Sociology 365Y - Gender Relations Second Essay Assignment Prof

Sociology 365Y - Gender Relations
Second Essay Assignment
Prof. B. Fox
Due: March 2, 2010
Office hrs: Tues, Thurs 3-4
This is an essay on Arlie Hochschild’s The Second Shift. Using Hochschild’s key concepts –
gender ideology, gender strategy and economy of gratitude – explain why the Delacortes and the
Tanagawas handled the ‘second shift’ as they did. In explaining the allocation of this work for
each couple, describe each adult’s gender ideology and strategy, and the couple’s economy of
gratitude (if relevant). Be sure to explain both the men’s and the women’s behaviour as well.
Conclude with a paragraph on what is necessary, according to Hochschild’s overall
findings (which are now old), for more egalitarian patterns to become common.
For help with your writing see: Click on ‘advice’
Essay Requirements/Specifications:
Page limit: 6 pages
Font (type size): 12 pitch (no smaller)
Spacing: double spacing
Margins: 1 inch all around
Presentation: Use a title page, with your name in the lower right-hand corner.
Referencing: Please read the University statement on plagiarism before you begin (see pp. 3, 4 of
Syllabus). Never copy from books without citing them. Always use quotation marks around
phrases and sentences taken directly from any text, and use proper citation (wt. author, date, page
number). If you paraphrase text, you must also use proper citation, with page numbers (in
parentheses). Try to avoid paraphrasing, though: you are graded on how well you seem to have
thought about the material, and quoting or paraphrasing a lot is a sign that you have not given the
text enough thought to put it into your own words. PLAGIARISM is a serious academic offense.
Style examples: 1. direct quotation: According to Stansell (1987: 11), “to analyze the
disintegration of productive household economies is a complicated enterprise.” [or, if the
author’s name is not used in the sentence, put the citation at the end: (Stansell, 1987: 11) ].
Or 2. paraphrasing: Hochschild (1989: 18) argues that people develop strategies to address
daily problems which incorporate their ideas about gender and their own gender identity; she
calls these “gender strategies” [or, if the name is not in the sentence, put at the end: (Hochschild
1989: 18)].
Late penalty: Two points will be lost every day past the due date (except for Sat. and
Sun.). When handing in the essay outside of class, please either put it under my office door, or
put it in the third-year ‘mail boxes’ in room 225 on the second floor of the Sociology Department
(725 Spadina) Be sure to stamp the date on the essay, whichever way you leave it.
Please contact me if you have a problem that prevents you from doing the essay on time.
Unless there is a very good reason, a paper will not be accepted after March 30.