Course Syllabus for Spring 2011, PY205N, Sections 010 and 011

Course Syllabus for Spring 2011, PY205N, Sections 010 and 011
Instructor: Thomas P. Pearl (, Phone: 919-513-7360
Office hours and location: MWF 1:30-2:45 PM or by appointment, 443 Riddick
Class description:
First semester of a two-semester sequence in introductory physics, with coordinated laboratory
problem-solving experiences. A calculus-based study of mechanics, sound, and heat.
Class location and meeting times:
Sec. 010: MWF 3:00-3:50 PM, 321 Riddick
Sec. 011: MWF 12:25-1:15 PM, 301 Riddick
Class Web site: then click on Sec. 010 or 011.
Course prerequisites:
The prerequisite for PY 205 is MA 141 with a grade of C− or better. A high degree of fluency in
algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus (differential, less so integral) is essential. Students
not meeting the prerequisite must either drop the course or present a written request for
exemption signed by their advisor or the appropriate person in the Academic Affairs Office or
Dean’s Office of their College. Students who do not meet the prerequisite or do not obtain an
approved exemption may be dropped from the roll.
Course Objectives: Students will:
(1) Acquire an overview of the general principles of physics, and how they apply to one- and
two-dimensional motion, rotational motion, oscillations, waves, sound, fluids, and heat;
(2) Learn how to solve elementary physics problems systematically, logically, and quantitatively
through the use of techniques based on algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and graphical methods;
(3) Gain laboratory experience in the measurement of physical quantities.
Student Learning Objectives:
These objectives list the topics that a student must know and be able to do to demonstrate
mastery of the material presented in this course. The Learning Objectives for each test and the
final exam will be posted on the course web site prior to the first lecture of the sequence leading
to the next exam, and as such will serve as both a study outline and a summary of items to
review prior to the exam.
Required materials:
Textbook: D. C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 1, 4th ed.
2009 Cost: $100.50*
Alternate textbook: e-book D. C. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Vol. 1, 4th ed.
(540-day subscription for complete book)
2008 Cost: $94.30**
WebAssign Access for homework and laboratory manual
Year: 2011 Cost: $67.95
* NCSU Bookstore price for a used copy; **
Laboratory information:
Information about the laboratory associated with PY205N, for example schedules of
Grading Policy:
Your final numerical score and therefore letter grade in PY205N will be determined by the
combined scores that you achieve on homework assignments, tests, laboratory work, and class
participation according to the following schedule:
Component Weight Score Grade:
Tests* (4 @ 14% each) 56%
Homework 5%
Class participation 4%
Laboratory** 10%
Final exam 25%
*If it is advantageous to your grade, your
lowest test score will be replaced by the
average of that score and the score that you
receive on the final exam.
**Any student who receives a grade of less
than 50% in the laboratory will fail the
course regardless of how high the other
scores may be.
Letter grade assignments:
97−100 A+
93−96.99 A
90−92.99 A−
87−89.99 B+
83−86.99 B
80−82.99 B−
77−79.99 C+
73−76.99 C
70−72.99 C−
67−69.99 D+
63−66.99 D
60−62.99 D−
59.99 and lower: F
Late assignments and incomplete grades:
Extensions will be granted on homework deadlines with excused absences. Partially completed
work will be given partial credit.
Absences and scheduled makeup work:
Makeup tests are permitted for students with excused absences, including documented illnesses
and/or class conflicts.
Tutorial center:
The Physics Department provides a walk-in Tutorial Center at Riddick 319A, which is staffed by
teaching assistants familiar with the material. The Center is open every day (MTWTF) from
11:30 am to 1:20 pm and MTWT (but not F) from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. NCSU also offers free
tutoring and supplemental instruction at the Undergraduate Tutorial Center. See
Statement on academic integrity:
I am committed to upholding the University policy on academic integrity, as described in the
See especially
Sec. 1 and Secs. 7 through 12. I expect students enrolled in this course also to abide by
University policy concerning academic integrity. In placing your name on any paper
(homework, test, final exam, lab report) to be graded, you affirm that you have neither given nor
received unauthorized aid on the work submitted. Should this not be the case, the work will not
be accepted and a grade of zero will be recorded. If you are caught cheating on a test or exam,
the minimum penalty will be a grade of F on the exam and the maximum will be a grade of F in
the course.
Statement for students with disabilities:
Reasonable accommodations will be made for students with verifiable disabilities. To take
advantage of available accommodations, students must register with the Disability Services for
Students at 1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information for
both students and instructors on the policy of NC State regarding students with disabilities, see
Statement on laboratory safety or risk assumption:
The Physics Department continually strives to make its laboratory activities as safe as possible.
Statement on extra expenses:
Beyond the purchase of the textbook, WebAssign access, and a suitable calculator, there are no
significant extra expenses.
Statement on transportation:
Other information relevant to the course:
I may post notes or other study aids on the section Web site as the course progresses. You will
be notified of these either in the lectures or by Email.
Class evaluations:
Online class evaluations will be available for students to complete from 12 pm 14 April through
8 am 04 May at An Email reminder will be sent by NCSU as the time
approaches. All evaluations are confidential: instructors will not know how any one student
responded to any given question, and students will not be able to access the ratings for any
instructor. See for assistance. More information can be found at