Practice at Home: La famille

Practice at Home: La famille
Dear Parents,
In French we have learned the names of the different members of the family. Please use
these sheets to help practice tha vocabulary at home. Included here are some flashcards and
several Review Games to help you help your child(ren) practise our new vocabulary. Please refer
to the vocabulary list below for reference.
Vocabulary List:
masculin words:
un père
un grand-père
un mari
un fils
un petit-fils
un frère
un oncle
un cousin
un neveu
un enfant
un bébé
un gardien
des enfants
des parents
des grand-parents
féminine words
une mère
une grand-mère
une femme
une fille
une petite-fille
une soeur
une cousine
une nièce
une enfante
une famille
une gardienne
des enfantes
a father/dad
a grandfather
a husband
a son
a grandson
a brother
an uncle
a cousin (male)
a nephew
a child (male)
a baby
a babysitter/guardian (male)
children (just males or males and females)
a mother/mom
a grandmother
a wife
a daughter
a granddaughter
a sister
a cousin (female)
a niece
a child (female)
a family
a babysitter/guardian (female)
children (just females)
une tante
une cousine
une nièce
une fille
une soeur
une mère
une grand-mère
une petite-fille
une gardienne
un oncle
un cousin
un neveu
un fils
un frère
un père
un grand-père
un petit-fils
un gardien
une famille
les parents
les grand-parents
un bébé
un enfant
une enfante
des enfants
un mari
une femme
Review Games:
Cut apart the flashcards to play the following games:
• Use the cards as straight forward flashcards—where you have your child look at the picture and
say the French word, or have them say the English word for the French word on the flashcards.
2. Memory
• Flip the picture and word cards upside down. Flip over two cards at a time and try to find a
3. Go fish/Va pêcher
• Use the picture cards and their matching word. Each person starts with 5 cards. Try to find the
match to the cards in your hand by asking the other players for that card. Ask for the card in
French—example: I have the picture card of a baby in my hand and I ask for UN BÉBÉ from
another player; I have the word UN ONCLE in my hand so I ask for (the picture card of) UN
ONCLE from another player. If the other player does not have the requested card, pick a card
up from the pile (go fish). If you match all the cards in your hand and there are still cards in the
pile, select 3 more cards from the pile and continue playing until all the cards have been
matched. The player with the most matches wins.
4. Mix it up and Race to Match
• Put the cards face up and mixed up in a pile. The race is to try to match all the cards correctly.
Time your child and record the time. Have your child try to beat his/her time.
5. Qui est Qui? Refer to the next page (with the picture of the family tree on it) and follow the
instructions below.
Thank you for your help by practising at home.
Madame Schouten
5. Qui est qui?
Activity: Qui est qui?
Ask your child(ren) who is who to practice the different family vocabulary.
1. You say: Jack est le (hmmmm) d'Emily. Your child says: Jack est le cousin d'Emily.
2. You say: Mary est la (hmmmm) de William. Your child says: Mary est la femme de
3. etc.
Ask your child(ren) qui est qui by saying: Qui est le/la ___________ de ___________?
1. You say: Qui est le cousin de Peter? Your child says: Jack est le cousin de Peter.
2. You say: Qui est la mère de John? Your child says: Diana est la mère de John.
3. Etc.
**Try to get your child(ren) to say the answers in complete sentences.