BioB 4W3 Fungi (divide by 7.6)

BioB 4W3 Fungi (divide by 7.6)
Complete each sentence or statement.
(4 points) Filaments
called _________________________ grow on top of the soil and form the major part of a
(4 points) A
(4 points) Fungi
(4 points) Ascocarps
(4 points) _________________________
(4 points) A
(4 points) _________________________
(4 points) The
(4 points) The
hyphae that grow on the top of the food source are the _________________________.
(4 points) The
phylum _________________________ includes the sac fungi, also called ascomycetes.
_________________________ is the club-like reproductive structure of a basidiomycete.
in the group _________________________ reproduce through basidiospores.
are produced by members of the phylum _________________________, or the sac fungi.
are eukaryotic heterotrophic organisms with cell walls made of chitin.
fungus that infects the skin around the toes is called _________________________.
is a fungus that infects the mouth and tongue.
_________________________ are the imperfect fungi, the left-over group, also called Phylum
(4 points) In
(4 points) In
the following group of words, identify which one does not belong in the group and explain why:
Ascocarp, Basidium, Conidiophore, Rhizoids.
the following group of words, identify which one does not belong in the group and explain why:
Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Hyphae, Zygomycota.
Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
____ 13.
(1 point) Fungi
have _______ in their cell walls, fungus like protists do not.
a. Chloroplasts
____ 14.
(1 point) What
a. Sac Fungi
b. Ions
c. Proteins
d. Chitin
is the common name for Ascomycota?
b. Imperfect Fungi
c. Common Mold
d. Club Fungi
____ 15.
____ 16.
(1 point) The
thick mass of hyphae that make up the visible body of fungi
a. Hyphae
b. Rhizopus
(1 point) What
is the common name for Deuteromycota?
a. Sac Fungi
____ 17.
b. Club Fungi
(1 point) Which
(1 point) The
____ 21.
(1 point) What
b. Ascocarp
c. Club Fungi
d. Sac Fungi
b. animals
(1 point) The
division of fungi has common molds and mildew as its members.
(1 point) The
(1 point) The
c. fungi
(1 point) The
(1 point) The
(1 point) The
d. plants
b. Basidiomycota
c. Ascomycota
d. Deuteromycota
common molds belong to the group _____
b. rhizopus
c. basidiomycota
d. zygomycota
club fungi, also called basidiomycetes or mushrooms
b. mushrooms
c. fungi
d. athlete’s foot
spores produced by an ascomycete
b. Basidium
c. Conidiophore
d. Deuteromycota
root like mold hyphae that go through the bread's surface
a. Rhizoids
____ 26.
d. Basidiospores
a. algae
a. Conidia
____ 25.
d. Chitinologist
is an ecological role filled by _____
a. Phylum Basidiomycota
____ 24.
c. Ascomycota
b. Common Mold
(1 point) Decomposition
a. ringworm
____ 23.
c. Ascologist
is the common name for Zygomycota?
a. Zygomycota
____ 22.
d. Common Mold
sac fungi
a. Imperfect Fungi
____ 20.
c. Imperfect Fungi
b. Deuteromycologist
a. Basidiomycota
____ 19.
d. Mycelium
of the following is the scientific name for someone who studies fungi?
a. Mycologist
____ 18.
c. Rhizoids
b. Mycelium
c. Hyphae
d. Rhizopus
spore producing structure of fungi
a. sporangia
b. Phylum Deuteromycota
c. Phylum Zygomycota
d. ringworm
____ 27.
(1 point) Over
time, nutrients at the center of a large underground mycelium become depleted, causing new
mushrooms to spout only:
a. In a cluster at the center.
b. In a ring at the outer edges.
c. After budding takes place.
d. When the
nutrients are replaced.
____ 28.
(1 point) Specialized
a. Stems
____ 29.
b. Rhizoids
(1 point) Bread
(1 point) A
(1 point) A
____ 33.
____ 34.
____ 35.
b. Sac Fungi
b. Zygote
____ 38.
c. sporangia
c. Zygomycota
d. ringworm
d. Zygospore
(1 point) The
club fungi, also called basidiomycetes or Phylum Basidiomycota
a. thrush
b. athlete’s foot
(1 point) The
cell walls of fungi are made of:
a. Lignin
b. Love
(1 point) Common
c. Glucose
b. Mycelium
(1 point) The
common molds
(1 point) What
d. Chitin
b. Zygote
c. Rhizopus
d. Rhizoids
c. Stolons
d. Zygomycota
do NOT:
b. Grow on their food source
c. Absorb food through cell walls
is the common name for Basidiomycota?
a. Club Fungi
b. Imperfect Fungi
(1 point) Common
black bread mold
a. Rhizopus
d. mushrooms
black bread mold
a. Hyphae
(1 point) Fungi
c. fungi
a. Living as an animal parasite
d. Perform photosynthesis
____ 37.
d. Imperfect Fungi
resting spore that contains zygotes formed during the sexual phase of the mold's life cycle
a. Zygospore
____ 36.
c. Common molds
b. Phylum Zygomycota
a. Stolons
____ 32.
d. Sporangia
fungus that infects the mouth and tongue
a. thrush
____ 31.
c. Asci
mold and mildew fit under which Fungi category?
a. Club Fungi
____ 30.
hyphae that absorb nutrients and anchor common molds to their food source are called?
b. Stolons
c. Sac Fungi
c. Ringworm
d. Common Mold
d. Rhizoids
____ 39.
(1 point) A
a. Yeast
____ 40.
mushroom is a fungal:
b. Lichen
(1 point) Which
c. Mycorrhiza
d. Fruiting body
of the following represent the four divisions of the Kingdom Fungi?
a. Common molds, Morels, Birds nest fungi, Hyphae b. Chitinmycota, Basidiomycota, Ascomycota,
rhizomycota c. Bread molds, mushrooms, truffles, and penicillium molds d. Deuteromycota,
Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Zygomycota