Science 10 Phys

Science 10: Physics
Lesson 1:
Factor label method, page 464 conversion chart
Example: 4.5 m/min to m/s (0.075 m/s)
15 cm/hr to m/s (0.0025 m/s)
6 km/hr to m/min (0.1 m/min)
Step #1: Choosing the axes
-independent variable plotted on horizontal axis (you choose)
-dependent variable plotted on vertical axis
-should be labeled
Step #2: Scaling the axes
-scales should be easy to read, whole numbers, and consistent intervals
Step #3: Plotting data
-data point marked with a small dot then place a circle around it.
-draw a line of best fit (line comes as close as possible to most of the points)
Step #4: Choosing a title
-every graph needs a title, placed at the top of the page
-describes the graph (includes both variables)
Lesson 2:
 The change in position of an object relative to a reference point.
 Change in length and/or direction
 Motion Can Be Best Described Using Mathematics and Graphs
Uniform Motion:
 An objective is traveling at a constant rate of motion in a straight line.
o speed - refers to motion of an object regardless of direction
 Scalar quantity: indicates only the magnitude (how much) of the quantity
 v
o velocity - measurement of an object’s motion and direction
 Vector quantity: indicates the magnitude and direction
 v→ (on top)
o m/s
Speed Formula:
 Speed(v) = change in distance /change in time (d/t)
Types of Uniform Motion:
-Average Speed: total distance traveled in a given time, regardless of changes in speed
v(ave) = total d/ total t
* line of best fit = average speed
Example: d = 5 km
t = 0.5 hrs
v(ave) = 10 km/hr
-Instantaneous Speed: speed of an object at a specific instant
* graph will tell you * speed at the 11.3 minute
* one data point
Example: speedometer
Slope of the Line: * change in distance / change in time (Rise over Run)
Helps us predict future events
#1. Take two points on the line of best fit.
#2. Find the changes in distance and time.
#3. Use the formula slope = (Y2-Y3)/(X1-X2)
Worksheet (4-10, 4-11) -title, -scale, -plot, -line of best fit, -slope
Lesson 3:
 Describes both rate of motion and direction.
 Distance: change in distance of an object moving from a starting point.
o Scalar quantity
o Ex:
0 m ------------------ 10 m
total distance 10 m
Displacement: change in distance and direction from a reference point.
o Vector quantity
o Ex:
-2 m -----------0 m ------------ 3 m
total distance 3m + 5m = 8m
displacement 3m (right) + -5m (left) = -2m (left)
Practice Questions
Classroom Scavenger Hunt:
Hide treats around the classroom in four different locations. Use a written set of instructions to find the
hidden treasure. Need a meter stick, protractor, and instructions.
Finding Out Activity: Analyzing Distance and Displacement (Page 178-179 Sciencefocus 10)
Lesson 4:
How to Identify Vector Directions:
1. X-Axis Method:
 Up and right are positive
 Down and left are negative
 Directions between the axis lines are given in degrees and not in positives or negatives.
Up (90°)
Left (180°)
Right (0°)
Vector D
Down (270°)
Vector B
Vector C
Vector A = 6m (30°)
Vector B = 10m (right)
Vector C = -8m (down)
Vector D = 2m (230°)
Ex: a ball rolls with a velocity of 2 m/s (135°). Use the x-axis method to sketch this vector on a grid.
2. Navigator Method:
 North and East are positive
 South and West are negative
 Directions between the axis lines are given only in degrees and are not given a positive or
negative value.
North (0°)
West (270°)
East (90°)
Vector D
South (180°)
Vector B
Vector C
Vector A = 6m (90°)
Vector B = 10m (East)
Vector C = -8m (South)
Vector D = 2m (220°)
Ex; a ball is rolling at a velocity of 2 m/s (135°). Using a grid, sketch this vector using the navigator
Lesson 5:
Velocity Formula:
 Velocity (v) = change in displacement /change in time (d/t)
Ex: a person walks 10.0m (E) away from a bus stop in 5.00s. What is the average velocity of the person?
d = 10.0m (E) – 0.0m
t = 5.00s
v= 10.0m (E) / 5.00s = 2.00 m/s (E)
Practice Problems.
