Japanese Language Education in the 21st Century

The Association of Teachers of Japanese in Oregon
The PSU Center for Japanese Studies
Invite you to attend a
Lecture and Seminar in Japanese with:
Dr. Yasu-Hiko Tohsaku
Professor of Japanese language and Director of the Japanese Language Programs
The University of California in San Diego
Japanese Language Education in the 21st Century
Saturday, December 6th, 2014 – 1:15-3:30 pm
Portland State University – Smith Memorial Student Union, Rm. 333
Admission is free. To attend please RSVP to Masayuki Itomitsu @ mitomit@linfield.edu
Professor Y.-.H. Tohsaku is Professor and Director of the Language Program at the
School of International Relations and Pacific Studies of the University of California,
San Diego (UCSD). He is also Director of the Japanese Language Program at UCSD.
Professor Tohsaku received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from UCSD, and his research
interests include Second Language Acquisition, Foreign Language Pedagogy, and
Language Assessment.
Professor Tohsaku has served as Past President of the American Association of
Teachers of Japanese (AATJ), Executive Board member for National Standards for
Foreign Language Education Project, Project Leader for the Japanese Language
Education Global Articulation Project (J‐GAP), Project Director for JOINT
(Japanese Online Instructional Network For Teachers) and President of Computer
Assisted Systems For Teaching & Learning Japanese (CASTEL/J), among many
Professor Tohsaku's recent publications include Yookoso!: An Invitation to
Contemporary Japanese 3rd Edition and Yookoso!: Continuing with Contemporary
Japanese 3rd Edition (New York: McGraw-Hill 2006), 『ドラえもんのどこでも日
本語』(共著) 小学館 2010、『外国語学習のめやす -高等学校の中国語と韓国語
教育からの提言』(共著) 国際文化フォーラム 2012,『ニッポン 3.0 の処方箋』講
談社 2013.
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