Biography - State Library of Western Australia

Ephemera PR14514
Scope notes:
This collection comprises article, genealogy charts, ephemera, etc. about or by West
Australians. Biographical items issued by government agencies or major bodies will be filed
with the collection of ephemera of the respective agency.
Within this PR number, items are filed alphabetically by surname.
To view items in the Ephemera collection, contact the State Library of Western Australia
Adams, Jan S
Adams, Phillip Rennell
Ainsworth, Marlane
Aitken, Don
Alexander, Wilfrid Backhouse
Allison, John
Allnut Family
Allnut, Lea
Alman, Lewis Arthur
Anderson, Alexander
Anderson, John
Anderson, Keith V
Andrews, Cecil
Angove, Bill
Armarego, A.J. (Tony)
Armstrong, Adam
Armstrong, Alexander
Ashton, Henry (Junior)
Atherden, William Edward
Atkinson, Vincent
Bailey, James
Bailey, Sarah Ann
Baird, Adam
Baird, Neil Hutchinson
Baird, William Hutchinson
Baird, William Hutchison
Bairstow, Isaac
Barker, Captain Collet
Barker, Edmund Shelley
Barnett Family
Barnett, Colin James
Barrett-Lennard, Edward Pomeroy
Bartlett, Rita
Baston, George
Bateman, L
Bates, Daisy May
Baxter, Ian
Bayley, Arthur Wellesley
Beckingham, Wilfred Kenneth
Beggs, Bruce James
Bell Family
Bell, Samuel John Leithdale
Bellanger, Francois
Benckendorff, Frederick Oscar
Benterrak, Krim
Bergin, Kit
Bergin, Marion Margaret
Bernales, Claude Albo de
Beukers, John
Bignell, George William
Birch Family
Bird, A. L. (Lance)
Bird, Albert John
Bird, J.W.C.
Bishop, Julie
Black Family
Blackall, Dr. William Edwards
Blaikie, Barry
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Copyright SLWA ©2010
Blackburne Family
Blackwell, Grace M.
Blechynden Family
Boas Family
Boas, Harold
Boas, Lionel T.
Bompas, Charles Smith
Booth, Edgar Hickman.
Bostock, Emma
Bottrell Family
Boultbee, John
Boulter, Nell
Bow, Frederick William
Boyd Family
Brackenreg, Mal
Brady, Rev. FGH
Brand, Sir David
Brashaw, Harry
Brennan, Desmond John
Bresnahan, Bridget & Denis
Brewer, F.W
Brimage, Thomas
Broadhurst, Charles Edward
Brookes, Charles Henry
Brooks, Sarah Theresa
Broome, Errol
Broome, Rev. Frederick
Broome, Simon
Broomhall Family
Brown, Arthur
Brown, Antony Ednie
Brown, Rev. James
Bruce Family
Buckingham Family
Buckley Family
Buddee, Paul
Buick, Barbara
Bullwinkle, Vivian
Bunbury, Bill
Bunning, Robert
Burbridge, Nancy Tyson
Burges, William
Burton, Marjorie Alice
Bussell Family
Bussola, Jessie
Buswell, Jack
Butcher, F.O.
Butler, Harry
Button Family
Caldow, William Thomas
Callaway, Sir Frank
Cammilleri, Frederick William Ponsonby
Cammilleri, May Glindon
Campbell, Charles
Canning, Sadie M
Cannon, Prof. Jack
Capelle, Mikael
Caporn Family
Cargeeg, George
Carnegie, Wynford
Carney, Bernard
Carr, Dr John
Carr, John Horatio
Carr-Boyd Family
Carroll, Mrs. Elsie
Case, George
Casey, Gavin
Cash, Edward Francis Nicholson
Cash, George
Cash, Sam
Casley Family
Caughey Family
Chan, Hookam
Chaney, Fred. [1914-2001]
Chaney, Fred. [1941- ]
Chapman, Mark
Charlesworth, Ric
Charlton, Eric
Charlton, John
Charnley, Wilma
Chase Family
Chester, John
Cheyne, George
Chidlow, William
Christie, Mrs Phoebe
Chumingee, Paddy
Church, John
Clarke, M
Clarke, Tommy
Cleland, Dame Rachel
Clifton Family
Clifton, H.G.