Displacement – Time Graphs:
 Same as distance – time graphs just include direction
Lesson 6:
Non-uniform motion = object is not traveling at a constant speed
o acceleration & deceleration (negative acceleration)
o a =  v /  t = v2-v1/t2-t1
Positive Acceleration:
 change in velocity is positive and the direction is positive
Increasing velocity
change in velocity is negative and the direction is negative
Decreasing velocity
Negative Acceleration:
 change in velocity is positive and the direction is negative
Decreasing velocity
change in velocity is negative and the direction is positive
Increasing velocity
Lesson 7:
Speed –Time Graphs and Velocity-Time Graphs
o acceleration = slope
o distance or displacement = area
o instantaneous speed or velocity= point on line
o average speed or velocity= area / total time
Lesson 8:
Uniform Motion:
Non-Uniform Motion: Positive Acceleration
Non-Uniform Motion: Negative Acceleration
Practice Questions
Finding Out Activity: Describing Motion (Page 195: Sciencefocus 10)
Lesson 9:
Mouse Trap Car Lab
Lesson 10:
The Development of the Steam Engine:
 Steam Engine: any machine that generates steam and converts the steam pressure into
mechanical motion.
o Steam engine was invented through the process of trial and error.
 Hero of Alexandra: sealed kettle that had two pipes that carried steam to a
hollow ball. The ball was mounted on the pipes so that it was free to spin around.
Steam escaped through jets on the ball, causing it to spin.
 Savery: invented the first practical steam engine to draw up water from mines.
 Newcomen: designed an engine that relied on atmospheric pressure and
 Watt: invented an engine that could be used for powering other things, wheels
 Modifications helped the rapid development of the Industrial Revolution.
 Parsons: developed steam turbines that did not use pistons
Investigation 4-A: Turbine-Powered Hoist (Page 148 Sciencefocus 10)
Lesson 11:
Scientific Theories of Heat:
 Early Theories:
o Ancient Greeks believed that all matter consisted of a combination of four elements:
earth, fire, air, and water. When an object burned only fire was released.
o The Phlogiston Theory: mid-evil times
 Substances contained an invisible fluid called phlogiston. This phlogiston flowed
out of an object when it was burned only living behind ashes.
 Problem: some items leave more mass behind when burnt…
o The Caloric Theory: 1700s
 Caloric or Heat was massless fluid found in every substance that could not be
destroyed or created, only could flow between objects.
 Heat always flowed from warm objects to cold objects.
 Problem: metal friction causes cold objects to get hot…
 Modern Theories:
o Count Rumford’s Hypothesis:
o Heat is equivalent to energy. There is no invisible substance.
o James Prescott Joule published calculations to prove this relationship.
 The transfer of thermal energy from one object to another
Thermal Energy:
 The energy related to the continual and random motion of atoms and molecules.
Kinetic Molecular Theory:
 Solids ~ molecules are close together, move very little, and have less energy.
 Liquids ~ molecules are farther apart, move a bit more, and have more energy.
 Gases ~ molecules are very far apart, move a lot, and have a lot of energy.
 As heat is added to molecules their activity increases and the spaces between
the molecules increase.
 a measure of the average kinetic energy of the individual atoms or molecules in a substance.
Specific Heat Capacity:
o The amount of heat it takes to raise the temperature of a specific mass of a substance by one
degree Celsius.
o 4.16 joule of work/energy causes 1.0 g of water to raise 1°C
The Laws of Thermodynamics
1. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but can be transferred from one form/object to another.
2. Some energy is lost due to heat and not used in work.
Heat and Temperature Activity: Page 162 in Sciencefocus 10
Lesson 12:
Newton’s Laws:
#1. An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by
an outside force.
inertia - tendency to resist changes in motion
#2. Force, mass, and acceleration are related
F = mass x acceleration measured in N (kg m/s²)
Force is a push or pull on an object.
