Sun Printing with Dye-na-Flow

Sun Printing with Dye-na-Flow
by Lynda Heines
Make easy sun printed materials for all of your projects with
Dye-na-Flow and the sun!
Here are the supplies you need:
• Jacquard Dye-na-Flow
• Fabric - works best on natural fibers including cotton and silk,
but can be used on any fabrics. For best results, wash fabric to
remove any dirt and sizing.
• Sponge brush
• water and water container
• plastic sheet
• stencils, leaves, cutouts – anything you want to use as a mask.
1. Cover your work surface with plastic. I set up my work area outside where I paint and then leave for the sun to take
over. You can also paint on your fabric indoors on the plastic sheet and then carry it outside.
2. Soak fabric in water.
3. Lay out the wet fabric on the work surface. Smooth out as much as possible.
4. Apply Dye-na-Flow to your fabric with a sponge brush.
4. Add more water to the brush to spread the paint around. Keep adding more paint and water until you are happy with
your fabric color.
5. Cover the fabric with your masks. These could be stencils, household utensils, cardboard cutouts, leaves, etc. Make
sure to pat the masks down so they have contact with the fabric which will keep the sun
from those areas.
6. Leave in sun to dry.
7. Once dry, remove masks.
8. Set paint by ironing three minutes on the wrong side of the fabric.