Unit 4, Reading Guide 2_PDF

Unit 4- Reading Guide 2
Vocab: Define each of the following terms
Square Deal
Elkins Act (1903)
Hepburn Act (1906)
Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
Meat Inspection Act
Pure Food & Drug Act
Gifford Pinchot
National Reclamation Act
Payne-Aldrich Tariff
Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)
Federal Trade Commission
Underwood Tariff
Sixteenth Amendment
Federal Reserve Act
Guided Reading Questions: Provide comprehensive answers, in complete
sentences, to each of the following questions.
1. What was the purpose of Teddy Roosevelt’s (TR) “Square Deal”?
2. Describe TR’s views on trusts/monopolies. Provide three pieces of evidence
to support the assertion that Teddy was a trust-buster.
3. What was TR’s role in the 1902 anthracite coal strike? How did Roosevelt’s
actions reflect progressive ideas about settling labor disputes?
4. What restrictions on the power of railroads are passed during TR’s
5. Describe the impact of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle on government policy.
6. Describe the steps TR took toward conservation of the nation’s natural
resources. What was Gifford Pinchot’s view on natural resources?
7. What issues did TR’s successor, Howard Taft, face as president?
8. Prove that Taft was a more successful trust-buster than Teddy Roosevelt.
9. Explain how the following three issues split the Republican party during
Taft’s administration: tariffs, conservation, and Taft’s support for “Old Guard”
10. Why does Roosevelt decide to run for president in 1912? What is the
platform of his Progressive “Bull Moose” Party?
11. On what issues does the Democrat, Woodrow Wilson, run? Why does he win?
12. What is the name of Woodrow Wilson’s program of progressive reforms?
What is the “triple wall of privilege” that Wilson’s reforms are aimed at?
13. How is the Sherman Antitrust Act strengthened during Wilson’s first term?
Provide details.
14. The “bully pulpit” refers to the unique opportunity that an elected official (or
person in power) has to speak out on an issue. How does Wilson use the
“bully pulpit” to bring about reform in the nation’s tax system? What are the
results of his work?
15. The Panic of 1907 exposed what deficiency in America’s banking system?
How does the Federal Reserve work?