LECTURE OUTLINE Statistics and the Scientific Method

Statistics and the Scientific Method
Professor Leibon
Math 10
March 2005
LECTURE OUTLINE Statistics and the Scientific Method – p.1/4
Statistics: Learning from your data
1. Descriptive Statistics: Communicating and viewing your
2. Inferential Statistics: Drawing conclusions from your
(a) Frequentists View: Attempt to isolate your data
analysis from the rest of the scientific process in
order to minimize subjectivity.
(b) Bayesian View: Incorporates as much evidence and
information as is reasonable into your data analysis.
LECTURE OUTLINE Statistics and the Scientific Method – p.2/4
Scientific Method
1. Articulate a question.
2. Assemble and evaluate relevant information.
3. Design an investigation or experiment.
4. Carry out the investigation or experiment.
5. Draw (tentative) conclusions.
6. Repeat 1-5 till you "run out of steam" or your
conclusions cease to be tentative.
7. Communicate you findings.
LECTURE OUTLINE Statistics and the Scientific Method – p.3/4
The Data
A sample is a collection of observations
A population is the collection of potential observations of
which the sample is a part.
extrapolates from a sample to the
population being sampled.
Statistical inference
A prediction is an inference about the next sample
observation or set of sample observations.
LECTURE OUTLINE Statistics and the Scientific Method – p.4/4