#3. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Energy and Work:
 Energy: the ability to do work. Measured in Joules
 Work: the transfer of mechanical energy from one object to another object. Measured in Joules
o Movement
o Force
o Force and distance excreted in the same direction (carrying a bag parallel to walking)
W is the work in Joules
F is the force in Newtons
Δd is the distance in metres
Practice Problems: worksheet
Graphical Methods of Determining Work:
 Force – Position Graph
o Calculate the area underneath the graph to indicate work
o Calculate the amount of force or position using points on the graph.
Practice Problems: worksheet
Lesson 13:
Classification of Energy:
Potential Energy (Ep) = potential of an object to do work due to its position or condition.
* “stored energy” ex: elastic, chemical
-reference point (i.e. ground)
Gravitational Potential Energy: Mechanical
Ep = mgh
where Ep = gravitational potential energy (J)
m = mass of object (kg)
g = acceleration due to gravity (m/s²)
* 9.81 m/s²
h = vertical distance from reference point (m)
Parachute activity
Electrical Potential Energy:
* energy from electrical forces between opposite charges
Ee = qV
where Ee = electrical potential energy
q = unit of charge (coulombs or c)
V = Ep per unit charge (Volt or J/c)
Potential Energy Worksheets
Lesson 14:
Kinetic Energy (Ek) = energy possessed by an object due to motion
* “moving energy” * any object that moves has Ek
* release of energy
* energy that does work
* hit by a ball= heavier ball hurts more and so does a fast ball
Ek = 1/2mv²
where Ek = Kinetic Energy (J)
m = mass (kg)
v = speed
Electrical Kinetic Energy:
* electrons moving through the wire
* movement of electrical charges = current
Ee = Pt
where P = Power (Watts = J/s)
Ee = Energy (J)
t = Time (s)
P = Ee/t
rate at which energy is used
Kinetic Energy Worksheets
Lesson 15:
Mechanical Energy:
 Combination of kinetic and potential energy.
Em = Ep + Ek
A 0.300 kg ball is thrown in a straight line through the air. At a height of 2.50m above the surface of Earth,
it has the speed of 20.0m/s. What is the total mechanical energy of the ball?
Em = Ek = 1/2mv²
+ mgh
Law of Conservation of Energy:
 Total amount of energy remains constant.
 Kinetic energy may be converted to potential energy and vice versa but the total amount is the
Ek ↔Ep
A 1.50kg rock is dropped over the edge of a cliff, 30.0m above the surface of the lake. What is the speed
of the rock just before it hits the surface of the lake?
Activity B9: Inquiry Lab Mechanical Energy and the Pendulum (pages 186-187 Science 10)
Lesson 16:
Energy Efficiency:
 A measurement of how effectively a machine converts energy input into useful energy output.
Percent efficiency = useful energy output (work) / total energy input (work) x 100
1. Conversion between work, mechanical energy, or thermal energy.
2. Conversion between work, mechanical energy, and thermal energy.
Bouncing Ball Lab: Page 201 in Science in Action 10
Lesson 17:
Energy Applications:
 Energy Sources:
o Renewable Energy Sources: continually and infinitely available resources
 Solar energy
 Wind energy
 Water energy
 Biomass
 Geothermal energy
 Tidal energy
o Non-renewable Energy Sources: limited and irreplaceable resources
 Fossil Fuel
 Nuclear energy (fission or fusion of atoms)
 Energy Demand:
o Amount of energy used per person has increased exponentially.
o World population has increased
o More societies use non-renewable resources instead of renewable resources.
 Consequences:
o Strain on supplies
o Environmental destruction
o Pollution
o Greenhouse gases
 Conservation:
o Reduce amount of energy used
o Cogeneration: using wasteful energy form one process to power a second process.
o Sustainable solutions