Live Cell 3D Confocal Techniques, FRET, FRAP and Spectral Imaging

A Nikon Seminar:
Current Topics in Confocal Microscopy
Live Cell 3D Confocal Techniques,
FRET, FRAP and Spectral Imaging
Presented by: James Sanzo, Ph.D.
Advanced BioSystems Specialist
Nikon Instruments, Inc.
May 4th 10:00 AM
Room MDC 1004
Michael Davidson of the National High Magnetic
Field Laboratory at FSU states, "That is a
smoking hot system," he says, "I am
recommending that (Nikon’s A1R) to anybody
that calls me that wants to do multiple types of
Michael Davidson, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, FSU
Dr. Byeong Cha, Core Facility Manager – 813-396-2535
John Zentmeyer, Nikon Advanced Imaging Rep. 352-267-1783