Study Guide for Chaucer Quiz

Study Guide for Chaucer Quiz – Know the following; quiz Thursday
Geoffrey Chaucer 1343-1400
Made English a “respectable” language for great works of literature
There is a Frame narrative: pilgrims going on pilgrimage to Canterbury, telling stories along the way
The most moral and entertaining story was to win dinner and drinks; there were 29 pilgrims
He satirizes members of the clergy for immoral behavior
He uses direct and indirect characterization to flesh out his characters
Know the following stories:
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue – esp. the 4th and 5th husbands (Honors)
The Wife of Bath’s Tale
The Pardoner’s Tale: the plot, the characters, the moral
Miller’s Tale: the plot, the characters, the moral
Reeve’s Tale: the plot, the characters, the moral (Honors)
Federigo’s Falcon
Gift of the Magi