Religion Comparison Chart

Religion Comparison Chart
Directions: Using pages 82-95, write out and fill in the appropriate information for each religion
(Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism). Each of the 7
religions should have the same information. Put this in your notebook as notes.
1. Buddhism
a. Founder (person who started religion):
b. Sacred Text (Holy Book):
c. Sacred Symbol (draw and explain):
d. Sacred Sites (places):
e. Worship/Celebrations (important holidays/celebrations if listed):
2. Christianity
a. Founder (person who started religion):
b. Sacred Text (Holy Book):
c. Sacred Symbol (draw and explain):
d. Sacred Sites (places):
e. Worship/Celebrations (important holidays/celebrations if listed):
3. Confucianism (Repeat above A-E for all remaining religions…)
4. Hinduism (Repeat above A-E for all remaining religions…)
5. Islam (Repeat above A-E for all remaining religions…)
6. Judaism (Repeat above A-E for all remaining religions…)
7. Sikhism (Repeat above A-E for all remaining religions…)