Clifton, Marshall Waller
Clifton, Robert Henry
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Copyright SLWA ©2010
Clinch, James
Clow Family
Clune Family
Clutterbuck, Katherine Mary
Cockburn-Campbell Family
Cockburn-Campbell, Sir Thomas
Colbung, Ken
Coleman (nee Colman) Family
Coleman, Ruth
Collett Family
Collett, William
Collie, Alexander (Surgeon)
Colyer, Noel Henry Maxwell
Comini, Clifford James
Comini, Rae
Compton, George Spencer
Connolly, J.F.
Connolly, Patrick Andrew (Paddy)
Cook, John
Cook, Solomon
Coombe, Thomas
Cooper, Charles
Cooper, George H.
Coopes Family.
Coplestone, Herbert William
Coppin Family
Cornish, Anthony
Cornish, Charles J.
Corser Family
Counsel, Philip Walter
Court, Margaret
Court, Richard Fairfax
Court, Rita Maud
Court, Sir Charles
Courthope, Anne
Courtney, Charles Wilson
Cousins, Emily
Coutts, Robert Percy
Coverley, Evelyn
Cowan, Edith Dircksey
Cowan, Hendy
Cowcher Family
Cowin, Andrew
Cox, Barbara
Cox, James
Cox, Marjories
Cox, Norman
Craig, Leslie
Craig, Margaret June
Crake, Louisa
Crawford, Alexander
Criddle Family
Crocos, A.J. (Jack)
Cryer, J
Cullen, Di
Cullen, Dr. Kevin John
Cullen, Lucius Michael
Cummins, Alice
Cunningham, Norman Edward
Currie, Jane Eliza
Curtin, John
Daffen, Harold A & Evelyn
Dale, Ensign
Dale, Robert
Dampier, William
Darley, Charles
Darling, F.J. (John)
Darwin, Gerard
Davies, Richard Lloyd
Davies, Ron
Davis, Jack
Davis, Judy
Dawkins, John
Dawson, Elijah
Day, Bill Bartlett
Day, Kate
De Mouncey, Mme Rosamund
de San Miguel, Angel
De Vlamingh, Willem Hessels
Dearle, John Bowtell
Debnam Family
Dell, John
Delmage, Jacob
Dempster Family
Dempster, James McLean
Dent, Thomas
Dermer, Edward Walter
Devenish, William
Devlin, Mary Barbara
Dicks, Robin Miller
Dickson, John Moore
Dickson, Lorna
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Dixon, George
Doherty Family
Doig, R.H.
Dolan, David
Dolan, John
Dost Mahomet
Douglas, Fred
Douglas, William
Doust Family
Dowd, Henry
Dowling, Wally
Drage Family
Drake-Brockman, Henrietta
Drummond, John Maxwell
Duffield, John
Durack Family
Durack, Elizabeth
Durack, Mary
Durston, Robert Groves
Dwyer, John Joseph
Eastwood, James
Edquist Family
Edwardes, Cheryl
Edwards Family
Edwards, H.J.G.
Edwards, Hughie Idwal
Edwards, William & Eleanor
Edwards-Effland Family
Efford, Ester and Sam
Elliot, John Grant
Ellis, A.S.
Elphick family
Erickson, Rica
Evans, Ainslie
Evans, Max
Evans, William Herbert
Everingham, Rev Canon W.
Ewers, John Keith
Farmer, Anne & Family
Farrelly, Rose
Farwick, John
Fels, E. D.
