PSY101 EXAM 5 Review 4 perspectives for personality know what

PSY101 EXAM 5 Review
4 perspectives for personality
know what they are
how they explain behavior
how they are assessed
Projective tests
we discussed two projective tests
know what they are
know how they are used
ideographic or nomothetic?
he has three main types of traits
know what they are
know how many we have
understand the problem of secondary traits
ideographic or nomothetic?
understand the difference between surface traits and source traits
know how he created his 16 primary source traits
BFI 54
know the 5 dimensions that are tested on the BFI 54
understand process of reversing an item’s score
Social desirability
how might this affect self-report personality tests?
how can social desirability be controlled for?
Criticisms of trait theory
understand limitations of trait theory
be able to explain the criticism of trait theory
Three structures in his theory
understand the driving force of each component
e.g. why is the superego the moral spoilsport
what causes anxiety in this theory?
understand the defense mechanisms discussed in class
be able to give examples to illustrate
Criticisms of Freud's approach
understand limitations of his approach
be able to explain the criticisms of this theory
How is this different from the other approaches?
Understand the different levels of Maslow’s hierarchy
What is self-actualization?
How is this different from the other approaches?
What is Bandura’s self system?
What is self efficacy?
How does self-efficacy affect personality?
understand difference between dispositional and situational attributions for person’s behavior
be able to recognize and generate examples of each
what factors that influence whether we make dispositional attributions
What is the fundamental attribution error
What is false consensus bias?
What is the illusion o control?
Be able to recognize and generate examples of each of the above
Groups influence
Social facilitation
Why, and how, is performance affected by the presence of on lookers?
Social loafing
Why, and how, is performance affected when working as a group?
What are the typical effects of deindividuation?
What about in the ‘black room” study?
Group polarization
Why, and under what circumstances, do attitudes of an isolated group become more extreme over time?
Be able to recognize and generate examples of each of the above
What is conformity?
What is the difference bewteen normative social influence and informational social influence?
Be able to recognize and generate examples of each.
Sherif’s study (judgements of the autokinetic effect)
what was done?
normative or informational social influence? How do we know?
Asch’s study
What was done?
normative or informational social influence? How do we know?
What factors influence conformity in studies like Asch’s?
What is the foot in the door technique?
What is the door in the face technique?
Be able to recognize and generate examples of both the above
Understand the procedure in Milgram’s study
Who was the participant (teacher, learner, experimenter)
What was measured?
When were shocks delivered?
when did the participant believe the shocks were delivered?
How did the experimenter respond when participants wanted to stop?
What percentage of participants were fully obedient
Why were people obedient in this study?