The Pigman Unit Guide

Unit #3: Tartuffe and Small Yet Powerful Writing
10th Grade World Literature
Mr. Coia
Name: _________________________Date:______________ Period: ________
Thurs 11/10
P1 first half reading and notes due
Tartuffe Act V
Act V focus questions and summaries
Zen parables (Qtr 1 readings packet)
Pick one to analyze (What does it mean?
Why is it effective? What meaning does it
have for modern day?)
Turn in Act V questions
Wed 10/26
Six-Word Memoirs: write 10, type 2
Read Confucius’ Analects (EOL 407-411)
Compare EOL translation to one in Qtr 1
Readings handout. How is it different?
HW: Type two or three memoirs and cut into
strips. Make them large fonts in color to
display on bulletin board; Read your Power of
One book and chapter work
HW: Type analysis (about 400 words)
Notebook Check #3 (see p. 2 for order)
Intro to Moliere and Tartuffe
Tartuffe Act I
Act I focus questions and summaries
Monday 11/14: Parent/Teacher
Wed 11/16
Zen parable groups
Watch film clips from Les Miserables and
The Karate Kid
Group work on Tartuffe
Class discussion and group scenes on
Tartuffe (complete group work tasks unit
guide p. 8)
What does this say about hypocrisy and a
false sense of religious piety?
How does Moliere’s seventeenth-century
villain compare with a twenty-first century
HW: Read your Power of One book and chapter
Tues 11/1
Tartuffe Act II
Act II focus questions and summaries
Introduction to Japanese Literature
Intro to Tanka (EOL 440-445)
Writing a tanka verse or two
IC: Power of One work on Inspiration
(Major accomplishments, Places,
Connections to People); show P1 folders on
flash drive
Collect 5 new pictures in folder
HW: Prepare for Tartuffe test
HW: Type two new tanka poems about the
same topic
Thurs 11/3
Tartuffe Act III
Act III focus questions and summaries
Tanka and Haiku (EOL 446-450)
End of Quarter 1
P1 second half reading and notes due
Tartuffe test
Acting Groups and practice scene
HW: Learn lines
Tues 11/22
Performing a summary of Tartuffe
HW: None; have a good Thanksgiving
HW: Read your Power of One book and chapter
Mon 11/28
Begin Voltaire’s Candide
[Do you have your own copy? Bring it to
Tues 11/8
Tartuffe Act IV
Act IV focus questions and summaries
Honku: “Versed in Traffic Control” (EOL
Creating haiKUBA poems
Capture elements of the school
Share findings
HW: Type haiKUBAs on class forum; print two
and cut for display; finish your Power of One
book and chapter work
Assignments for this Unit
Elements of Literature Textbook
We’ll use our textbook for reading selections this unit. Some of the readings are in the Quarter
One Readings packet I passed out (or, you can print from, but others are in our
text. Remember, the entire textbook is online so you are without excuse.
Username: dodea10stude
Password: m5m8s
Power of One Choice Book
Your assignment last unit was to order one book on your Power of One character. You will read
through the book as an initial overview to the person you selected. For evidence, you can
choose how to show your learning from the book. It can be one of the following:
Chapter Outlines or chapter summaries
Top Facts/Points of interest from each chapter
New Information that I learned from each chapter
Margin Notes throughout the book (of course, only if it is your personal copy!)
If you have another suggestion, please ask
Return the signed form by Wed 10/26
Show the physical book to Mr. Hogen on Tues 11/1
The first half or more is due Thurs 11/10
The complete book due Fri 11/18
Tartuffe by Moliere
We’ll read the comedic play Tartuffe by Moliere in class. If you are absent, you MUST read the
missed act BEFORE returning to school. You can find this online, or you can borrow a book
from the library or from me.
• Find the full text online (such as here: )
• Type a one-page summary of key people, key events, and key quotations from the Act.
Six-Word Memoir
Your life story in six powerful words. Can you do it? Go to for
Notebook Check
You’ll need the following for our third notebook check. Friday 10/28
LA Handouts:
• Unit guide 3 (on top)
• Unit guide 2
• 6+1 Trait Writing Model page (separate from unit 2 p. 13)
• Ideas-Organization-Word Choice-Conventions Rubric
• Class Rules (separate from unit guide 1 p. 4)
“How Do I Format My Paper?” (unit guide 1 p. 5)
• “Books We’ll Read This Year (unit guide 1 p. 15)
• Readings Packet for Quarter 1
• 10 Integrated Honors Course Syllabus (Mr. Hogen gave this to you)
LA Classwork:
Notes from lectures, presentations, mini-lessons from the start of school. Remember you
should be taking notes each class period. You will also have ample loose-leaf paper in your
binder, and your pens, pencils, highlighter, etc.
