Donner Company – Case Study Outline 1. How does Donner

Donner Company – Case Study Outline
1. How does Donner compete?
2. What would I see if you took me on a tour of the Donner
production facilities? Let’s follow a typical 8-board panel through the
process. What are the steps involved and how long will each take?
[see flowchart]
3. What design decisions did Plummer make in setting up the process
represented in the flowchart? What operating decisions must be made
on a daily basis?
Technology choice. What are the economics of the decisions of
when to use CNC router vs. punch press? Micronic vs. manual
Dry film photoresist capacity analysis. What is the capacity if
given an order size of 8 boards? What is the bottleneck?
panel prep
lam & exp
set up time
run time
per order
per order
5 min
0.2 min
20 min
2.0 min
20 min
0.2 min
total time
per order
daily capacity
in orders
daily capacity
in boards
What if the order size were 80 boards or 800 boards?
order size
in boards
8 boards
80 boards
800 boards
order size
in panels
1 / order
10 / order
100 / order
lam & exp
daily capacity
process time
in orders
22 min
40 min
220 min
daily capacity
in boards
Capacity is not an absolute number, but is dependent on factors such
as: _______________, _______________, _______________.
Quan 3600
Standard labor time.
order size
1 board
manual drill
punch press
8 boards
cnc drill
punch press
40 boards
cnc drill
punch press
200 boards cnc drill
cnc router
800 boards cnc drill
cnc router
set up time
run time
339 min
57.55 min
564 min
51.05 min
564 min
255.45 min
664 min
1176.25 min
664 min
4705 min
total time
per order
per board
Labor times, as well as capacity, depend not only on the size of the
order, but the mix of other products in the shop at the same time,
their priorities, and on what equipment is available.
4. What happens when a customer wants an order? What does each
person do?
[see information flow chart]
5. How is the Donner plant doing?
Delivery performance?
Quality performance?
Productivity performance?
Quan 3600
Financial performance?
Donner versus competition:
time per
Order size per board
Quan 3600