialmente soleado
3. ¿Te gusta el tiempo?
4. ¿Qué tiempo te gusta? ¿por que?
5. ¿Qué tiempo no te gusta? ¿por
hay tormentas
Extra Vocabulary
hace buen tiempo
hace mal tiempo
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Language Outcome Goals:
Recognizing. Understanding, Speaking, and Writing about basic types of weather in Spanish.
Understanding most of the teacher-created weather texts: narrations, descriptions, non-fiction readings, children’s
books on the weather, teacher-created weather stories
Understanding parts of authentic Spanish videos of TV weather forecasts.
Using the weather in simple, guided conversations and preference expressions
Creating a highly controlled and guided presentational tasks about the weather
ACTFL Standards Aligned
1. Communication- Communicate in Spanish
1.1: learners give and obtain basic information about basic days of the week, months, dates, and weather vocabulary.
They also express likes and dislikes.
1.2: learners understand spoken Spanish and songs
1.3: learners present information in songs, chants, and in one word answers or short phrases.
2. Cultures- Gain understanding of Spanish Speaking Cultures, Countries, & Geography
2.1 Learners understand basic weather descriptions from authentic Spanish print and audio visual materials.
3. Connections- Connect with other Disciplines
3.1 Learners reinforce and further their knowledge of geography, numbers, and basic earth sciences about climate.
4. Comparisons- Develop Insight into the Nature of the Spanish Language and Its Cultures
4.1 Learners demonstrate understanding of the nature of language by beginning to learn Spanish- which is different
from their own.
5. Communities- Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home & Around the World
5.1 Learners use Spanish at school and outside of school in their everyday communication in Spanish speaking
communities and engaging in Spanish audio visual and media.
ACTFL Communicative Modes
1. Interpretive: Learners will listen to and view Spanish narrations, descriptions, songs, chants. They will
also listen to Spanish media.
2. Presentational: Learners will repeat and recite songs and chants. They will also be able to describe the
weather. See further presentational tasks such as the weather forecast.
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3. Interpersonal: Learners will identify weather vocabulary in images to each other and they will ask and
answer basic weather questions.
Language Tasks & Activities
Interpretive Activities for Novices
1. Lift Up the Card. Call out a Spanish Weather Phrase. Students are to silently lift up the corresponding image. This
can be done in reverse; you hold up the image and students then hold up the corresponding Spanish word card.
2. Weather Song or Chant *to the tune of Michael Finnegan. 1 little, 2
little, 3 little . . . .
¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace sol.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace calor.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Está nublado.
Hace buen tiempo.
¿Qué tiempo hace? hace frío.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace viento.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Está lloviendo.
Hace mal tiempo.
3. Guess What? The Weather. In Spanish appropriate for you students describe a specific weather with plenty of
gestures. Students are to lift up the correct image or phrase card or both.
4. Charades. Cut out all of the weather squares and shuffle them. Presenter #1 chooses a picture. He
or she has to act out the weather and everyone else needs to guess it in S p a n i s h .
5. Match UP Cards. Weather Image Grid. Students cut out all of the rectangles of one of the illustrated
tables. They then mix up all of the rectangles. Students match the correct Spanish expression with
the correct picture as fast as you can.
6. Bingo. Cut out all of the weather squares and mix them up. Put them in a three-by-three grid.
Turn over the correct picture when you hear the caller say the Spanish weather expression.
7. Culture Corner. The weather of Spanish speaking countries all over the world begs for some
basic content lessons in geography and natural landmarks like plains, mountains, deserts, jungles,
coasts oceans and rivers. Compare the low and high temperatures of significant cities, and then the
seasonal differences between Hispanic countries above and below the equator.
8. *CONTEXT* Weather Narrations, Authentic Forecasts, Readings, Kid Lit, Creative Stories.
