Giving Blood: Process Essay

Giving Blood:
Process Essay
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Giving blood is a very simple process. This essay will outline the main steps in donating blood.
your steps
“Where” sentence
The first stage happens before donation. This process begins when the donor visits the blood center. This can be in a clinic or “The first step hospital or sometimes in a mobile clinic at a school or mall. The is” + NOUN first step is registration. Here, the donor is asked some questions and a small sample of his blood is tested. This is to check if he is free from diseases or if it is safe for him to give blood, as well as to find the blood group. Sometimes, the donor's blood pressure and pulse are checked.
Donation is the next stage. After the blood has been tested, a needle is inserted into the arm. It should not hurt much. The needle is connected to a bag which collects the blood. About 500 ml of blood is withdrawn, and this process takes about 10 minutes. Sometimes it helps if you are given a small ball to squeeze while donating. The important thing is to relax.
After giving blood, it is a good idea to rest for a few minutes. This is because the donor may feel a little dizzy at first. Usually, donors are given some juice or some snacks to help them recover, and sometimes a small souvenir like a pen or a keyring. In about five or ten minutes, most donors feel fine. Conclusion: repeat In conclusion, giving blood is not a difficult process, and it is in different words something that can even save your life or the life of someone in your family. I encourage everyone to give some blood today!
Conclusion: summary, advice, or future
“Why” sentence