Ferrier, William
Fethers, Eric Francis
Firns, Charles
Fisher, Agnese Wilhelmina (Mena)
Fisher, Jim
Fisher, William
Fitch, Dr. Ken
Flaherty Family
Flugge Family
Forbes, W.J. Waldie
Ford, William
Forrest Family
Forrest, SirJohn
Foss, Peter
Foster, Samuel
Fowler Family
Fowler, Alice
Fowler, Stanley
Foxworthy Family
Frank, Fred
Fraser, James Mackintosh
Fyfe, Alexander Parker
Fyfe, W.V.
Gairdner, Sir Charles
Garcia, Vida
Gardiner, Edward
Gardner, C.A.
Gardner, Emily Edith
Garland, Rev David John
Gauntlett, Gerry
Garrido, Venancio
Gee Family
Geldert, W.
George, Alex
Gibbons, Peter Louis
Gibbs, Herbert William
Gibbs, Thomas & Ellen Family
Giblett Family
Gibney, Bishop Matthew
Gilbert, John
Giles, Ernest
Gillam, Thomas Meadows & Family
Gilmore, Gordon R
Girdlestone, Alice
Glasheen, John
Glaskin, Gerald Marcus
Glass, Charles
Glauert, Ludwig
Glossop Family
Glyde, Samuel Denning
Goatcher, Phillip
Golding, Henry Roy
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Copyright SLWA ©2010
Goldwyer, William Henry
Goode, Roger B.
Goody, Launcelot John (Most Reverend)
Gore, Stuart
Gorman, Larry
Gow, James Walker
Graham, Margaret
Grain, Edward Medcalfe
Greaves, Lillian Wooster
Green, George
Green, Jane
Green, Mary (nee Whitfield)
Greenway, George James
Gregory Family
Gregory, Jenny
Gribble, James
Gribble, Reverend J.B.
Griffith, Joseph
Griffiths, Clive Edward
Griffiths, Philip
Grover, William
Groves, Elizabeth
Guppy, W.F.
Hack Family
Hackett, Dr.J. Winthrop
Haddrill, William
Halford, William H.C.
Halligan. Ray
Hammond Family
Hammond, James
Hancock Family
Hancock, Lang
Hanley, Edward John
Hanly, Vaughan
Hannah, Sister
Hannan, Paddy
Hardey, John Wall
Hardey, Samuel
Hardie, Jennie
Hardine, James Richard
Harris, Rolf
Harrison, Elizabeth Ann (nee Shaw)
Hartochs, Dirck
Hasluck, Sir Paul
Hawes, Monsignor
Hawke, Albert Redvers George
Hawke, Robert James Lee
Hayden, Roy
Hayes, Colin
Hayes-Thompson Family
Hayward Family
Hayward, George
Heal, Charles
Helfgott, David
Helliwell Family
Helliwell, Isaac
Hendry, William Thomas
Hensman, Alfred Peach
Heppingstone Family
Hester, Thomas
Hewett, Dorothy
Hewitt, John
Hicks, William Humphrey
Higgins, Richard & Eliza
Hill Family
Hill, John Manners
Hillman, Alfred James
Hillman, John
Hillyer, William
Hitchcock Family
Hobbs, Joseph John Talbot
Hobbs, Marie
Hocking Family
Hogan, J.
Holdsworth, Gordon
Holgate, James Edwin (Jim)
Hollingsworth, Harold Thornton
Holmes a Court, Janet
Hoover, Herbert C
Hope, Thomas H.
Horgan, John
Horrocks, Dr Norman
Hosken, Martin
Hotchin, Claude
House, Monty
Howard-Wright, Miriam
Howell, Thomas William Norman
Howells, Edwin
Howitt, William
Howling, Hugh Oswald
Hubert Massey Whittell
Hunt, A.W.
Hunt, Charles C.
Hurst Family
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Hyland Family
Ingleman-Sunberg, Catherine
Inkpen, James Edward
Irvin Family
Irvine, John Taylor
Irwin, Frederick C.