Six-Word Memoirs
Student Examples:
The world escapes me,
until later.
Father left, now I have another.
Cheerleaders are the devil’s little
Dad is coming home today; again.
Working now, raining out, book awaits.
I’m writing a six word memoir.
Voices find me in my sleep.
I am superwoman: I fly high!
Born, but now I am forgotten.
Tartuffe Focus Questions
Act I
• Why do you think Madame Pernelle is critical of others in the first scene? Is she a moral
• Describe how the characters of Madame Pernelle, Dorine, and Cleante see Tartuffe.
Which character’s description do you trust? Why?
• Who is Orgon? What seems to be his chief concern in scene 4? Why is Dorine able to
speak her mind to Orgon?
• How did Tartuffe come to live with Orgon and his family?
• Review scene 5. Explain why Cleante can be viewed as “The Voice of Reason.”
Act II
• Who does Orgon want Marianne to marry? Why?
• Why does Dorine intervene in the father-daughter scene? Dorine pretends to doubt that
Orgon is serious. Why?
• What are Dorine’s reasons for Marianne not marrying Tartuffe?
• As head of the family, does Orgon have the same power over Dorine as he has over
Mariane? Explain.
• Why does Dorine say that Mariane deserves to be “tartuffified” (41)?
• What is Dorine’s plot to ensure the marriage of Mariane and Valere?
• How does Dorine’s attitude toward Damis differ from that toward Mariane in Act II? Why
does she not have a role for Damis in her plan to help Mariane?
• What are the dramatic, psychological, and comic values of Tartuffe’s entrance in this
scene? Why has the audience not met Tartuffe until now?
• Explain how Tartuffe’s gestures contrast with his mask of piety when he meets with
• What is Tartuffe’s proposition for Elmire? How does Elmire plan on using it against him?
• How is Damis able to find out about the exchange between Tartuffe and Elmire? How
does he respond?
• In scene 6, why does Tartuffe confess to Orgon? If Tartuffe had protested his
innocence, would Orgon have believed him so readily? Why or why not?
Act IV
• Cleante’s points against Tartuffe’s behavior. How do his speeches reflect his logical
pattern of thought?
• What in Orgon’s nature causes him to believe Tartuffe so readily that he is willing to
sacrifice his family?
• What is Elmire’s plan for revealing the “real” Tartuffe?
• How does Orgon respond to the revealing of the “real” Tartuffe? Has Orgon learned his
• Why does Tartuffe state that he cannot leave Orgon’s house?
Act V
• Explain the significance of the strong box. What does it represent or symbolize for
• Contrast the common sense of Cleante with the naïveté of Orgon in scene 1.
• How does Monsieur Loyal (pun on his name) combine in himself the exercise of his duty
and the practice of hypocrisy? Notice the way he addresses Orgon and the others who
speak to him.
• What is the news that Valere brings to Orgon? Why does Moliere have Valere come to
Orgon’s rescue?
• When Tartuffe arrives, how does he adapt his hypocrisy to this encounter?
• Why does the officer give a eulogy to the prince (The Sun-King)?
Name:_____________________________________________ Date:______________ Per:___
Tartuffe Summaries
For each scene, give a good, one-sentence summary of the major points that occur. Work on
crafting sophisticated sentences with a variety of beginnings.
Act I
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Act II
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Scene 6
Scene 7
Act IV
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Scene 6
Scene 7
Scene 8
Act V
Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4
Scene 5
Scene 6
Scene 7
Tartuffe Group Work Assignments
Wednesday, November 16
Note: Absent students must type responses to any five of these tasks
Get into Color groups
Task 1: Opening topic: What is a hypocrite? Examples? If you are a Star, go get a
dictionary to read the definition of a hypocrite. How is Tartuffe one of these?
Task 2: Read/discuss Tartuffe introduction in Richard Wilbur’s translation
Get into Shape groups
Task 3: Look at Character card--you are this person.
Answer the following questions:
• Describe yourself
• Describe your thoughts of Tartuffe (the man) before Act V
• Who in the story are you most aligned to?
• What do you think about the person directly on your left?
Task 4: Discuss how themes in Tartuffe. Where are these present in the play? Which
three are the most relevant to the story? Why?
Get into Color groups
Task 5: Read and mark Moliere’s preface to his play; discuss the questions on handout,
“As the Playwright Sees it”
Task 6: Class discussion: What can we learn from Tartuffe? What did you learn from
the play?