Gravity Study Guide

Gravity Study Guide
Quiz on ​
Friday, May 22nd 5 Multiple Choice 5 Open Ended Total 35 points ★ How can we increase the force of gravity (gravitational attraction)? ★ When you go from Earth to the Moon, what changes? ★ How do you calculate weight? ○ What are the units for weight? ★ How do you calculate a ​
satellite’s orbital velocity​
? ​
***Either memorize or derive this from Fc = Fg!!*** ○ Does the mass of the satellite matter when calculating orbital velocity? Why or why not? ★ What equation do you use to calculate the force of gravity? ○ What’s the unit? ★ What equation do you use to calculate the acceleration due to gravity? ○ What’s the unit? ★ What equation relates velocity to period? What are the units? ★ R stands for what? What units is R reported in? GOOD LUCK!!! 