solve block

Use Mathcad to Solve the Equations:
The "lsolve" command can be used to determine the unknows for a set of linear equations.
However, we will deomonstrate the use of a "solve block" here since it can solve both linear
and nonlinear equations.
Provide initial guesses for FA and FB:
FA := 200
FA : 200 <enter>
FC := 200
FC : 200 <enter>
Build the solve block:
Given <enter>
−FA⋅ cos( 40⋅ deg) + FC⋅ cos( 12⋅ deg) = 0
-FA*cos(40*deg)+FC*cos(12*deg) <ctrl><enter> 0 <enter>
FA ⋅ sin( 40⋅ deg) + FC⋅ sin( 12⋅ deg) = 200
FA*sin(40*deg)+FC*sin(12*deg) <ctrl><enter> 200 <enter>
⎛ FAval ⎞ := Find( FA , FC)
⎝ FCval ⎠
1. Insert > Matrix > Rows = 2 and Columns = 1
2. type FAval and FCval in the two placeholders in the matrix
3. Next type
:Find(FA,FC) <enter>
FAval = 248.257
FAval= <enter>
FCval = 194.425
FCval= <enter>