Theodore Nicholson, Ph.D., Marcus Autism Center for Children's

October 22-23, 2015 - Raleigh Convention Center
Hosted by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and NC State University
Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering
Co-sponsored by Duke Pratt School of Engineering
Theodore Roosevelt Nicholson III, Ph.D.
Marcus Autism Center for Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Theodore is currently the Manager of Research Technology,
Development, and Transfer at the Marcus Autism Center for
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. In this role, Theodore manages
medical device development teams, technology feasibility
assessments, and technology development for research purposes.
After graduating from Oakwood University with a B.S. Degree in
Chemistry, he achieved a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at the
Ohio State University. Theodore has managed technology
development in various sectors including drug delivery, energy
storage and delivery, and eye tracking. He is an active member of the National Society
of Black Engineers serving as the Programs Chair for the Atlanta Professionals chapter
and promoting entrepreneurship and professional development events as well as
providing mentorship for members. As Southeast Region Lead for the Biomedical
Engineering Society’s Industry Committee he has worked to build sessions for various
aspects of entrepreneurship at the 2015 Annual Meeting and connect regional
corporations to BMES.
9:30am - 10:45am
Breakout Session 1- Panel 3: BME Industry Chapter: Networking