Vocab Unit 1A Vocabulary Unit 1A - TWHS

Vocab Unit 1A
Vocabulary Unit 1A
1. admonish
(ad män’ ish)
(v.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of
a duty
The librarian had to _________________________
the noisy students several times before they settled
SYNONYMS: warn, call on the carpet
ANTONYMS: praise, pat on the back
2. breach
(n.) an opening, gap, rupture, rift; a violation or infraction; (v.) to create
an opening, break through
Because of a serious ______________ of the rules,
two players were ejected from the game.
Our troops were unable to ________ the enemy’s
lines during the battle.
3. brigand
(brig’ ənd)
(v.) close, seal
(n.) a bandit, robber, outlaw, highwayman
Ancient caravans passing through desolate areas
were sometimes attacked by _____________.
4. circumspect
(sər’ kəm spekt)
(adj.) careful, cautious
It is important for a diplomat to behave in a manner
that is both discreet and __________________.
SYNONYMS: wary, prudent, guarded
ANTONYMS: incautious, rash, reckless,
5. commandeer
(käm ən dēr’)
(v.) to seize for military or official use
Under certain circumstances the U.S. government
had the right to ____________ private property.
6. cumbersome
(kəm’ bər səm)
over, requisition, expropriate
(adj.) clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving
The bus was filled to capacity with holiday shoppers
carrying large and _____________ packages.
SYNONYMS: unwieldy, ponderous
ANTONYMS: manageable, easy to
Vocab Unit 1A
7. deadlock
(ded’ läk)
(n.) a standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal
forces or factions;
(v.) to bring to such a standstill
After fifteen innings, the score remained a frustrating
3-to3 ___________________.
The refusal of labor and management to modify their
demands _______________ the contract negotiations.
SYNONYMS: (n.) standoff, stalemate, impasse
ANTONYMS: (n.) agreement, accord, breakthrough
8. debris
(də brē’)
(n.) scattered fragments, wreckage
After the storm, the beach was littered with driftwood
and other _______________.
9. diffuse
(v., dif yüz’;
adj., dif yüs’)
rubble, detritus, flotsam and jetsam
(v.) to spread or scatter freely or widely;
adj.) wordy, long-winded, or unfocused; scattered or widely spread
The scent of lilacs slowly _____________ through the
open window.
The speech was so long and _________ that most
members of the audience were thoroughly confused
by it.
10. dilemma
(di lem’ ə)
disperse; (adj.) rambling, verbose, prolix
concentrate; (adj.) brief, concise, succinct
(n.) a difficult or perplexing situation or problem
During the crisis the President found himself caught in a
painful ______________.
SYNONYMS: predicament,
quandary, pickle, bind
Vocab Unit 1A
Completing the Sentence
From the words for this unit, choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences. Write
the word in the space provided.
1. The nurse rushed into the hospital corridor to _______________________ the visitors who were
creating a disturbance.
2. I added a few drops of food coloring to the liquid and watched as they slowly ________________
through it.
3. Before I make an investment, I study all aspects of the situation in a most methodical and
______________________ manner.
4. The water pouring through the ___________________ in the dam threatening to flood the entire
5. Many a teenager’s room is strewn with clothing, CDs, and all sorts of ____________________.
6. The two sides in the lawsuit reached a(n) ______________________ when neither was willing to
meet the other partway.
7. The idea of a(n) ____________________ like Robin Hood who helps the poor appeals strongly to
the popular imagination.
8. In order to capture the fleeing criminals, the police ____________________ our car and raced
after the vanishing truck.
9. The rug made such a(n) _________________________ bundle that it took four of us to carry it
up the stairs.
10. If I don’t get a job, I won’t have the money to do what I want; and if I do get a job, I won’t have the
time. What a(n) _______________________!
Choose the word from this unit that is the same or most nearly the same in meaning as the boldface
word or expression in the given phrase. Write the word on the line provided.
1. requisition a vehicle
2. captured by bandits
3. a stalemate in the peace talks
4. an unexpected predicament
5. a violation of security procedures
Vocab Unit 1A
Choose the word from this unit that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the boldface word or
expression in the given phrase. Write the word on the line provided.
6. tends to make reckless decisions
7. praised my friends for their behavior