Al Qawaa'id Ul Arba'ah & Kashf Ush Shubuhaat

Course Title: Al Qawaa’id Ul Arba’ah & Kashf Ush Shubuhaat
Course Faculty: Faculty of Aqeedah Studies
Course Description:
This course is based upon two of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab’s most important books. The first,
Qawaa’id Ul Arba’ah, deals with outlining the key principles in understanding Shirk and how to deal with it
today in light of the understanding of the Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam. Related issues will be covered
such as the types of intercession and issues pertaining to Takfeer; a matter which is unfortunately taken very
lightly today.
The second, Kashf Ush Shubuhaat, is an important work which deals with explaining and refuting the evidences
that were used by certain Muslim groups of his time to justify acts of Shirk. The author intended in this work to
expose the falsity and speciousness of these arguments by proving that the pagans whom the Prophet fought
utilised the exact same arguments and fell prey to the same reasoning as these modern day practitioners of
Shirk did.
This course will expound on various types of Shirk and its manifestations from a historical and contemporary
angle. The course is ideal for those that wish to understand the essence of polytheism and protect themselves
from the gravest of all sins.
Course Overview:
During this course you will learn:
What are the keys to attaining happiness?
What is Tawhid?
What does the term ‘Hanafiyyah’ mean?
What is Ibaadah?
What does Shirk mean?
What are the dangers of committing Shirk?
Why is it important to know and study about Shirk?
What are the categories of Shirk?
How did the Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam react to the Shirk of his time?
What are the causes of Shirk?
What are the differences between Shirk and Kufr?
What are the conditions which must be met before a person can be rendered Kaafir?
What impediments must be removed before a person can be rendered Kaafir?
What is Shafaa’ah?
Who will be able to intercede on the Day of Judgment?
How can one refute those who would seek to justify actions of Shirk?
Author’s biography:
The author of this book is eminent Shaykh, the reviver of the Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah, the caller to the Tawhid
of Allah; Abu Al Husayn Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab. He was born in the city of Uyaynah in the year 1115
A.H. and died in the year 1206 A.H.
He was born into a family of scholars whom he benefited from at a young age. He completed his memorisation
of the Qur’an at the age of 10 and thereafter he learnt from the scholars in his area before traveling to Madinah
and Iraq to pursue his studying.
Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab worked very hard to call the people back to the true worship of Allah
and the true concept of Tawhid. His Da’wah was not well received by his people who were accustomed these
acts of Shirk and considered them to be part of ‘Ibaadah rather than Shirk. For this reason, the scholars of
Ahlus Sunnah consider Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab to be a great Mujaddid of his time. Allah ‘Azza
Wa Jall accept his efforts and grant him the best of rewards. Aameen.
Course Duration:
This course is taught over a 3 month period. Each week’s lesson consists of 2 hours class time.
Course Materials:
A course pack containing the translations of “Qawaaid Al Arba’ah” and “Kashf Ush Shubuhaat” will be provided.
You should also bring a notepad and pen to take notes.
For 3 hours of class work you will need to do at least 2 hours of homework, rewriting notes and revision each
The final examination for what you will have learnt throughout this course, takes place on week 11, this
consists of a 90 Minute written paper. The pass mark for this course is 50%.
You will receive an in-house certificate recognizing your achievement in this course.
Course Fees:
Students/Unemployed: £65
Employed: £75
That’s only £1.81 /£2.70 per hour!
After studying this course you should consider studying the following courses in the same field of study:
 The Aqeedah of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamaa’ah by Shaykh Ibn Al Uthaymeen
 Sharh Us Sunnah by Imaam Al Barbahaari
 Fundamentals of Faith by Shaykh Ibn Al Uthaymeen
 Usool Ath Thalaathah by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhaab
Kitab ut Tawhid by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab
Aqeedah At Tahawiyyah by Imam At Tahawi (explanation by Ibn Abil ‘Izz Al Hanafi)
You can register online now securely via PayPal or if you prefer you may visit us at our office during our
registration dates (see registration timetable) where registration staff will be awaiting to welcome, assess,
advise and help you register.