Week 6 - Drop the Rock - Part 2

John 8:1-11
Small Group Discussion Questions
Icebreaker: What an amazing God at Work video. There are things that can happen in our lives where the outcome can only
be explained by God's intervention. That was the case in this video. A man with a sword had every intention of killing
someone, but Roman was able to subdue the man and he was quick to say it was because of the Lord. When have you had
an experience that can only be explained by God’s intervention? What happened? Take time to give God the glory.
1. We all deserved to be stoned. We pick up rocks too quickly. Read John 8:1-6. These two review points still need to
be applied even a week later. How are you growing in the realization that you deserve to be stoned? When are you holding
on to rocks that need to be dropped? Why can't you let them go? Are you a magnifying glass Christian (focused on others'
failures) or a reverse-binoculars Christian (unable to call anyone out on anything)?
2. We hold rocks too tightly. Read John 8:7-8. The rock is a picture of verdicts or judgments. When are you too quick to
judge others? When have you been over-confident about your own rightness to the detriment of others? Is there a specific
person you want to throw a rock at? Why is it hard to drop that rock?
3. Notice the Pharisees were very persistent in questioning Jesus. They were pressing Him. How do you respond when
others are pressing you? Jesus used time and patience to calm their fleshly anger. Sometimes the most powerful
statement you can make is to say nothing. Where in your life do you need to stay silent and "draw in the sand"? How will
you trust Jesus for the result?
4. Experience is teaching: "Drop the rock." Read John 8:9. They went away, one by one, beginning with the older ones.
Pastor James talked about having to do a sermon where he had to dress in New Testament garb and preach this very
passage. Of all the people holding the rocks and dropping them one by one, which are you? Would you be the first to drop
the rock? Do you wait to see what others will do first? What needs to be done in your life for you to be the first to drop the
rock, or even to not pick up the rock at all?
5. If you are wrong in the way you are right, you are wrong even if you are right. What does that mean? How hard do you
press a situation in order to be right? Once with a loving heart? Twice with more urging but still with a loving heart? Three
times but with an, “I've done a lot for you so you should listen to me” heart? Or four times with a, “You are wrong and I am
right heart” heart? Where do you struggle when it comes to being right?
6. There are five diļ¬€erent kinds of rocks we could be holding: (1) Rocks of righteousness where I am the standard. (2) Rocks
of rightness where it isn't my fault. (3) Rocks of resentment where you hurt me and I'm not going to let it go. (4) Rocks of
revenge where you are going to pay for what you did. (5) Rocks of Retreat where you stay way from anyone and everyone.
Which kinds of rocks do you find yourself holding? How can you drop that rock?
7. Jesus is modeling: "Drop the rock.” Read John 8:10-11. No one condemned the woman because sinners don't
condemn sinners and God doesn't condemn sinners until the other side of eternity. Only the self-righteous person
condemns sinners. In what ways do you struggle with self-righteousness? How do you remind yourself you are a sinner in
need of grace? If you want forgiveness, live the life of one who has been forgiven. Does your walk match your confession? Instead of condemnation, do you seek to use exhortation that moves toward salvation? Will you drop your rocks?
Hey, did you hear that Ray Lewis is a Christian? What do you think about that?