pieces framework - Binus Repository

After having analyzed a great amount of the data given to us by PCSM and spoken to the end
users of the organization. It was obvious that a number of issues have had to be addressed.
Issues such as potential problems, opportunities and directives. Our team had decided to
approach these issues by applying the PIECES Problem-Solving Framework. Please take note
that has outlined certain aspects, as we saw appropriate. To outline all would be repetitive and
would be too much for the scope of this project.
A. Throughput
Different Process:
Clients: Potential clients must be referred in order to join the organization, if they are not
referred to the organization, the registration process can take very long.
Requests: PCSM has to request for grants and sponsorship to be able to perform daily
functions. The requests require a lot of different data to be compiled appropriately.
Statistics: The organization must provide its own statistics for grants, at time the statistical
number may not be accurate. As each employee is responsible for their own statistics, no
fixed-format exists to compile them. Example: no use of standard formulas in which great
variations can exist.
Reporting to Authority: PCSM must at time generate demanded reports to either the
Board of Directors, CLSC or the Government. That requires up to date and accurate
information that is a combination of various data.
Auditors' Recommendations: Auditors’ recommendations are as accurate and reflect the
current system. Any errors have to be adjusted as per his/her recommendations. . Also
errors in data prolong the auditor’s stay and work.
http://sunsite.queensu.ca/rmc/stpierre/systemintegration/Project481/PIECES.html (1 of 5) [5/27/2005 2:06:34 PM]
Looking for Homes: The organization must seek homes for their clients because certain of them
are not capable of doing so.
Provide Mental Support: Many of their clients need some sort of moral support to better
enjoy life.
Life Support: At time, many clients require life support to function, therefore PCSM must
seek for proper equipment for them.
Emergency Lines: PCSM must have an emergency line in case of suicidal events.
Publishing Image: A local newspaper to show the motivation and creativity of their
clients to the local community.
Fundraising: Fundraising events are always need to generate income for the organization.
Scheduling: Meetings, checkpoints and activities are essential to manage the organization
and determine progress.
B. Response Time
It is detailed in the Process Analysis section. We have not put it in here because the
Process Analysis section better analyzes it in greater detail.
A. Output
Lack of relevant information:
Statistics: The statistical output generated by PCSM is often not concrete
information, which in turn can cause erroneous reports for the government and
administrative processes. Since each employee is responsible for their own and
there is no standard method.
Inefficiency: The irrelevant information can at times offset the Progress Check for
the organization and in exchanging information between the Community.
Information that is not in a useful format:
http://sunsite.queensu.ca/rmc/stpierre/systemintegration/Project481/PIECES.html (2 of 5) [5/27/2005 2:06:34 PM]
Payroll: The present payroll system is still performed manually, which means
human error may occur. Also, it takes up time.
Information Storage: At the moment, all the registration and administrative
processes are stored in file cabinets which means mostly all have access to it and
may be misfile or pages of files can be missing.
Information that is not accurate:
Statistics: Many of the statistical reports generated by PCSM for the Government
and for administrative purposes are information that do not have significant
B. Input
Data are not accurately captured:
Human errors: All data that must be inputted into the organization are
at times subject to human errors.
A. Costs
Cost Restrictions:
Costs: PCSM is fully operational on government grants and sponsors, so therefore the
organization's administration process is faced with financial constraints.
B. Profits
Organization: PCSM is a non-profit organization, their business purpose
is to serve and support clients with mental health problems.
http://sunsite.queensu.ca/rmc/stpierre/systemintegration/Project481/PIECES.html (3 of 5) [5/27/2005 2:06:34 PM]
A. Too little security control:
Authorization: At the present moment, employees are able to refer to information that
may be private. Security is still a main concern for PCSM.
Data Privacy Regulations and Guidelines:
Regulations and Guidelines: PCSM does have policies on client's files, but when the
organization does it progress check, some of this information may be exposed to
unauthorized people.
Processing Errors are occurring:
Errors: Processing errors that occur are often difficult to trace.
B. Too much control or security
Bureaucratic Red Tape slows the system:
Bureaucracy: Since PCSM is completely funded by the government, often paper work is
slow which results in lag on client's services and for the administrative processes of the
A. People waste time
Data are redundantly input or copied:
Redundant: At certain occasions, data is redundantly copied which create repeated
information at the cost of time.
B. People waste materials and supplies
Waste: During the registration process and coordination of services, materials and supplies
are often wasted because of redundant input of information or erroneous data.
http://sunsite.queensu.ca/rmc/stpierre/systemintegration/Project481/PIECES.html (4 of 5) [5/27/2005 2:06:34 PM]
Computers: The personnel are not trained to make full use of computer resources.
A. The System produces inaccurate results:
Results of inaccurate input:
Chain Effect: Once an error occurs in the input process, this error can effect all levels of
the organization, from Progress Check to preparing legal documents.
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http://sunsite.queensu.ca/rmc/stpierre/systemintegration/Project481/PIECES.html (5 of 5) [5/27/2005 2:06:34 PM]