Workplace Violence and Harassment Quiz

Workplace Violence and Harassment Quiz
1. Under the Occupational Health & Safety Act - Workplace Violence and Harassment applies to which of the
following individuals:
a) Employees only
b) Employees and their spouses
c) Employees and anyone who is not an employee of the organization, such as landowners, clients,
delivery persons, and members of the public
d) Managers
2. Which of the following is an example of workplace violence:
Verbal threat
Threatening note
Throwing an object at someone
All of the above
3. You encounter an angry customer at work who you feel could potentially become violent. Choose the best
course of action:
Cross your arms and stand very close to them, challenge them to back down
Look uninterested, turn your back to them, and walk away
Tell the customer to calm down and relax
Stay Calm, listen, respond calmly and with concern, seem sympathetic to their concerns
4. Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, can employees refuse to work where workplace violence is
likely to endanger a worker?
a) True
b) False
5. You are working at the cash register when a customer approaches you and says “Give me all the money,
or else…” Choose the best course of action:
a) Refuse to give him the money because you’re worried your manager would be upset with you
b) Be a hero, chase him down and apprehend him because you are tougher than he is
c) Hand over the money, remember the details of the thief as best as you can (appearance, clothes,
vehicle, direction etc) and contact the police and your supervisor afterwards
6. You are physically attacked by an angry customer. The best thing to do is to make a scene by yelling or
screaming as loud as possible until help comes.
a) True – try shouting words like STOP, HELP, or FIRE, attract as much attention to yourself as possible.
b) False – you should handle the situation yourself, you don’t want to bother other customers/employees
Continued on next page…
Workplace Violence and Harassment Quiz
7. Under the Occupational Health & Safety Act, an employee’s responsibilities are:
a) Immediately report any incidence of violence
b) Cooperate during the investigation process and with police
c) Refrain from engaging in violent behaviour
d) All of the above
8. Sally asked for this coming weekend off of work. Her manager felt the park would be busy and scheduled
her in anyway. This is considered workplace harassment.
a) True
b) False
9. What should you do if you are being harassed?
a) Document your conversation
b) Review your behaviour to make sure it isn’t your fault
c) Tell the person to stop
d) A & C
10. You’ve been experiencing some form of continuous workplace harassment from a co-worker. You’ve
already asked your co-worker to stop, but they haven’t. What should your next step be?
a) Ignore the situation as best you can, it’s more likely to stop this way
b) Harass them back
c) Avoid the co-worker as best you can by switching any shifts you have to work with them
d) Tell your supervisor
11. Spreading rumors about your co-workers through text messages is acceptable because text messages
are private.
a) True
b) False
12. What are some of the forms of discipline that may be taken against an employee who is determined to be
harassing another co-worker.
a) A verbal or written warning or suspension without pay
b) Termination with or without cause
c) A demotion
d) Reassignment or transfer
e) All of the above
13. It isn’t harassment unless it’s intentional.
a) True
b) False