Jackes, Leonard James
Jackson, Frank
Jackson, Horace B
Jacob, Rev Cedric MBE
James, Bruce
James, Sir Walter Hartwell
Jecks, Douglas A.
Jennison, Abraham
Jewell Family
Job Family
Jobson, Catherine
Johns, Harold Knuckey
Johns, Joseph Bolitho
Johnson, G.L.
Johnston, Alfred
Johnston, F.M.
Johnston, Julius Edward
Jones Family
Joseph, Michael
Joyce, Eileen
Jull, Roberta Henrietta Margaretta (nee
Jurien, Jean-Pierre Edmond
Kalamaras, Leon
Kane, Bea
Kastner, Winifred
Kay-Hill, Robert
Keen, Robert C.
Kelly, James Joseph
Kelly, Molly
Kennedy-Smith, Gladys
Kent, Cyril R.
Kerr, Herbert Charles
Kierath, Graham
Kingsbury Family
Kirk, William Willey
Kirwan, Sir John
Knight, F.W.
Knight, Len
Kohler Family
Krasker, Leon
Kretchmar, William Herman
Kuczynska, Maria
Kunamarra, Larry
Kyle, Wallace Hart
Lambert, Chris
Landor, Edward Willson
Langley, Thomas William
Langsford, Joseph Wood
Lapsley, James McFarlane
Lasseter, Harold Bell
Laurie, Rita
Laver, Dr Charles William
Law, Robert Oswald
Lawson, Henry
Layman Family
Layman, George
Le Mesuriers Family
Leach, J.H.
Leake Family
Leake, George
Lee Steere, Sir Ernest Augustus
Lee, Edward & Austin
Lee, Fred
Lefroy, Elizabeth
Lefroy, Flora Mary
Lefroy, Henry Maxwell
Lefroy, Sir Anthony Bruce Langlois
Leitch, Owen
Leria, Katie
Levinson & Sons
Lewi, Michal
Lewington Family
Lewis, Richard
Liebe, Frederick William Gustav
Lindrum, Walter A.
Little, Thomas
Litton, John Philip
Locke, John Bavage
Lockyer, Edmund
Loton Family
Louch, T.S.
Louch, William
Love, William
Lowe & Foreman Families
Ludwig Glauert
Lukin Family
Lukis, Mollie
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Copyright SLWA ©2010
Macartney, A.H.
Mackie, William Henry
MacKinnon, Graham C.
MacKintosh, Edward Alec
Magowan, Philip
Mahomet, Faiz & Tagh
Malcolm, Charles
Manning Family, Charles Alexander
Manning Family, James
Manning Family, John Daniel
Manning Family
Manning, J.H.
Manton, Lydia Ann
Marchant, Leslie Ronald
Marfleet, Arthur George
Marriott, Thomas
Marsh, John
Marsh, Sylvia Doreen
Mason, Benjamin
Massam Family
Matthews Family
McAlpine, Alistair
McCann, John
McCarrey, Leslie Edward
McCarthy, Lawrence
McClelland, Alexander McBride
McClemans, Sheilah Mary
McCumiskey, John Alexander
McDonald, Ean Lawrence
McGlashen, Dr John Eric
McHard Family
McInerney, Beatrice
McIntosh, Gordon D.
McIntosh, John Cowe
McKenzie, Seaforth
McKerchar, Stan
McLachlan, Ex Sailor
McNeil, Neil
McNess, Sir Charles
McNulty, Dr Jim
McPharlin, Walter Raymond
Michael, Peter
Millard, Joseph
Miller, Connie
Miller, Constance
Miller, Frederick
Milloy, Agnes (Nessie)
Mills, Beryl
Milroy, Peter
Milroy, Thelma
Miner Family
Minson, Kevin
Mitchell Family
Mitchell, Sir James
Moir, Alexander
Moir, Andrew
Moir, Charles
Monger Family
Mooney, Lawrence
Moore, George Fletcher & Fanny Mary
Moore, John Hamersley
Moore, Newton James
Moore, Norman
Moore, Rev. Robert Henry
Morgan Family
Moriarty, William
Morony, Fred
Morphett, John Joseph
Morrell, John
Morrison, Lance
Morrissey Family
Morrow, Robert
Morton, Jessie Moir (Moira)
Mossenson, David
Mouritz, M.