We are all about presenting the target language in context. So get some! Students acquire new
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Materials Check List
Spanish Texts or Inputs
_____ Page-sized visual for each
weather phrase
_____ Screen for projecting
weather images
______ Picture flash-cards
______ Picture tic tac toe board
______ Weather phrase board
______ Extra weather images board
______ Spanish Children’s books
______ Teacher-created weather
______ Teacher created weather
______ Spanish print weather
forecasts on websites or in hard copy
_____ Spanish Weather Apps
______ Authentic, classroom
weather posters
Spanish Audio Visual Materials
_____ Songs
More Materials
____ 1.
_____ Authentic children’s videos
_____ Voice-recordings of children’s books
____ 2.
_____ Teacher-created voice recordings of
____ 3.
weather descriptions
____ 4.
_____ Teacher-created voice recordings of
____ 5.
weather stories
_____ Authentic Weather Forecast video clips
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Lesson I* Weather Review & Presentation
Review the basic weather phrases withe images posted on a screen.
Use page-sized visuals from power point slides for full class activities. You can use these unit images to create a
slide show. Or see our weather power point incorporating cultural photos of Spain and Mexico at
Select two Communicative Partner Games with individual picture grid or cards to run one at a time.
Sing the weather song below to the tune of Michael Finnegan:
¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace sol.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace calor.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Está nublado.
Hace buen tiempo.
¿Qué tiempo hace? hace frío.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Hace viento.
¿Qué tiempo hace? Está lloviendo.
Hace mal tiempo.
5. Check students orally and informally for closure and understanding
Lesson 2 * Expressing Preferences with Weather Conversational Practice
¿Te gusta el tiempo ahora?
¿Qué tiempo te gusta? ¿Por qué?
¿Qué tiempo no te gusta? ¿Por qué?
1. Review the weather with the slide shows and/or page sized visuals
2. Present, model and use I like and I don’t like with weather visuals.
3. Partner Activity with prescribed Q and A from above. Use a visual grid or the cards for each student.
4. Spanish Children’s Book on the weather- Use as a visual for more description or read it to the class if
comprehensible enough
5. Listening Practice. Read or record descriptive clues comprehensible to students about each type weather. Students
then guess the season. Use visuals at first and students can also begin by pointing at a picture or a picture card that
they have.
6. Sing the Weather song.
5. Check students orally and informally for closure and understanding
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language best when it is embedded in an understandable context with visuals and/or physical
involvement. Write your own simple Spanish reading about the weather, find some on-line, use
authentic forecasts, use children’s literature, and create your own stories.
Interpersonal Activities for Novices
1. Circulating Conversations. Use the Weather Image Grid. Students approach their classmates
one at a time. They point to a weather picture and ask a classmate- —¿Qué tiempo hace?- for
each picture. T h e r e s p o n d e r needs to answer with the correct Spanish weather phrase and
write his or her initials on that image. The first student with all 9 initials wins the contest!
2. Tic Tac Toe. Use the Tic Tac Toe Grid. One grid per pair of students. Say the Spanish
weather phrase that corresponds to its image square before you mark X or O. The first student in
the pair to get three in a row wins. **This can also be played as a full class with 2 teams.
3. What is the weather like in . . . ? Ask a different person the question above for each month. Write
down the Spanish weather he or she says.
4. Card games. Cut out all of the squares. Can you or your teacher come up with some fun games?
Presentational Activities
Illustrate and Describe. What is Your Favorite Weather? Students choose their favorite weather to illustrate
and then describe. Description can be oral, written, or both.
Weather Forecast Description. Use an Authentic Material- a video of an Spanish weather forecast or a
written forecast found on a Weather App, Weather website, or even in a newspaper. Students are to name
and describe the weather images in the forecast.
Seasonal Weather Forecast. Assign students one season. They are to write and illustrate- old school or
digitally- the weather of that season. Review months and dates too. Decide which presentation option you’d
like: to a group, to the full class, to the teacher, in a rotation of groups presenting on the same season.
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Lesson 3 - Using preferences for Months, Days of the Week, and types of Weather
Review and practice the days of the week and the months of the year so that students will be able to understand
authentic Spanish weather forecasts in video and print materials.
