Psychological Disorders Project

(Not a Diagnostic Activity)
Everyone will be assigned a psychological disorder. You will then be required to teach the
class about that disorder. The expectations regarding what you need to tell them about it are
Your project must answer each of the questions in the bulleted list, clearly and fully.
• Define the disorder. What are the common characteristics?
• What typically causes this particular disorder? Think about biological, psychological,
or biopsychosocial? Explain clearly.
What are the symptoms? How does this disorder make someone feel?
How does this disorder make everyday life difficult for the person who suffers from it?
Give specific examples/scenarios.
How does this disorder play out in the United States? Who typically is affected by this
disorder? Think overall statistics, statistics by state, major cities, etc. Look at age,
gender, race, occupation…
How is this disorder treated? Are there specific types of medication prescribed? Are
there natural or alternative treatments for this disorder? Be as specific as possible.
Summarize a specific case study. You can find some on Marvel. Some disorders
have famous cases that you could research and report out on.
o You should create a Keynote, PowerPoint, or Prezi (although if there is another
presentation program out there that you would like to use, that is just fine!).
o You should have at least 2 slides of information for each bullet above.
o All resources, including pictures, must be cited using MLA format, although internal
citations are not necessary.
o Editing is a must!!
You can earn 10 bonus points for finding and incorporating a RELEVANT video clip
that is 5 minutes or less.