Moylan, W.A. (Bill)
Moynihan, John
Muir Family
Mundy, Morris H.
Munyard, Arthur Stephen
Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
Murdoch, W Prof
Murphy, Edwin Greenslade
Murphy, Henry Richard Family
Murray, Charles Pendergast
Nairns Family
Nash, Les
Nash, Wendy.
Needham, Helenus Wynn
Negus, Oscar Joseph
Newcomen Family
Nicholas, James
Nicholls, Roger K.
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Nickoll, Emily Mary
Nicolay, Charles Grenfell
Nixon, Stephen Edward
Noonan, William
Norrie, Andrew.
Norton, Frank
O’Connell Family
O’Connor, Charles Yelverton
O’Connor, Ken
O'Connor, Pauline
O'Connor, Ray
Odgers Family
O'Harris, Pixie
Oliphant, Sir Mark
Olley Family
O'Meara, Martin
Omodei, Paul
Onslow Family
Orchard Family
Ord, Major St John
O'reilly, John Boyle
Ormerod, Jan
Orr Family
Overheu, Charles Harry
Owen, Maurice
Owen, Robert Austin
Padbury, Walter
Palmer, Cyril Bryan
Panter, Frederick Henry
Pash, Frank
Paterson Family
Paterson, John W
Pearse, (William) Silas
Pearson, Percy
Pell Family
Pelloe, Emily
Penna, Ruby
Perkins, Samuel Leslie
Perry, Shirley
Phillips, Robert Newton
Piccini, Peter
Piesse, F.H.
Pigott, Stanley Pash
Pigott, Sydney Capel
Pine, Sir Benjamin Chilley Campbell
Piper, Charles Gordon
Pizer, Era
Platell, Amanda
Pocklington, John Shaw
Pollard, Thomas
Ponton Brothers
Pope, Judith Campbell
Porcelli, Signor
Potter, John Augustus Charles
Potts, H.
Poynton, Charles
Preedy Family
Price, John Laurence Stuart
Prichard, Katherine Susannah
Prinsep, Henry
Prosser, Benjamin
Pryor, John S.
Purkis, John
Putland, John W.
Quilty, Thomas John
Quintrel, Josephl
Randolph Family
Ranford Family
Reading, Doctor Chris
Reddaway Family
Reid, Gordon Stanley
Reid, John
Rewell Families
Reynolds, John Heywood
Reynolds, Judith M
Reynolds, Mary
Richardson, Albert & Mary
Richardson, Robert Lawson
Riley, Charles Owen Leaver
Rinehart, Gina
Rischbieth Family
Robertson, Agnes
Robertson, Robert
Robinson, Dr WE (Bill)
Robinson, Henry
Robinson, Robert Thomson
Roe, Augustus Sanford Keats
Roe, John Frederick
Rosario, Rosemary
Rose, Elizabeth
Rose, Rhonda
Rowell, Harold M.
Rowell, Robert Mitford
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Copyright SLWA ©2010
Rowland, Richard & Elizabeth
Rudall, W.F.
Russel Family
Russian Jack
Russo, George
Ruston, E.C.
Rutter Family
Ryding, Don
Sabine, Henry George
Sachse, Bert
Sainken, Sol
Salom, Philip
Salvado, Bishop Rosendo
Sampson, R.A.
Samson Family
Samson, William
Sanders Family
Sanders, Margaret Anne
Savage, Thomas P.
