Progressive Era Test Review


Progressive Era Test Review

1. List the beliefs and platforms of the Populist Party/Populism?

They wanted government regulation of banks and railroads

Bimetallism-unlimited coinage of silver

Return control of the government to citizen (popular sovereignty)

Graduated income tax (16 th Amendment)

Direct Election of Senators (17 th Amendment)

People to have more say in the government

2. Place the following Eras/Events on the timeline. Progressive Era (1890-1920), Gilded Age

(1865-1901), Civil War (1861-1865), American Revolution (1775-1783)


1700 1800 1900

A.R. C.W. G.A. P.E.

3. List the goals of the Progressive Era

Promote the general welfare of the people

Further means of direct democracy (putting control of the government back in the hands of the people.)

Sought regulation of monopolies and trusts through anti-trust laws

Eliminating corruption by exposing political machines and bosses

Opposed Social Darwinism –thought it gave the impression that the lower class could not be successful.

4. Complete the Chart



What it did

16 th Amendment Congress could collect a graduated Income Tax


18 th th



Direct Election of Senators-makes senators more reactive to citizen’s affairs and increased citizens involvement in the government

Prohibition-banning the manufacture, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages

19 th Amendment Women’s suffrage

5. List the goals of the Social Gospel Movement.

Belief that is our religious duty to help the poor. Closely related to the philosophies of the

Progressives. Helped correct the problems of Big Business

6. Define muckraker. List the effects of their journalism.

Journalist who wrote about social, environmental, and political problems Americans faced in the early

1900s in cities and uncovered the horrible truths in America that were caused by fast industrialization/urbanization

Government set regulations for the unfair business practices

7. Complete the Chart

Term Definition

Suffrage The right to vote

Temperance A moderation in or abstinence from alcohol.




Some wilderness areas would be preserved while others would be developed for the common good.

Enables citizens to propose & pass a law directly w/o involving state law makers. letting voters accept or reject laws passed by legislatures


The process by which voters can remove an elected official before his or her term expires

Effects of Initiative,

Referendum, and


Increased the democratic power of the people. The citizens are directly participating in the government

8. What did the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 create?

(Government regulation of banks) sets the monetary policy which regulates the amount of money in circulation, sets interest rates & how much banks can lend

9. What is the purpose of the National Park Service?

Government agency to conserve the natural scenery, historic objects, & wildlife for the enjoyment of future generations

10. Where did Women first receive voting rights?

Western States

11. Which 2 Amendments were passed because of the increasing pressure from Women?

19 th -Women’s suffrage

18 th -Temperance

12. What is the Pendleton Act?

United States is a federal law established in 1883 that stipulated that government jobs should be awarded on the basis of merit in an attempt to decrease political corruption.

13. What is the NAACP? List their goals.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Equality among the races, decreased segregation, increase voting in African American Men

14. Complete the Chart

Progressive Reformer Ideas/Importance

Ida B. Wells Documented and investigated lynching of African Americans

W.E.B. Dubois

Booker T. Washington

Help Start the NAACP-wanted equality amongst the races

Believed African Americans needed to have a classical education for racial equality

Believed African Americans could gain respect by working their way up in society

Susan B. Anthony Leader in the Women’s Suffrage Movement.

Jane Addams

Urban Reform, Ran the Hull House (a settlement house in Chicago) to help urban poor and ethnic minorities, Garbage Inspector for Chicago.

Frances Willard Leader in the Temperance Movement

Jacob Riis

Upton Sinclair

Wrote How the Other Half Lives about of the pitiful living conditions in the city (tenements and immigrants) caused by fast industrialization/urbanization

Wrote The Jungle exposed the disgusting details in the Meat Packing

Industry. Led to guidelines in the Meat Packing Industry (Meat Inspection

Act & Pure Food and Drug Act)

15. Complete the Chart

Progressive President in Order Reforms

Theodore Roosevelt “Teddy”

Trust-Buster, Square Deal-Ideas for Reform, Conservation,

Ran for a 3rd term Bull Moose Party, Pure Food and Drug


William Taft

Took a cautious approach to reforms that angered progressive, moderated tariffs

Woodrow Wilson

Trust-Buster, decreased Tariffs, Created the Federal

Reserve System, National Parks Service, Implemented graduated income tax.

16. What is the main goal of Progressive Legislation (Laws)?

To protect citizen’s well-being and correct the problems that occurred during the Gilded Age

17. What effects can a 3 rd party candidate have on elections?

Can effect who wins the election (acts as a spoiler) by dividing the votes of a political party.

Can change the focus of the major party candidates.
