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Study Guide for Exam 1 –
36 multiple choice questions worth 1 point each and probably a couple of extra
credit problems.
Bring a pencil with you to the exam.
Note: I will NOT ask you court cases by name, but when a court case in mentioned in
the key terms at the end of a chapter, you should know the content of the ruling
(what the Supreme Court said, though not the specific name of the case). So for
example, you don’t need to know Gregg v. Georgia by name, but you should know
that the Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the death penalty, as an
extreme sanction suitable to the most extreme of crimes. (p. 132).
* Know all terms on p. 6 (terms and corresponding page numbers listed). These are
the key terms that are defined in the margins of the chapter pages.
* General questions:
1. What differences do the graphs on p. 5 and p. 6 show between younger and older
Americans, with regard to political interest (how frequently people follow politics),
political knowledge and voter turnout?
2. What are some of the challenges to democracy that the authors discuss on pp. 1718?
3. What are the main features of the American creed/political culture as described
by Lipset and summarized on pp. 19-21?
4. What do the authors say about the existence of a “culture war” in America? Do
they suggest that scholars find strong evidence for a cultural war among ordinary
citizens? (p. 21-22).
* Know all terms on p. 65 (terms and corresponding page numbers listed)
* General questions:
1. Who were the 55 men at the Constitutional Convention? (what were some of their
characteristics) And what “common core” of ideas did they share? (pp. 41-42)
2. How did the backgrounds/demographic characteristics of the Federalists and
anti-Federalists, who fought over ratification of the Constitution, differ? (p. 52 – see
table 2.5)
2. What are some reasons why the Constitution has changed “informally”, according
to the authors? (pp. 56-59).
3. What are the “pros” and “cons” of the separation of powers and system of checks
and balances that are part of our constitution? (pp. 61-63).
* Know all terms on p. 95 (terms and corresponding page numbers listed)
* General questions
1. Who have been the main supporters of devolution (for example, in the 1990s and
again today)? (p. 82-83)
2. What is meant by a “mandate” and why don’t states like them sometimes?
Consider mandates such as the Clean Air Act and American with Disabilities Act (p.
3. Do the authors believe that the federal system has contributed to democracy? (pp.
90-92) What are the advantages and disadvantages that they see?
* Know all terms on p. 140 (terms and corresponding page numbers listed)
*General questions:
1. What has the Supreme Court ruled with regard to free speech as it relates to
money in campaigns? (p. 119)
2. What is the basis for a “right to privacy? What has the Supreme Court ruled about
restrictions on abortion (in its 1973 ruling, Roe v. Wade, and afterwards)? (pp. 135136)
* Know all terms on p. 177 (terms and corresponding page numbers listed)
* General questions:
1. What are some ways that federal laws (such as the Civil Rights Act, the Equal Pay
Act, and the Education Act of 1972) and the Supreme Court have protected women
against gender discrimination? (p. 162-166, starting with “The Second Feminist