Saw Family
Sayer, William Frederick
Scott, John
Seckington, Edward
Serventy, Dr Dominic Louis
Sharman Family
Sharr, F.A.
Shave, Doug
Shaw, Eliza
Sheard, Dr Keith
Shearer, Rev David
Sheepwash, Henry
Shenton, Arthur
Shenton, George
Sherlaw, Mr
Sherwood Family
Sherwood, Aubrey Thomas
Sholl Family
Sholl, William
Sievers, Christina
Simcock, David
Sims Family
Sinclair, Robert
Sinelnik Family
Singleton, Francis Corbet
Sivewright, Noel
Skinner, Mollie (Mary Louisa)
Skuse, James
Slater, William
Sligo, Norman K.
Sloman Family
Smart, Sir Eric
Smith, Charles
Smith, Eleanor
Smith, Isaac
Smith, Thomas
Smithson, Arthur (Barney)
Smith-Twining Family
Snell, William Albert
Solly, Clare
Soloman, Saul
Spencer, Capt Richard
Spencer, Charles Edwin
Spencer, M. Llewellyn
Spencer-Compton, G.
Spofforth, Edward
Spour, Henry R.
Stacey Family
Staer, John
Stanley Fowler
Stanton (Staunton), John
Steel, Pauline
Steere, Frederick Walter
Stephenson, Gordon
Stewart, Alex
Stirling, Edmund
Stirling, Sir James
Stokes Family 2
Stokes Family
Stokes, Thomas S
Stone Family
Stove Family
Street, David
Street, Mervyn
Suttie, David
Sutton, George Lowe
Sutton, John Family
Sweeney, George
Sweeting Family
Symonds Family
Syred Family
Szczurowski, Mariusz Piotr
Talbot, Albert Jesse (Tommy)
Tangney, Dame Dorothy Margaret
Tanner Family
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Tannock, Professor Peter Darcy
Tasker, Rolly
Taylor, John
Teede Family
Temperley, Norman
Tepper, J.O.
Thomas Family
Thomas, Charles Frederick and Winifred
Thomas, Lucy
Thomas, William Charles Family
Thompson, Geoffrey Ashburton
Thompson, George
Thomson Family
Throssell, George
Thurston, E. Paget
Tilly Family
Tobitt, George
Tonkin, John Foss
Tonkin, John Trezise
Traill Family
Traine, Thomas
Treberth Family
Trestrail, Rev. Thomas
Trigg, Henry
Trotman, H.S.
Trowbridge, Sir Richard
Trower, Rev. Gerard
Truslove Family
Tuckey Family
Tunney, Robert Mrs
Turner, James H.
Turner, William
Underwood, Eric John
Unstead Family
Unwin, Colin
Utting, James H.
Vaughan, Grace
Vickers, Frederick Bert
Vike, Harald
Vile, Ellen
Vincent, Ellen Louisa Helena
Vincent, Victor Seddon
Vines, Freda
Viveash Family
Vivian, Arthur Brian
Von Bibra Family
Waldron, Marion
Wallace, Donald Frank
Walsh, Elizabeth
Walsh, Julitha
Walton, Edward Storry
Wansbrough Family
Warner, Dave
Watkins, Griffith
Watson ,William and Catherine Family
Watson Family
Wearne Family
Webb, William and Lucy
Weld, Sir Frederick & Lady Filumena Mary
Wells, Lawrence Allen
Wentzell, Michael
Wheatley, Peter
Whelan, Robert Ford
White, Tim
Whitely, John Francis
Whittell, Hubert Massey
Wiese, R.L.(Bob).
Wilberfoss Family
Willey, Thomas John
Williams, John (Jack)
Wilson, Charles
Wilson, Thomas Braidwood
Wilson, William John
Windich, Tommy
Wisdom, Evan Alexander
Wise, Frank
Wollaston Family
Wollaston, John Ramsden
Wright, George Thomas
Wright, Hilda Margaret Fendick
Yarran, Norman Joseph
York Family
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