¿Qué son los días de la semana?
¿Qué día es tu día favorito? ¿por qué?
¿Qué día no te gusta? ¿por qué?
¿Qué so los meses del año?
¿Qué mes es tu mes favorito? ¿por qué?
¿Qué mes no te gusta? ¿por qué?
1. Present or review the Spanish days of the week.
2. Set up preference questions and answers for students to exchange information with each other.
3. Present or review the Spanish months of the year.
4. Set up preference questions and answers for students to exchange information with each other.
5. Show authentic Spanish weather forecast videos. Pose oral comprehension questions to students.
*LAST ACTIVITY OF LESSON-Listening Activity. Ask the full class the following questions. Hold up weather visuals
for answer choices. Model the example with a puppet or animal.
6 2 .10
. . . en el invierno?
En el invierno hace frío
1. en julio?
2. en abril?
3. en febrero?
4. en septiembre?
¿Qué tiempo hace en . . . ?
1. el 31 de octubre
2. el 26 de noviembre
3. el 25 de diciembre
4. el 30 de julio
7. Check students orally or in short, basic written form for closure and understanding of the descriptive
weather phrases, days of the week, months of the year and your choice of the weather questions.
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Lesson 4: Creating a Spanish Weather Forecast
1. Present a Spanish weather forecast that you have created to the class; live or on a video. It should follow
the enclosed weather forecast script, but use any Spanish speaking city that you’d like. Include props and
2. Authentic, Spanish Weather Forecasts. Present one or two that you source on-line. Take the student ages
and Spanish Novice level in to serious account.
3. Pass out the Spanish Weather Forecast Project and the Rubric to students
4. Go through the directions point by point.
5. Go through the rubric.
6. Assign each student or pair a different Spanish-speaking city and a three day date range. Mix up seasons
among the pairs.
7. Monitor students as they work on the project
8. Collect all written work or have students email or upload their work to you for progress checks.
***Optional but a life saver — assign a daily project grade based on attitude, behavior, focus and productivity.
***For younger students modify this and have them do the important minimums1. listening to your forecast and an authentic forecast
2. Teach the bare minimum of the forecast script- they;ll remember more than you think.
3. Assign a city and all of the data- days of the week and only high temperatures- to each pair of students.
4. Give them the opportunity to present it to you or the class.
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hace calor
hace frío
está soleado
está nublado
está lloviendo
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hace viento
está nevando
está parcialmente
hay tormentas
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Use the Spanish weather phrases you’ve learned to do the conversational activities.
ACTIVIDAD 1. Ask five students the following questions. Record their answers in the chart.
¿Qué tiempo
¿Te gusta el tiempo hoy?
¿por qué?
ACTIVIDAD 2. Ask five students the following questions. Record their answers in the chart. nombre
tiempo te
¿por qué?
¿Qué tiempo no
te gusta?
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¿por qué?
Review and use the Spanish months, numbers, and dates in the conversational activities below.
ACTIVIDAD 3. ¿Qué tiempo hace en
. . . ? Ask a different person this question for each month. Write
down the Spanish weather phrase that he or she says.
ACTIVIDAD 4. ¿Qué tiempo hace . . . ? Ask a partner this question with the months in #1-4 below. Write down what
your partner says.
. . . en el invierno?
En el invierno hace frío
1. en julio?
2. en abril?
3. en febrero?
4. en septiembre?
ACTIVIDAD 3. ¿Qué tiempo hace en . . . ? Now work with a different partner. Write down what your partner says.
1. el 31 de octubre _____________________________________________________
2. el 26 de noviembre __________________________________________________
3. el 25 de diciembre ___________________________________________________
4. el 30 de julio _______________________________________________________
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Nombre: __________________________
Spanish Weather Phrases.
Write the letter of the English phrase that matches the Spanish phrase.
1. ¿Qué día es hoy?
A. What type of weather do you
2. ¿Cuál es tu día favorito?
3. ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
B. When is your birthday?
4. ¿Qué mes es tu favorito?
C. What day is today?
5Qu6 tiempo hace?
D. Do you like the weather?
5Te gusta el tiempo?
5Qu6 tiempo hace en la primavera?
E. What weather do you not
5Qu6 tiempo hace en el verano?
5Qu6 tiempo hace en el otoño?
5Qu6 tiempo hace en el invierno?
F. What is the weather like?
G. What is today’s date?
H. What is the weather like in
5Qu6 tiempo te gusta?
5Qu6 tiempo no to gusta?
13. ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
the spring?
What is your favorite day of
the week?
J. What is the weather like in
the summer?
K. What is your favorite month?
L. What is the weather like in
the fall?
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Nombre: _______________________
Internet Weather Webquest.
City &
1 de mayo
Go on-line and find out the information for the cities below.
geographic region
el desierto, Sierra
Madre Oriental
weather forecast
Barrio Antigua,
parcialmente nublado
1. Madrid,
2. Málaga,
3. Ciudad de
México, D.F.
4. Cabo San
5. Antigua,
6. San
Salvador, El
7. Bogotá,
8. Quito,
9. Santiago,
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temperatures in
34, 21 C.
Spanish Weather Forecast Project
Total Points = 100
*Rubric points add up to 45 points
You and a partner or a group will create, write, and present an Spanish weather forecast. Your teacher will assign you:
A. Specific dates - a week and a month
B. A city in the Spanish speaking world
Research. Find out what type of weather the assigned week and month normally have in your assigned
city. Write down or record the types of weather that you find.
II. Weather Forecast Script. Fill out the Script Handout using the days, months or dates and the weather
information that you have.
III. Additions to the Weather Forecast. Add in any relevant, on-topic information that you’d like.
IV. Teacher Approval. Get your teacher’s approval to move on to the rehearsing stage.
V. Practice reading your completed script until you memorize it.
VI. Costumes and Props. Decide on any that will make your forecast interesting or even funny.
VII. Present your forecast according to the directions and process of your teacher.
Weather Forecast Performance Grading Rubric
Completion &
Points 1-4
Days & Months
Your points notes -
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Language Structure
& Grammar
Weather Forecast Scripts
Presenter #1: Buenas noches damas y caballeros. Soy _______________________________.
Presenter #2: Y soy_____________. Te estamos presentando el pronóstico del tiempo desde el Canal del
Presenter #1: Vamos a ver Madrid, España. Madrid queda en el centro de España.
Presenter #2: Si y el pronóstico es para el lunes el 22 de enero hasta el miércoles el 24 de enero.
Presents #1: Hace mucho frío.
Presenter #2: El lunes la temperatura máxima será _______ centígrados. Y la mínima será ____ centígrados.
Entonces el martes está lloviendo. La temperatura máxima será ________ centígrados y la mínima será
______ centígrados.
Presenter #1. Y el miércoles hace sol. La temperatura máxima será XX centígrados y la mínima será _____
Comentarios extras: Hace mucho frío. No te olvides tu abrigo.
Fill in the Blanks With Your Own City and Information
Presenter #1: Buenas noches damas y caballeros. Soy _________ _____________________.
Presenter #2: Y soy ___________ __________. Te estamos presentando el pronóstico del tiempo desde el
Canal de __________________.
Presenter #1: Vamos a ver a ___________, ________________. ____________ queda en ____________
Presenter #2: Si y el pronóstico es para el _____________ __________________ hasta el ___________ el
Presents #1: __________________________________________.
Presenter #2: el _________ la temperatura máxima será ____ centígrados. . Y la mínima será ____
centígrados. Entonces el __________ ______ ______________. La temperatura máxima será _____
centígrados y la mínima será ______ centígrados.
Presenter #1. Y el ____________ _____ _________. La temperatura máxima será _____ centígrados y la
mínima será _______ centígrados.
Comentarios extras: _________________________________________________________________. www.foreignlanguagehouse.com copyright 2015