APRIL 16, 2014
The Hyde Park City Planning Commission meeting began at 7:00 p.m. and was conducted by
Chairman Mark Lynne.
Chairman Mark Lynne, Reed Elder, Mark Hurd, David Zook, Melinda Lee and Susan Balls,
secretary. Laurie Baldwin was excused.
Mayor Bryan Cox, Councilmember Sharidean Flint, Todd Meyers (Maverick), Terrell Anderson,
Rachel & Kent Petersen, Max Pierce, Mary Lynn Jorgensen, Marion Campbell, Evan Campbell,
Melissa Vogel, Doug Vogel, Barr Matson, Brad Benson, Loetta Farley
Reed Elder made a motion to approve the minutes of March 19, 2014 as written. David Zook
seconded the motion. Reed Elder, Mark Lynne, David Zook, Mark Hurd and Melinda Lee voted
in favor.
Cody Stoddard
Westates Construction
45 South 200 West
529 North 800 East
Sharidean Flint gave a report of the City Council meeting held April 9, 2014. The Council gave
Steve Parkinson permission to hook onto city water. The Council discussed the accessory
apartment ordinance, the Police Department and the police commission.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing to hear comment on allowing the Hurren
Meadows Subdivision to be developed by Evan Campbell at approximately 500 South from 100
West to 50 East. The proposal is for 15 lots on 17.24 acres, more or less. Reed explained that
the developer is planning on using the bonus density ordinance and will be giving the City 90%
of the purchase price of one lot. Only one house would be allowed on the 5 acre lot.
The public hearing was opened. Melissa Vogel said that she lives north of Evan. He has been
very open with them about this process and they approve of the development. She had a few
questions. With the new high school coming to the south, Melissa inquired as to the width of
100 west. There is a pole right off the west side of the road about two blocks to the south of
them and she was concerned about an accident there. She was told that Evan would need to
widen the road on the east side only for the length of his development.
Planning Commission
April 16, 2014
Melissa asked about flood control and the process of onsite storm water retention was
explained to her. She said that she has low water pressure and wondered if this development
would affect that. She was told about various water zones within the City and it was suggested
that she check the pressure reducing valve in her home.
Ben Jarvis asked about the large lot and if it could be built upon. He asked about the size of the
other lots. Ben asked about the width of the frontage. He was told that by ordinance, a
planned residential subdivision can have a reduced frontage width. Ben expressed concern
over the 50 East road and it’s inadequacies of handling increased traffic. He asked about plans
to widen and improve it.
Terrell Andersen asked about the large lot and if only one home could be built upon it and if it
could be built anywhere on the lot. He was told that only one home could be built and it would
need to meet setbacks.
The public hearing was closed. The commission had discussion. David Zook asked if the 500
south road was shown to connect on the master road plan. This road is not on the master road
plan. David asked if the length of the cul-de-sac met ordinance. It was noted that the length of
the cul-de-sac is around 600’ but ordinance only allows for 400’. Mark Hurd said he felt the
proposed design would keep extra traffic off of 50 East. Evan Campbell said he increased the
road width from 60’ to 66’. Marian Campbell asked how Emerald Cove got their cul-de-sac
longer than 400’. A section of the subdivision ordinance allows the City Council to vary the
requirements in a subdivision: “Where unusual topographic or other exceptional conditions
exist, the City Council may vary the requirements of this Ordinance after receiving the
recommendations of the LUA and P&Z Commission and/or the City Engineer, provided that such
variations will not substantially impair the intent of this Ordinance.”
The Commission discussed the issues that could potentially be a problem with the increased
length. They mentioned snow removal and fire protection. The fire chief has seen this plan and
had discussed the best location for a hydrant to service all of the homes on the cul-de-sac.
Reed Elder said that there are no problems except the excessive length. Reed Elder made a
motion to send this to the Land Use Authority, the City Engineer and the Planning Commission
prior to City Council next Wednesday. These bodies would then give a recommendation to the
City Council for approving the length of the cul-de-sac and the subdivision preliminary plat.
Mark Hurd seconded the motion. Reed Elder, Mark Lynne, David Zook, Mark Hurd and Melinda
Lee voted in favor.
The Commission reviewed the exterior design of the Autumn Care Assisted Living Center to be
built at 290 East 4000 North. Mark Lynne made a motion to approve the design of the Autumn
Care Assisted Living Facility. David Zook voted in favor. Reed Elder, Mark Lynne, David Zook,
Mark Hurd and Melinda Lee voted in favor.
Maverick has proposed building a new building behind their existing building. Todd Meyers
said they would like to keep as far away from the existing building as possible in order to keep
Planning Commission
April 16, 2014
the existing business operating as long as possible. The LUA has previously discussed this issue.
The following reasons were noted for recommending a reduced setback: 1.This is a unique
situation in that the property has road on three sides. The proposed setback would be on the
rear of the building. 2. The 3760 roadway was not required so this would not be infringing on a
city master planned road. It is a secondary roadway. 3. It will still meet the intent of the
ordinance. 4. Conformance to the ordinance will significantly reduce or prevent the use of the
property for a productive endeavor. Maverick would stand to potentially lose business and
employees, and the city would lose revenue if the business has to close for 6 months during the
construction of the new building.
The Commission discussed having a different setback for secondary roads within the
commercial zone. These would be streets that would basically be used for access within the
development and from one business to another. Mark Hurd suggested that the city define
secondary roads and the standards they must comply with. This would be added to the
commercial zone ordinance.
Mark Lynne said this development as proposed would qualify for meeting the intent of the
code. There is no code for development of inner blocks. Mark Hurd asked if the city wanted to
accept this as a public road. It was suggested that the city council not accept it now. After
discussion, Reed Elder made a motion to recommend that the City Council consider this road as
a public street, not dedicated to the City at this time, but constructed according to City
standards as proposed on the construction drawings. Maverick would be allowed to develop,
meeting the clear sight/safety standards for setback, but not being required to have a 20-foot
setback. The commission would work to come up with an ordinance that would cover interim /
secondary roads within the Commercial Zone. David Zook seconded the motion. Reed Elder,
Mark Lynne, David Zook, Mark Hurd and Melinda Lee voted in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Susan Balls, Secretary