God Made the Moon, the Stars, and the Sky

God Made the Moon, the
Stars, and the Sky
Help your child use a tripod grasp to trace
and color the moon with a yellow crayon.
Color the stars with little scribbles.
Take your child outside
on a clear night to see
the moon and stars.
“God made the two great lights, the greater
one to govern the day and the lesser one to govern the night; and he
made the stars. Genesis 1: 16,17
Color with yellow.
Let your child help
make scrambled
eggs. Notice the
yellow yolk. Have him
help to stir it, and
watch as you cook it.
Help your child use a tripod grasp to make stripes on
the zebra. Can you think of other striped animals?
Go through your closet and see
how many things have stripes!
Find pictures of striped animals
in animal books.
“Praise the Lord from the earth…you wild beasts
and all tame animals…” Psalm 148: 1,10
Color with orange.
Look around your home for things
that are colored orange. Help
make orange juice.
Trace the B's.
Color the picture.
Fold a blank sheet of paper in half.
Open it and dab tempora paint on it.
Close and rub in a circular motion. When
you open it, you'll have a Butterfly!
Color the feathers. Use a pencil eraser to make dots for bird seed
for the birds to eat. Can you think of other feathered animals?
Hang a pinecone birdfeeder of
peanut butter and birdseed from a
tree and observe the different birds
that come to eat.
God created…..all kinds of winged birds. Genesis 1:21
Have your child look in a mirror at his hair, eye, and skin color.
Have him color in details to match how he looks. Print your child's
name and have him trace over it.
"Truly you have formed my inmost being;
you knit me in my mother’s womb." Psalm 139:13